
reborn as Laenor Velaryon

Title: "The Dragon’s New CEO" After the Great Council of 101 AC, Westeros gets a shock when a modern-day, psychopathic genius CEO replaces the traditional leader of House Velaryon. This CEO isn’t your typical ruthless tycoon—he’s a master of manipulation who understands that winning hearts is far more effective than instilling fear. With a sleek, contemporary edge, the new leader brings a fresh style to the ancient politics of the realm. Gone are the days of brutal violence and medieval cruelty. Instead, the new head of House Velaryon knows how to play the game with charm, charisma, and cutting-edge strategies. He hosts lavish events and makes grand gestures to win over allies, all while skillfully maneuvering to secure his power.

flame_of_thrones · TV
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