
Reborn as Cyrus The Great

A man that believed himself to be nothing. Tries to make himself something great in his chance at a second life. To be Cyrus The Great and help form the Persian empire into something greater. To do that he shall face challenges he never faced before. Will he collapse and be forgotten to the annals of time or will he be remembered and turned into something great! Remember this is my first novel and if you have any ideas. Do let me know and please give helpful reviews as it greatly helps in my journey as a writer.

MrEuripedes · Livres et littérature
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25 Chs


Cyrus The Great as an Adult-



Astyages Emperor of the Medes-

Mandane (Cyrus' Mother according to Herodotus, Daughter of Astyages)-

Cambyses ( Father Of Cyrus) -





Susa ( Capital of Persia)

Persepolis ( Where people brought treasures from across the world before it was burnt down by Alexander the great)