
Reborn as God of the Underworld Hades

In a twist of fate, a General Soldier who died as a hero during a war find himself reborn as the eldest son of the titan Cronus and Titaness Rhea, Hades, the God of the Underworld and Afterlife. ======== Cover is not mine and is an Ai. Comment the owner and I shall credit them or change the over. Before reading there's things you must know. - Do you like Op mc? - Do you want power fantasy? - Do you want Harem? like a lot of woman? - Don't mind the obvious Incestuous relationship? if yes, then this story is for you.

Try_hard · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 4 - Nothing remains the same, All things Shall become anew

As the relentless march of time pressed forward, Hades underwent a transformative journey, evolving from the innocent youth he once was into a strikingly handsome young man. His regal presence radiated through his every feature, characterized by the cascade of long, onyx hair that framed his face, complemented by a complexion of creamy white perfection. A jawline so precisely sculpted, it mirrored the grace and strength that lay within him.

The passage of time had sculpted his physique into a masterpiece, his shirtless form revealing a lean and chiseled body, a testament to years of unwavering dedication and hard work. Beads of sweat adorned his skin, catching the ambient light and causing him to glisten, a reflection of the effort and commitment he poured into his endeavors.

In his hands, Hades gripped a formidable Bident, a symbol of power and skill. With each practiced movement, he honed his proficiency in wielding the weapon, a manifestation of the disciplined training that had shaped him into the formidable figure he had become. The echoes of his efforts resonated through the passage of time, marking the evolution of a once youthful spirit into a force to be reckoned with.

From the once desolate expanse of his stomach, where a sea of acid once churned in desolation, a remarkable transformation had taken place. Hades, wielding his divine powers with unparalleled mastery, had conjured a small island within this acidic sea.

Upon this newfoundland, vibrant vegetation flourished, creating a lush tapestry of life amid the previously barren surroundings. In the heart of this verdant paradise stood a majestic mansion, a testament to Hades' ability to shape and mold his divine realm.

The manifestation of this island and its intricate features spoke volumes about the depth and breadth of Hades' divine prowess. His exploration of these powers had uncovered an innate ability, a connection to the very fabric of creation.

With a touch that seemed almost instinctual, Hades found that his divine capabilities flowed effortlessly, like a force of nature responding to his every whim. It was as if the power to shape reality itself lay within the core of his being.

Yet, as potent as these abilities were, Hades recognized that true mastery could only be attained through disciplined training. His divine gifts were like raw gems waiting to be polished, and through rigorous practice, he sought to refine and sharpen the edges of his formidable powers.

Each exploration of his abilities unveiled new facets, each revelation a step closer to the zenith of his divine potential. In this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, Hades embraced the delicate balance between the innate and the cultivated, forging himself into a deity whose influence resonated far beyond the boundaries of his stomach's once desolate sea of acid.

Delving deeper into the realm of his divine essence, Hades unearthed a trove of extraordinary attributes that surpassed the limitations of mere mortals. His godly strength became a force to be reckoned with, a testament to the boundless power coursing through his immortal veins.

Endurance and stamina, far beyond the grasp of any human, became intrinsic aspects of his being, allowing him to endure trials that would break the spirit of even the most resilient mortal.

Yet, it wasn't only the physical aspects of his divine nature that set him apart. Hades' dominion extended into the very fabric of creation itself. With a mere thought, he could conjure tangible realities out of the ethereal void, shaping existence with the finesse of a master artisan.

His ability to conceptualize ideas and breathe life into them defied the conventional constraints of mortal creativity. Whether it be crafting landscapes of breathtaking beauty or summoning forth beings of otherworldly splendor, Hades' creative prowess knew no bounds.

However, even for a god of his magnitude, there were limits to this power. Each creation, every manifestation of his divine will, drew upon the reservoir of his divine energy. A delicate dance ensued, as the very act of bringing forth existence exacted a toll on the wellspring of his vitality. The ebb and flow of this divine energy mirrored the pulsating heartbeat of his godhood, a reminder that even omnipotence had its constraints.

In the intricate tapestry of his abilities, Hades discovered the delicate balance between creation and conservation, an understanding that his divine energy was a finite resource.

It demanded judicious stewardship, a recognition that not everything could be conjured into being without consequence. As he delved into the intricate dance between creation and preservation, Hades harnessed the vastness of his powers, navigating the complexities of godhood with a wisdom that transcended the mere exercise of omnipotence.

Hades, a deity of multifaceted dominion, wielded a pantheon of powers that transcended mortal comprehension. His divine prowess extended beyond the conventional realms of Death, Soul, Darkness/Shadow, Life, Nether, or Hell, encompassing an array of forces that mirrored the very fabric of existence itself.

A revelation unfolded as Hades discerned the subtle traces of the ethereal in the remnants of his father's consumed meals. Within the residual soul that emanated from the food, Hades discovered a wellspring of potential, fragments of essence waiting to be harnessed.

Ingeniously, he embarked upon a transformative endeavor, collecting these fragmented souls to forge shadow servants imbued with artificial intelligence.

In the alchemy of divine craftsmanship, Hades sculpted these shadowy entities into semblances of life, akin to robots in their purposeful existence.

Each shadow servant, born from the amalgamation of divine ingenuity and the residual soul's essence, became an autonomous being, capable of executing tasks with an intelligence that mirrored the complexity of mortal thought.

It was a testament to Hades' ability to harness the latent energies within the smallest fragments of existence, fashioning them into entities that served as extensions of his divine will.

These shadow servants, crafted from the remnants of his father's sustenance, became devoted companions in Hades' divine realm.

They tended to his needs with an otherworldly efficiency, their actions guided by the artificial intelligence that arose from the fusion of divine essence and the residual soul's echo.

In this symphony of creation, Hades had not only expanded the scope of his dominion but had also demonstrated an unparalleled mastery over the very essence of life and shadow.

As the divine architect of his own pantheon of beings, Hades marveled at the seamless integration of mortal remnants and divine ingenuity, a testament to his ability to transcend the boundaries of conventional godhood.

Drawing upon the divine essence within him, Hades skillfully crafted sustenance to ensure his survival, meticulously replicating the very meal his father, a deity of immense power, had once consumed.

While the notion may initially evoke a sense of disgust, it is essential to grasp the ingenuity behind Hades' actions. In his quest for perpetual strength, Hades ingeniously devised a method to preserve the ambrosia, the ethereal nectar that had fueled his father's divine might.

This ambrosial elixir not only nourished his godly abilities but also endowed him with the endurance to withstand the rigors of existence over extended periods. Thus, Hades not only sustained himself but also harnessed the very essence that bound him to his godly lineage.

As beads of perspiration dotted his furrowed brow, Hades found himself panting heavily, a testament to the exertion of wielding the bident—an artifact forged through the sheer might of his divine powers.

Within the grip of his hands, this formidable trident wasn't merely a weapon; it encapsulated a significant portion of his godly authority. Crafted with meticulous precision, the bident served as an extension of Hades' dominion, a conduit through which his potent energies flowed.

With each breath, Hades harnessed the bident's intrinsic connection to the divine realms, enhancing the efficiency of his godly prowess. The symbiotic relationship between the god and his creation was palpable, as if the very essence of his celestial authority resonated through the intricate design of the trident.

In the throes of battle or moments demanding the assertion of his divine will, the bident became an indispensable tool, amplifying and channeling Hades' innate power to levels beyond what he could achieve unaided.

As the weight of the bident rested in his grasp, it symbolized not only a weapon of formidable might but a conduit to his godly essence—a manifestation of his dominion over the realms and a tangible reminder of the intricate interplay between deity and divine artifact.

After completing his rigorous training, Hades harnessed the formidable powers he had acquired to effortlessly dispel the sweat clinging to his body. With a mere thought, he commanded the elements to fashion garments that not only adorned him but also mirrored his regal presence and commanding demeanor.

Immersed in the underworld for decades, having traversed the insides of his father's stomach, Hades had honed a unique ability. His divine gifts allowed him to forge connections with mortals, delving into their experiences through their eyes.

This extraordinary skill enabled him to glean insights into the ever-changing tapestry of mortal existence, staying attuned to the unfolding situations and dynamics of the world beyond the underworld's confines.

Despite lingering weakness, Hades recognized that with time, his strength would burgeon, affording him the ability to effortlessly check on his mother's well-being. The promise of increasing power lingered on the horizon, a beacon of hope amid his current limitations.

Interestingly, the unique connection he established to peer through mortal eyes presented a curious limitation when it came to Titans.

Their formidable divinity erected an impervious barrier, rendering his visionary link ineffective in their presence. Undeterred, Hades saw this as a challenge to overcome, a hurdle to be surmounted on his divine journey.

In the interim, the conduit to mortal souls became an invaluable font of knowledge. Through this ethereal tether, Hades immersed himself in the intricacies of craftsmanship, absorbing the nuances of skilled artisans. He delved into the artistry of leadership, gleaning insights from the myriad experiences of mortal leaders.

This ongoing communion with the mortal realm not only broadened his understanding of the world but also afforded him the opportunity to refine and enhance his own capabilities.

It became a transformative process, a continuous cycle of learning and self-improvement as he shaped his divine essence into a force to be reckoned with.

Settling into a throne conjured effortlessly from thin air, Hades indulged in a moment of respite. His shadow servant, a faithful attendant, skillfully presented a meal, orchestrating an atmosphere of serene luxury that enveloped the underworld deity. This meticulous service granted him the rare luxury of relaxation amid the divine realm's perpetual gravitas.

As he savored the divine repast, Hades found solace in the singular entertainment at his disposal: the panoramic visions of mortal existence unveiled through his extraordinary divine power.

Through this omnipotent lens, he observed the intricate tapestry of mortal lives—moments of joy, trials of hardship, and the ceaseless ebb and flow of human existence. Each vision became a kaleidoscope of experiences, a narrative unfolding in the theater of his divine consciousness.

The mortal realm unfolded before him like an intricate novel, pages turning with the passage of time. From bustling marketplaces to serene landscapes, from whispered conversations to the roar of battles, Hades immersed himself in the vicissitudes of mortal life. It became a captivating tableau, a mosaic of emotions and actions that held the god's undivided attention.

Amid the divine opulence of his ethereal surroundings, these glimpses into mortal lives became a poignant reminder of the fleeting nature of existence.

Hades, seated upon his ephemeral throne, found both solace and fascination in this unique form of divine entertainment, a respite from the weighty responsibilities that defined his divine domain.


In the midst of his tranquil repose, Hades keenly sensed a divine force descending, an unmistakable manifestation of divine power that stirred the air around him. Instinctively attuned to the nuances of the divine, the future Lord of the Underworld swiftly discerned the nature of this ethereal descent, a knowledge that rippled through his godly senses.

With a fluid grace, Hades rose from his conjured throne, an otherworldly grace accompanying his every movement. In an instant, he vanished from his erstwhile position, traversing the fabric of space itself to materialize near the falling object. The very essence of teleportation was at his command, a testament to the formidable prowess he wielded.

As the object descended, Hades extended his divine influence that gently cradled the object within the unseen embrace of his power. Hovering just above his outstretched arms, the enigmatic object pulsed with an energy that resonated with the very core of the divine.

In the quiet aftermath, Hades examined the object with a discerning gaze. Its divine aura whispered ancient secrets, and the god, now holding it in his hands, felt the weight of its significance.

Suspended in the air, he now bore darkness wings that rippled with an otherworldly radiance, each feather an embodiment of the darkness that danced within the recesses of his divine being.

These shadowy wings, a manifestation of his dominion over darkness, not only provided an exquisite balance in the vast expanse of divine power but also acted as a conduit, channeling the divine energy that fueled his flight.

As Hades surveyed the divine artifact in his hands, the shadows whispered untold tales, resonating with the secrets veiled within the cosmic fabric. His wings, now unfurled in a majestic display, bore witness to the fusion of power and grace that defined the god of the underworld.

In the cradle of his divine arms, Hades beheld not just an artifact, but a delicate infant—a tiny being adorned with reddish-amber hair that glowed like a flame wrapped in a celestial towel.

The ethereal glow of the underworld receded for a moment, replaced by the warm radiance emanating from the cherubic presence he now cradled.

The infant's eyes, though closed in peaceful slumber, seemed to hold a universe of possibilities within them. Hades, the imposing lord of the underworld, found himself utterly captivated by the innocence that radiated from the child's adorable face.

A soft smile played upon his lips, a rare expression that spoke volumes of the tender emotions stirred within the depths of his godly heart.

As he gazed upon the sleeping infant, Hades couldn't help but marvel at the delicate balance of divinity and vulnerability encapsulated in this tiny form.

The underworld deity, known for his stoic demeanor, was momentarily disarmed by the purity and fragility of new life cradled in his arms.

In the midst of the horrid place, Hades stood as a guardian of newfound life, his heart touched by the gentle presence he held. The infant, with hair ablaze like a celestial ember, became a beacon of warmth and innocence in the otherwise enigmatic landscape of the horrid place.

"My adorable sister…do not worry, mother. I will make sure they grow into good people." The infant was none other than Hestia, Goddess of Hearth, Home and Family.