
Reborn as Miyamura with a system

After the death of Tenjo Yuuta the only thing he hoped to get reincarnated into an anime world with a reliable system. And he does get reincarnated in the world of Horimiya with a system which was slightly different yet fully reliable for the mc. Due to his good deeds God asked for any one wish he wants and the god was surprised that instead of op powers and skill he actually asked for... A/n : This is my first fan fic novel so please be gentle when you criticise. There will be plot holes but I will try to minimise it. Our mc will be reincarnated as Miyamura and this story doesn't seek the harem route and he doesn't end up with Kyouko Hori in this fan fic so sorry for Horimiya fans. As for the love interest...hmmm...she will be revealed in the initials chapters. Tho I can't promise on only one potential love interest but the maximum will be only two so it won't be a harem. Another thing this novel does contain lots of romance but action will go hand in hand and it's not necessary that you have to watch any anime mentioned in the novel as I will not go so deep in any anime I am going to add .

Svneighter · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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49 Chs

G.O.D and the sole wish

While observing my surroundings I made a step forward and realised I wasn't even walking or more like I didn't had proper feet to walk on.

I was floating slightly above the white floor and my body was emitting a while brilliant light which wasn't my original body in any sense. Then I realised I wasn't even breathing and my body temperature was negative.

I was checking my body when the old man suddenly disappeared from the table and tapped on my shoulder from behind.

"You are taking too much time my child but since the things you have done in your lifetime, I can grant you some of my precious time" The old man said with a smile which really didn't showed what type of emotion it was carrying.

"I am sorry to ask but are you the God which people always remembers whenever they are in need".

The old man chuckled and said.

" Yeah I am that G.O.D but not in that many different forms you guys always worship. I am the only being responsible for all kind of creation and destruction, well I get support but every work goes through me before it is implied. Anyway now you have died its my duty to place your soul in different body before it gets rotten"

" Rotten? Does soul decay ?" I asked with a lot of confusion as I thought souls never cease to exist .

" No it's more like those soul who have more regrets, guilts or have to take revenge, wander around the soul land and try to reincarnate around the old body of theirs with their old memory but in the end they get tired of it and go to the eternal sleep and a new soul is born without a memory and I put them in the place of the those soul who were meant to enter a body".

I got some part of it but still there were many questions like 'why they wander since the god is all in all here and what is soul land.'

" Don't think about those things my child as you don't have much regret or guilt about your life so you are not going to be rot here."

I was flashbanggered when I realised

" You can read my mind".

"I guess you are taking your god very lightly my child. Anyway since you have died in your previous life , i can't reincarnate you there again . Well it you can wait for a millenia or two then...

" No no, I don't want to live like this for thousands of years so please god reincarnate me anywhere ."

" Very well since you had did various good deed which includes the lives of those poor souls in your previous life, I am going to give you a life to live in your favourite anime world.". He said with a smug like face.

"Did I heard it correct.i mean is it really possible. Anime is not even a real world so how will I reincarnate there?" I asked excitedly as I was hoping that there must be a way to reincarnate to any of anime I have watched .

"Oh yeah it's true that there is no world like that but *snap* here I created one".

He said in a confident look which told me that in no way he is lying.

I was looking at the old man with white beard in a stupid way like what is happening is not possible even he is the god.

-" My child I have created a world of one of the anime which you have watched various time and ofcourse you will get a system as a bonus for the karma you have. Well it will not be the same you have saw until now in fanfiction novels".

I threw all my stupid thoughts aside and said while bowing

" Thank you God for giving me another chance to live . I am really grateful. I lived my previous life so comfortably thanks to you so giving me a second chance is more than I could ever expect".

"Haha..you are really a good kid even you belong to that world. So let me give you a chance to wish anything you want . Well if it is not to become a god then I can grant it anyway."

My eyes lit on his words. There is only one person I want to meet in whichever world I was going.

"So she is the one you want to meet , very well. She is not a part of the world you are reincarnating but I will make an exception".

I guess he knew what I wanted. As expected of God.

' Why am I saying things like her. I guess I am really in love with an anime character huh'.

"But God if she is coming to my world then what about her brother. If you have saw my memory then you already know that she will never even glance at me if her brother will be there". I said as I remembered her character from the anime. The biggest bro con ever.

" Yes I know but don't stress about it you will know when you get reborn in that world. Then see you later child .Have fun in new world".

With that my vision got darken and all the scenery was engulfed in the eternal darkness which was kinda scary at the same time I was excited about my new life.

'Lets hope I can meet her without getting nervous.'