
Reborn as Nagato(hiatus)

A logical young man is reborn as nagato, will knowing the future help him in his quest to destroy his fate or will it hinder him? Warning:-I don't own Naruto

Zozo_77 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

On September 19th, BNb 19, a baby boy named Nagato was born in a small hut located in one of the many villages that made up Amegakure. Despite being born during a turbulent time marked by war approaching between Konohagakure, Sunagakure, and Iwagakure, his birth was unremarkable.

Months later, Nagato lay in his small bed, glaring up at the ceiling with cold, calculating eyes. He had overheard his parents speaking about the chaos outside their home, and his mind was in turmoil.

It wasn't until those five months that he finally realized the truth about his situation. He was living in the Naruto universe, and he was Nagato. His thin, frail body belied the powerful and intelligent mind that lay within, and he couldn't believe that he had been so slow to recognize his true identity.


After the initial shock of realizing my true identity, I was able to regain my senses rapidly. I refused to dwell on the fact that I was born as a future antagonist of a stupid blonde and instead quickly decided to remember all the plot points I could and sealed them in my mind whatever they were from the naruto or boruto series or even fanfiction. In this world, where both physical and mental energies give power, remembering memories was an easy task as long as one was smart enough to figure out the trick.

After organizing my memories, I finally came up with a plan. The first priority was to unblock my chakra. If I could unblock it within the next three years, I could potentially change the fate of the Uzumaki clan. This would be a huge help for my growth, as I didn't intend to be taught by the hypocrite Jiraiya. For now, I focused on meditation.

Several months passed and I turned one year old. The yang energy provided by my Uzumaki blood was of great help to my muscle development, but I didn't strain myself too much as it required too much energy from my cells. This was rare, as my family was poor. Speaking of my family, I resented them a little. In the future, they would be killed by Konoha and I didn't think I would shed a tear about them. Even if the strong emotional control of my past life was destroyed by either Nagato's soul or the Uzumaki temperament, I didn't care too much for it. After six months of meditation, my emotions started to come back, albeit not as fast as I would have liked.

On a positive note, it was my birthday today, and my mother made more food than usual. This meant that I would awaken my chakra today in the house during their work, after finishing eating I went to my bed and my parent didn't stop me I always made sure to sleep when they enter so now they don't bother me and I could open my chakra path in peace.

Forming or unblocking chakra was harder than one can believe, with this meal the yang energies should be ready to mix with my yin energy...

Three years later

On a mountain we could see a small figure running, it was Nagato who finished his fourth birthday. At first glance, the child appeared quite dirty with long red hair flowing down his back. However, as soon as he brushed his hair aside, his eyes became visible, and one could see that they were anything but ordinary. Though they appeared normal at first glance, a closer inspection would reveal that his eyes were filled with wisdom and determination far beyond his years. This was none other than Nagato, a child of only four years old.

As I walked down the mountain, memories of the past three years flooded my mind. After awakening my chakra, I set out to master the three academic jutsu. It was a difficult task, made all the more challenging by my lack of guidance and my reliance on memories of a show. But through sheer determination and effort, I managed to perform them at a basic level.

In the second year ( at 2-3 years old) I was finally allowed to exit the home and was able to hunt some animals in secret to eat more but it was not the only thing I did, yes I also searched for some plants that could help me but it seemed that they did not exist in ame or were rare. In my spare time, I started doing light exercising my chakra with exercises like leaf concentration or tree climbing. I also engaged in physical exercises like the horse stance, as well as dexterity and strength training exercises like push-ups without pushing to the real limit like Kakashi did so young exhausting his potential in rush to acquire power.

And in the third year(3-4), I finished learning the language of this world whatever it was written or spoken, the reason I was this late was not that I was stupid on the contrary but literacy seemed to be extremely rare in a poor region. On the other hand, I was finally able to send a shadow clone in the form of a bird and another under a henge on uzushiokagure with a message destined for the uzukage although I did write some solution to avoid the catastrophe I will only know if they listened to me in the future but seeing the state he was in after I informed him there was more than 70% of chance he would believe me.

Anyways from now on it's not my business if they trust me, I will have a higher chance to power up more quickly. For now, I should focus on escaping this village with the money I stole over the years although it wasn't much it would be enough to sustain myself as I journeyed beyond the village on my own. I had tried to reason with my parents about the war that was brewing, but it seemed that they were completely oblivious to the danger that was ninjas. Their unwavering loyalty to the ninja of Konoha and Ame blinded them to the reality of the situation, and they refused to listen to my pleas.

It was frustrating and disheartening to see them so blind to the truth, especially when the fate of the village hung in the balance. But I knew that there was nothing more that I could do to convince them. Their minds were made up, and they were determined to stay no matter what but for me, it was at this moment that I cut my ties with them, I was always reluctant to call them my parent although I trusted a little in the saying of "blood is thicker than water" I wasn't a saint by any means and trying to change their death was just a way for me to repay the original Nagato for gifting me his body but it seemed that after this reject the obsession of the newborn soul of Nagato I had in my head all these years finally broke succeeding in freeing me of his emotional influence and allowing me to regain full capacity of the emotion control I had in my past life.

I packed up my supplies in a bag I build with some clothing I couldn't put anymore and prepared to leave. I slipped out of the village in the morning and embarked on my journey to the peak in a country where car and death will become a common sight in some years, where every step could mean the difference between life and death. But I was also filled with a sense of determination, knowing that my path would lead me to greatness if I played it right which seemed easy with all the foreknowledge I had.