
she is smart.

She was woken up by mother su to eat something she head toward the dinning area after cleaning herself she saw that everyone was seating around a table which was filled with simple dishes they were talking and laughing with each other changx don't look sad anymore as she talk to Chang and Cheng prime minister and Prince Jin was busy talking something serious while princess and baizhai was asking her experience.

"yefeng came quickly or else the food will get cold" mother su word attract everyone attention to her she become nervous infront of many people who are only character of a book she felt weird and sad for them she take a seat and start eating with everyone this is first meal that everyone is eating together mother su was too happy that the corner of her lips were almost touching her eyes.

yefeng has long notice the serious look of prime minster and Prince Jin but she didn't ask them she want to help them but it will be troublesome if they ask her how she know about it so it's much better for her to shut her mouth and eat quietly.

"now everyone is here I will tell you all something important i think sharing it with you you can come up with any kind of an idea" everyone face turn serious as they all look at prince Jin so he can explain them the problem which is bothering him for very long period.

"our spy in the palace already has been catch in few days they will search the whole forest not only we has to leave this cave but also has to find a new place money is not a problem anymore prime minster is willing to help us but what the problem is new place which is not far away from the capital but is also safe it's very hard to find a place" everyone frown the problem is not small at all.

"finding new place mean we also has to shift all the kids there without anyone notice how we will do it bringing one or two kids is easy but taking whole group of children will raise suspicion" princess jia add another problem in it.

"not only that but food and water is also another problem buying them is not hard but transporting them is hard" chang spoke solemnly yefeng slowly raise her hand but no one notice her cause of her small height changx saw her aggrieved look she couldn't help but chuckle at her.

"look like yefeng got an idea" she tease her but yefeng ignore her everyone attention once again on her but this time she was not nervous anymore.

"I know a place where you can shift the kids and we can also bring all the kids together and the place is near a river so water is not a problem as for food we can buy it and leave it at prime minister mansion from there we will take it toward the place and it's very near to the palace we can even see the place from there" everyone was stunt they all look at her curiously.

"where is this place" princess jie ask her curiously she couldn't help but rub her neck she know that she is going to get scolding from them later.

"first promise me that you all will not scold me" they look at her suspiciously.

"okay we will not" Cheng promise her.

"bring the map of the kingdom" they spread the map on the table after looking at it she smile and point at the place.

"this is the place"


the whole room was filled with silence everyone look at her she chuckle nervously and look at everyone face changx was confuse mother su and some has sad expression while other face was not too good she open her mouth to speak again.

"this is the palace made by the late emperor after his death the new emperor change the location of the palace this palace is old but no one came here and it's very close to the current palace late emperor had made a river for her wife aka the late empress so the water is not a problem what is hard is to transport the kids prime minister aren't north side of the kingdom has incounter flood you can convience the emperor to let those survivors enter the old palace to stay there temporary tell him that not only he will gain the commoners heart but he can also solve the problem of refuge knocking on the door of the capital

the old palace is close of the new palace not only he will able to keep an eye on them but also kill them if any of them is to catch any kind of illness which has no treatment no one know the old palace better then us there's even saying the most dangerous place is most safe place to hide"

everyone look at her as they were looking at a ghost after thinking about what she has said it really make sence prime minister clap his hand as he spoke.

"We can all mix in the refuges outside of the capital gate after I had convience the emperor we will bring you to the old palace we know the old palace better then anyone else all those secret passage it will make it very easier for us to enter and stay under his nose yefeng you are very smart" prime minister praise her with his eyes sparkling.

"indeed she is smart very smart not only she solve the problem of the place to stay but she also choose a place which we can't even dare to think well done girl"

mother su was full of smiles when she heard other praising her daughter.

"she is born smart not only she walking at the age of one she was able to read and write simple word when she was four year old if I had not fallen ill then my dear don't have to work this hard" she sigh yefeng smile at her which make her smile also.