
Lynesse Hightower

Yo, it's not dropped. For different reasons, I have struggled to write for the past few weeks. Should be good now, though.


Two weeks later

Casterly Rock, 286 AC

Man… I couldn't take a break in two weeks. When I returned, I hid the poison directly in my hiding place. I took down a stone slab under my bed before digging a small compartment suitable for hiding a dozen or so objects. I then put the slab on top. It's not perfect, but it does the trick for now. What followed was quite annoying…

The first dose of Nightshade kept me bedridden for four whole days. My symptoms were minimal, compared to what should have happened. It looked like a bad cold from the outside.

To kill time, I asked my now personal maid Sabrina to bring me books on Essos. I read with amazement tales of Lorath, the Axe, Qarth, Yi Ti, Morosh, New Ibbish, Asshai, and the City of Winged Men. I do not believe half of the mystical details given, but a doubt lives in me. I live in a world with dragons, after all. So maybe things like these Conjurer's Guild immortals actually exist.

After this misadventure, I decided to take a two-day break before the second dose. During this time, I learned as much as possible about the Hightowers, since our families will have more contact in the future. For that, I went both to the records of the Rock and to the Amber Mane.

I saw that lord Hightower has ten children and is currently married to Rhea Florent, his fourth wife. She is only the mother of the last two children, Humfrey and Lynesse.

In a way, I would therefore have a small relationship with the Florents. Stannis Baratheon's wife, Selyse, comes from the same house. I guess that we are really all from the same big family, in the nobility...

Strange rumors have also reached me about my future in-laws. Some of their ancestors are said to have dabbled in alchemy and necromancy. Their dubious works would be the reason for their golden and silver hair, being characteristic to each of their members. It sure is weird to hear that kind of things.

Their origins are also uncertain, debated between Maesters with… a strange sense of priorities. The history of the Hightower goes back as far as the dawn of days, after all. Some are convinced that they are descended from the First Men.

On the contrary, others believe that they were originally seafarers and traders that settled at the top of the Whispering Sound in an earlier time, before the First Men founded the original version of Oldtown.

The only thing certain is that the Hightowers resided in the ancient black stone fortress of Battle Isle at the mouth of the Honeywine, before the Hightower was built by Bran the Builder.

For a time they were kings of their own lands. But they joined the Reach through a marriage with House Gardener, who controlled the realm before the arrival of the Targaryens. The Tyrells are their replacements, once puppets of the dragons placed there for their loyalty to the crown.

About Leyton, my father-in-law, there is not much to say. He apparently stays away from any political hassles and is known to often stay atop his tower.

For fear of trouble, I also searched what I could about lord Andros Brax. Or rather tried… All I have found is that he spends a lot of time in his maids private quarters. His heir, Tytos, is said to have a complicated relationship with him. The two would often argue, but Leroy couldn't tell me why. I suppose that these two pieces of information could still be useful, to possibly take action against him.

This gave me the idea of ​​making a commercial partnership with Leroy. Basically, I will finance his activities in the future so that his information network becomes more effective.

I offered this to him and he accepted, promising me crushing reductions and an unprecedented clause to protect my information. Being satisfied with this agreement, we have completed an unofficial contract which will take effect at the time of my choice.

And so, two busy days came to an end. The next day started directly with the consumption of Nightshade. This time the effects lasted one day less. But the most interesting thing is that I was much less sick. I was able to keep moving, even if with difficulty, and I successfully pretended to be in good shape.

During this time, I continued to inform myself a little about the world and I found where Xuandia could come from. Her darker features are most commonly found in the Summer Isles, south of Lys and west of the wild continent of Sothoryos.

There is still quite a bit of knowledge about them in old books. We know the layout of their islands, as well as some island names.

This is a proper kingdom, never engaging in conquest but protecting itself from slavers and pirates coming from Essos and the Basilisk Isles. It is big enough to be considered as its own landmass, a bit like Australia but in a group of small islands version.

I also found a dusty old book describing their language, the Summer Tongue. But I'm confused, because there are no pronouns. They have a 'xh' sound that requires a click sound, it's not easy... well, it occupied my spare time.

After this new time of partial incapacitation, I decided that it was no longer time to rest. I got back into physical shape for two days, and I made up for all my lost time in my studies and my work.

Once all that was settled, I went to Lannisport to offer Xuandia a contract, for some of her girls with experience in murder. This happened yesterday.

(Flashback begins)

I see her lay the paper on the table, after a long reading of each little close.

''So what do you think of this, miss Xuandia ?''

''You poach a handful of middly skilled killers for thirty-five golden dragon each and a future seven percent of lowered taxes on all activities happening in Sea of Aromas, for a period of seven years. This takes effect from the moment you manage to settle the details with different parties. You would start giving them tasks to perform before the contract comes into force, with the hope of increasing their qualifications by the start of their next job. Am I correct, milord ?''

I had to give her my identity to prove the fact that I could influence things such as taxes. At the same time, I show her that like her the other time, I am more than willing to take a step forward.

''Indeed, and they would stay here for a time, before I find a suitable place elsewhere. They must be consenting, informed of the nature of their future profession and be in good health. I guess some would be interested, at least I hope so.''

''Your conditions are rather reasonable, I admit it. I already have five girls in mind who will follow you with pleasure. Two of them prefer murder to their basic profession, two others ended up here out of financial worries and the youngest one grew up here. I'll go over the details with them and we'll talk about it another day, milord. It is a pleasure doing business with you.''

I gain a friendly smile before responding to that.

''Very well, everything is in order. Only the implementation remains to be settled. Oh I also wanted to talk more about yourself, miss Xuandia. My new interest for foreign lands leads me to ask if you had experiences in the Summer Isles. Only if you are disposed to talk about it, of course.''

She seems pleased to see me having such an interest in her origins, but now looks slightly sadder.

''Aye, I lived there for fourteen years. Summer Islanders view every form of s*x to be valuable and this applies to everyone, regardless of their high or lowborn class. Battles there are ritualized as an activity to occupy people having the mind of a warrior. In results, there is no sacking, looting, r*pes or executions. The Sun Priests there also forbid large-scale wars, so disputes between city-states are handled by duels or formal melees in groups. My mother was native from there, while my father was a Ghiscari migrant, from New Ghis…''

She pauses, hesitating to continue her story. But she ends up talking all the same, perhaps needing to say what's on her heart.

''Long story short, when my mother died of an unknown illness, my father fell into endless grief. In two years, he ended up being nothing more than a shadow of himself. He who was a hard worker and always jovial, had become a wreck drinking and f*cking to forget what he had lost. My father slept with dozens of women, hoping to forget the love of his life… without success. One day, after making love to a whole series of highborn women on the islands, one of the nobles decided that enough was enough. Although sex is a fairly free subject, this man was enraged that my father touched his wife. So this noble sh*t challenged him to a traditional duel, at the end of which the loser would be exiled from the Summer Isles. In his pathetic state, my father lost in moments. But he could not stand the idea of ​​giving up his land and his house. It took my father twenty years of labor and sweat to build what he had. And the fact that this place was his greatest connection to my mother convinced him to fight to keep it. He tried to kill the nobleman who had previously defeated him, but failed and was stopped by the Sun Priests guards. The noble demanded for an additional punishment to be applied, to make up for the fact that his life had been in danger. They then sentenced my father to three years in chains in the public square. While performing his penance, he got lynched and beaten by the locals daily. They completely demolished what was left of my father. No human in the Summer Isles was as mistreated as he was at that time. After a year, my father had lost his mind, barely able to remember simple names and my face… the face of his only child. When he learned that two more years awaited him, he couldn't stand it. My father grabbed his chains and wrapped them around his neck before choking himself to death with the little strength he had left… It shocked me so deeply that I was no longer able to recognize anyone on the Summer Isles as 'my people'. They were all responsible for his condition, from the richest to the poorest. Everyone knew that his foolish acts came from his grief, but they only saw his faults. They punished him like a mangy dog ​​instead of helping him. Overnight, I called on one of my father's only loyal friends, Napti, and fled the islands forever. It's rather ironic, isn't it? The Summer Isles are seen as an ideal of peace and serenity, but they only evoke misfortune and hypocrisy for me. Sometimes my friends here tell me to forget all of this, but I can't bring myself to do that. Every day the seven offer me in this world, I curse those responsible and pray for their misery.''

Xuandia lowers her eyes, still lost in her thoughts. She seems incredibly tired and her eyes are redder than before.

Fate can be cruel, for sure…

I remain silent, waiting for her to continue what she wants to say. We don't know each other very well yet. But I guess it does her good to pour out her hate and grief.

And she's right, I think. There is no point in imprisoning your emotions... at least when you don't have the type of responsibilities that I am destined to have. I don't have the luxury of staying emotional forever.

''I'm really grateful to Napti for helping me when I was at my lowest. This adorable idiot ruined a lifetime of business dealings with the Summer Isles for me. Don't trust him too much with his sometimes rather shoddy business. But for the rest ? His level of kindness is quite rare, compared to others.''

So Napti is not just a scammer, good thing to know.

''I'm sorry for your loss, miss Xuandia. I completely understand that your hatred remains strong. It is natural to seek revenge after this sort of thing. And you didn't start your murder business just for the money, I'm guessing.''

Her sadness is briefly interrupted by a weak distorted smile, looking almost devilish.

''…Thank you. And yes, you would be right. One or two targets have already been killed. However, I am afraid that my list is still very long. I'd be willing to pay pretty well for a little help on that front.''

I think quickly, before answering honestly about my possible participation.

''With the right conditions, anything is possible. However, the Westerlands will never be directly involved in any such conflict. So it would be from the shadows, in due time. We will talk about it again in a few years, if the offer is satisfactory.''

''Good to know, milord. There is time, no need to rush. As long as they don't die of old age, I would sleep well.''

She really wants them all dead, huh. Well, it creates more business. Not that I have the qualifications and the staff to do that yet.

''Anyway… Beyond all that, I hope you were able to find a new home in the Westerlands. Although far from the 'serenity', I dare to think that the firm grip of my lord father was sufficient to ensure a certain peace in our lands.''

''Oh surely, fortune smiles on those who give themselves the means here. The rules of the port may seem strict, but I don't mind sacrificing a little freedom if it gives me real security. People here are not used to seeing foreigners from the Summer Isles, but they are friendly. The first years, I got weird looks and a few insults. But eventually, the neighborhood got used to my presence. It took me fifteen years of hard work, but I now have my own humble establishment. And the money is coming in, so it's perfect. I pray to the seven and follow the traditions of the Westerlands, so I think I'm more of a western girl than some.''

After talking a little more with her, I leave for Casterly Rock and prepare for the events of the next day.

(Flashback ends)

Now, I'm waiting on the entrance of the Lion's Mouth with my father, brother, uncle Kevan and the guards. The ship of lord Hightower is incoming, seeable on the horizon.

I take a closer look to better focus on the arrival of our guests.

A large boat, its silver edges shining in the strong glow of the sun, approaches us while breaking the calm flow of the waves.

On their sail, a large tower with a flaming roof announces the arrival of the Hightowers. Two warships escort them on each side, to protect their lords at the first signal of hostility.

On our side, all our flags sport the strong colors of the golden lion. Casterly Rock is presented in its greatest glory, taking advantage of its mind-blowing height to showcase its countless flower-decked balconies and timeless pride.

It is the meeting of the giants, being part of the greatest oligarchs of Westeros. On either side, their wealth makes most of the other fortunes of the Seven Kingdoms pale. Both houses are the pinnacle of extravagance and economic domination.

And the time has now come to create new possibilities, by joining these two houses through a future marriage.

However, it should be noted that a strong alliance is not guaranteed at the end of this marriage. Building and maintaining a good relationship between us is therefore essential to maximize the benefits of this decision.

But of course, the marriage itself is also important. Far be it from me to deny or even mistreat my future wife.

A few moments later, the Hightowers finally arrive in front of us. Lord Leyton Hightower is the first out of the boat, followed by his fourth wife.

To my surprise, she is followed by her son Humfrey, leading himself his sister Lynesse out of the ship. I did not expect other members of their house to come. But Humfrey is only two years older than his sister, I believe. Perhaps Lady Rhea wished to keep her son with her.

My eyes quickly fall on Lynesse, and I must say that I am pleasantly surprised. I expected a second version of my own sister in terms of beauty. But I see from here that she will become a scandalously beautiful woman in the future.

I would not have put her aside in case of major ugliness, but hypocrisy has its limits. Finding someone attractive at first sight helps in the beginning of a relationship.

Her blonde hair has an even brighter golden sheen than mine. It is to wonder if this long smooth hair is not a mirage, sculpted with the purest gold coming from the mines of the Rock.

Her clear blue eyes remind me of the Westerland skies, on sunny days. They radiate carelessness and a complete lack of malice. It is the look of an innocent young girl, still unaware of political games and the dangers of life.

At first glance, she seems very shy. But her way of carrying herself is more refined, showing her knowledge of the basic codes of high society and a certain dignity.

I was forced out of my thoughts by Leyton's neutral voice, carrying with it an almost indiscernible form of annoyance.

He looks like he's frowning slightly as he looks at me and Tyrion, as if unsure whether to be angry or happy.

''Lord Lannister, it is a pleasure to see you after such a long time.''

My father doesn't show any kind of smile, but there are no signs of irritation. If his opinion of Leyton isn't friendly, it's at least positive.

''Indeed, time surely has passed. Welcome to the Rock, lord Hightower. I hope that your travel to our coasts went without inconveniences. The weather of the Sunset sea can be quite treacherous at times.''

''Aye, the seven graced us with calm waves and a more than pleasant radiant sun. In such a blessed setting, I would almost forget that despicable barbarians roam there. But it is better not to stir up unpleasant memories on such a beautiful day. I see that you are accompanied by your sons. Which one would be the young Leonard?''

So that's what was upsetting him just before. He wasn't sure if whoever would marry his daughter was a dwarf or not. A man full of prejudices, no doubt. But who isn't ?

Tywin winces briefly at the notion of the 'the other son'. Tyrion's existence had almost escaped his mind, and I imagine he only realizes now that he would have preferred to lock him away somewhere while waiting for our guests to leave.

''Leonard is the tallest and most promising one, with an early knighthood and other feats to his name.''

Leyton's smile widens directly, finally understanding who I am. I don't like it any more than that, because Tyrion's 'revulsive' state is the only reason for this question. This conversation has a certain lack of decency.

He then turns in my direction.

''Wonderfull… I mean, pleased to meet you Leonard.''

I smile mechanically and answer him with as much warmth as I can give him. No scandal is needed here, not with the related stakes.

''The pleasure is all mine, lord Hightower. I've heard great things about you and your house. It is truly a great honor to meet you.''

''You're quite polite and mature for your age. My daughter is in good hands, it seems. Speaking of her, here she is. I present to you my youngest daughter Lynesse, as beautiful as a sunrise.''

While approaching us, Lynesse trips over one of the only slightly damaged spots in this place. In her misfortune, this is enough to make her fall forward like a totally cliche Disney princess.

Sighing inwardly at this situation, I quickly rush to catch her before she falls to the ground.

Still motionless in my arms, she comes out of her stupor after a few long seconds and blushes with embarrassment.

''S-Sorry to act like this… Thank you, lord Lannister. I fear that I would have hurt myself without your precious help.''

I smile angelically to put her more at ease before responding in due form.

''No need to apologize, this kind of thing happens from time to time. And you have every right to call me Leonard, my lady. Formalities are not necessary considering that we will live together from now on.''

She blushes in a less than subtle way, showing her tomato head to the entire audience.

''Then please, call me Lynesse. I… I… I'll be yours, after all.''

Both a bit daring and shy, it's cute.

''So be it, Lynesse. Welcome to your new home, Casterly Rock.''

The rest of the day went pretty well, I would say.

Lady Rhea told me a bit about what her daughter likes, so just a summary of what highborn ladies are used to having.

Perfumes, jewelry, dresses… I saw my sister empty entire stores for her little whims, especially when she was a teenager. So nothing I heard surprised me. It's all part of the daily lot, in this kind of more than rich environment.

Instead, Leyton stayed and talked with Tywin, before heading off to the private quarters we had prepared for him. I would have loved to talk business with him, but that's my father's job for now. Few are willing to have a serious conversation with someone my age, mature or not.

I rather took the opportunity to get closer to Humfrey, my future brother-in-law. He offered a friendly spar which I directly accepted.

Now, after kicking his ass in style, we sit on the balcony talking about different topics.

''Well, I believed that your knighthood was undeserved… It was an error of judgment, I must concede it. Sorry for doubting you, Leonard. It looks like my sister is going to have a strong husband to protect her.''

Yeah, some of the nobles still find it hard to believe in my exploits. My performances at the tourney of Kings Landing weren't enough for everyone. Some think my dad would bribe my opponents and ask Jaime to let me win at the melee.

Although I don't believe it for a single moment, it still gives an excuse to label me as a living propaganda stunt.

Tywin surely silences some of the rumors. However, he cannot influence the entirety of Westeros. So rumors about me are always circulating, good and bad ones.

''You did pretty well too, Humfrey. Speaking of Lynesse, can you tell me a bit more about her?''

''Of course, no problem. However, there is not much to say. We have a lot of siblings and our father rarely took care of us. And although she is very nice, our mother is not the warmest… We did what we could to make up for the lack of attention. While I was training with Garth, my big brother, Lynesse spent time with her ladies-in-waiting. They often chat with each other about weird stuff and laugh while watching boys… I swear to you, girls are too weird sometimes.''

''Haha. Don't make it seem like you are pure and never ogle girls. Everyone does it and that means you're healthy.''

''I… yeah, you got me there. But I don't laugh while watching them. I will point out to you that I have more subtlety than that. And then they're the ones calling me a pervert, it's just illogical.''

''Well, I support you on that. Girls are illogical… But don't think too much about it, only geniuses can understand more than half of what they do. Anyway, anything Lynesse likes more than the rest ?''

Humfrey concentrate himself on the subject, before remembering about something he seems to see as obvious.

''She really likes everything that smells good, in general. So perfumes are even more precious to her than jewelry could be. Lynesse isn't exactly fussy, but she loves her comfort more than anything. Well, it's not like I'm worried about her treatment in a place like the Rock.''

This all seems more than reasonable to me. And finding good perfumes is rather easy, in the shops of Lannisport. I might as well buy her some famous ones, if that's enough to make her happy.

And just like that, the days pass peacefully before turning into weeks.

Now six weeks have passed since my betrothed arrived. Her family moved back to Oldtown a few days ago and I took the opportunity to get closer to her.

Today, I decided to take Lynesse to Lannisport to show her the harbor, some shops and other good places.

We met with Lucion Lannister on the streets, by accident. He is one of the numerous Jason's descendants, my mother's father. It's another 'important' side of the Lannisters of Lannisport.

It would take years to know them all, though. I know Lucion and a few others like Damon, but it's impossible to get close with the entirety of this Lannister legion.

He invited us to a good inn to talk around some light drinks, but some of us didn't drink because of our age.

His eyes seemed to be pretty fixed on one of Lynesse's ladies-in-waiting, and so were hers on him.

When we parted ways with Lucion, the girl magically disappeared at the SAME time. Seems like the charm of Oldtown girls is getting to someone's head…

At the end of the morning, we went to the menagerie with some of her ladies-in-waiting. They were all amazed by the exotic animals displayed. There was a zebra, a colorful lizard, caged scorpions, extra big beetles and a camel.

At noon, we then went to eat together at a fancy restaurant on the main street of the port. The owners being part of those paying rights to serve pasta, we ate some good spaghetti.

Lynesse seemed to particularly enjoy them, but who doesn't like spaghetti anyway ? Heretics, of course !

We talked about our respective childhoods and some crisp anecdotes. Lynesse then started talking about her big sister, nicknamed the Mad Maiden.

She would voluntarily stay locked up at the top of Hightower, to study things that Lynesse has trouble understanding. It appears to be strange signs and rough outlines, written in a dark red ink that Lynesse had never seen anywhere else.

Sometimes she hears the Mad Maiden singing strange and uncomfortable-sounding tunes, in a language she doesn't recognize. In summary, her sister scares her sh*tless and they never see each other.

Hearing this story, I thought it was an attempt at R'hllor-related rituals. But I quickly dismissed this idea, considering that no fire is mentioned. It could be a form of Westeros version Satanism, not impossible.

Now I walk my way back to the Rock with Lynesse, passing near the more attractive sides of the docks.

''Leonard, do you think Jullie is fine ? She didn't even come back once since she followed this Lucion… I worry about her.''

Hum, I would definitively not worry about the both of them. They must be cracking the floor with their bestial passion, or something like that.

I'm not sure Lynesse gets that, though. She is not yet as mature as girls like Jullie. For the moment, a little naivety does not bother me. But if she remains too much in her ideal pink world in the future, I will try to wake her up. It is a dangerous trait, in a world as cruel and down to earth as this one.

''Don't worry, he must just be showing her some cool spots. Lucion knows Lannisport pretty well, as he lives here. But Jullie may find it difficult to move after so many walks. You could help her then, okay ? It would be for the best to let her have a nice walk for the afternoon.''

One of her ladies-in-waiting seems to realize the insinuation and stifles a giggle.

''Really ? I'll do that, then. That must be a nice walk…''

Further down the path, I see that Lynesse is no longer following me and turns around. I then see her staring intensely at the display items of the Aeron's Fist store.

Well… no need to make her drool in front of the shop. I'm going to buy her a piece of jewelry, even though the manager's reputation seems to be at an all-time low lately, at least from what I've heard.

He was a victim of gossips, and his libido. Getting two sisters pregnant is not normal, even less so if only one of the two is your wife.

After approaching my fiancée, I slip behind her and whispers my intention in her ear.

''I'll start to get jealous, if you scrutinize something with such a strong gaze. I can buy you one of those, if that's what you want. In exchange, you let me choose for you and surprise you. Would it suit you, Lynesse?''

She jumps instantly, turning around before nodding quickly.

She is pretty easily teased, which encourages me even more to search for her cute reactions.

Facing her blushing face and averted eyes, I smile briefly and walk into Aeron's Fist.

I pass between the rows of the shop, seeing various jewels of different sizes and sometimes also of different colors.

The prices vary wildly and I almost bought the most expensive item, only to realize that some cheaper ones were much nicer.

Eventually I spot a beautiful golden necklace with seven very thin and almost filament-like chains, ending at their center with the roaring lion of the Lannisters emblem.

Appreciating the design, I buy it directly for my betrothed. It is a jewel that is quite symbolic, ideal for a meaningful gift.

Leaving the store, I present the gift to her, in front of her sparkling eyes.

''Oh ! Thank you, Leonard. I already love this necklage, it must have been rather expensive !''

Glad she likes it.

But I raise an eyebrow at her most materialistic remark. She directly associates quality, beauty and price. Although this is often correct, cheaper does not always mean worse.

Price is one thing, but you don't wear jewelry just for that. Otherwise, it would quickly be forgotten in favor of the next expensive item.

''Yes and no, there was more expensive. But I chose the one that seemed to be the best, in my opinion. There is no need to buy at the highest price if the only goal is to show off our wealth, everyone knows about it anyway. No, my choice was purely motivated by what I would love you to wear. The other jewels were less attractive. Symbol and beauty outweigh the price, in the end. Don't you think so ?''

The time has come to see if she is stubborn and spoiled rotten, or if she is capable of learning a constructive lesson.

''I... I understand, yes. I will admit that I have never seen things like this until now. My parents very rarely go shopping with me, you see. But you're right, this necklace is beautiful no matter the price.''

No lies, huh. She really did understand and approve of my point of view.

''Alright, I'm pleased as long as you like it. Otherwise don't worry, money is not an issue here. Back in your room, you will find some gifts from me. I understand you like perfumes, don't you? Well, I bought you a variety of pretty popular fragrances from Lannisport. I hope it will be to your liking.''

Lynesse's big smile widens further and she ends up with her head in the clouds for the rest of the way back home.

Mission successful, I would say. It was a nice day for both of us and she should remember it fondly.

Back in Casterly Rock, I decide to directly go to talk with my father. I had taken the initiative to tell him about my potential acquisitions in terms of poisons and killers. It was necessary to be able to carry out the agreements with Leroy and Xuandia.

Although being open about it with my father had made me doubt for entire hours, he had seemed quite pleased that I was the one stepping forward to him.

The lack of surprise on his face had me a little confused, but I didn't expect to be able to hide everything from him when I live by his side.

We just have to discuss about a few details that had previously escaped me, nothing too serious.

Before arriving, uncle Kevan comes before me with a worried look. It smells to be a bad news…

''Dear nefew, your father is asking for your presence in his quarters. The matter is sensitive.''

''Very well, uncle. If that's how it is, I'm going there right away.''

In Westeros, calm is always an interlude between two storms. And it's time to face a new storm, I suppose.

''May the seven be good.''