

I wanted to sleep so badly, I was beyond tired and beaten down. On top of that, I have a raging headache that won't go away. My brain has been hurting ever since the first flashback of my past life. And asking all those questions to Althera didn't help either. If I was going to investigate who was yelling for their dear lives, then I would first have to focus on healing myself. I need my HP back to at least 30 and my shield at 10, I think this can be done if I eat myself again, or rather absorb myself since I am in my tentacle form. I believe the way I digest any lifeform is by sucking them inside of my suction cups and absorbing their mana force. Yet that technique can change, after all, there is an evolution bloodline option in my system index.

If I remember correctly one of my evolutions is slime skin. This is exactly what I needed, even though the slimes mana force is toxic I can alter it by fusing the slime skin with my tentacle skin, then I can expel the toxins out when I see the color aura of the toxins. But I have to keep one tentacle un-transformed for this to work. I use slime skin and my entire tentacle scales begin to shed off like a snake when it's shedding off its old snake. A sticky slime substance begins oozing out of my shedded scale pours and soon all seven of my tentacles had become a light green translucent slime tentacle. I blink my eyes to active all-seeing eye, in a flash I saw a blood-flow or aura-flow of a blackish misty liquid, presumably the toxins since slimes don't have a cardiovascular system. As quickly as I can I use my Absorb skill with the one tentacle that wasn't transformed and suck in all of the toxins out from the slimy tentacles.

Without hesitation, I use tentacle smash against a jagged rock and decapitate my scaly tentacle arms before the toxins could spread into my bloodstream. Ruby blood splattered against the icy and rocky walls of the cave. Now I had a prime source of mana force, my smashed off tentacle regenerates and I started to absorb my other seven slime tentacles with it. Yum, that's some tasty shit. This isn't so bad, it's like drinking a Jell-O shot filled with protein powder. You know what, I take back what I said about the slime race. They are pretty useful. I continue to absorb my slime tentacles until nothing was left.

[HP: 11+ 9(20%) Manna Force: 2 + 6 (8%)]

The tentacles I slurped on regenerated, they were reverted back to my original tentacle monster form. Hell yeah, that's Two. Now two of my plans had worked, I didn't count eating myself when I was in my fucked up-form as a plan, because that was more of a nightmare than a plan. I knew in total, that I only had 20 seconds to perform what I've just done. Each skill had a span time ranging from 5s to 10s so I if used all three of them, the math is fairly simple; 5+5+10=20 seconds. I am not much of math whiz, yet I am sure I can do basic math. In a way, math and science are both the same. So far in my time of Zareth, I had to use cognitive thinking to get myself out of dangerous situations and now it's time I use the system-

"Eyaaaah! Get back!" Yelps out the same girl voice who was in trouble. Shit, I must have been lost in my own thought. I roll my eyes and crawl towards the high pitched yells.

"Eeekkkk!Leave me alone!" The same voice screams louder and echoes across the hollow cave.

Jesus, can you be any louder? It was like hearing a bad Japanese porno. Don't tell me how I know that sound. College roommates are such assholes.

I squint my eyes forward and dig my tentacles underground to pinpoint which direction the sound waves were coming from. I see and feel a cool vibrating current rushing from the north. Alright, let's see what in the hell is going on. I stealthy crawl low to the ground to avoid making the slightest bit of noise. My movements were so silent, that I could only hear the tiny droplets drop from the melting ice above the ceiling. In 3 meters I should be able to reach whoever is in trouble. A few more scuttles ahead and then I see a blazing torch raised up high by what looked like a dark greyish green orc. Near the orc was by a group of three smaller greenish creatures. They were not bigger than the size of a 5-year-old child. Those must be goblins, I played enough RPGs too know that much. They were lined up in a circle and holding rusty combat knives. While the grey orc stood guard behind them.

[>>System Index<<]:

[2 Goborcs and 3 Common Goblins spotted!]

(Goborcs): These creatures are a fusion of the orc and goblin race. They have the body frame of a goblin, but they are taller and more muscular than the common goblin. They also have the facial features of a goblin, but the teeth and skin of an Orc. Normally Goborcs are spawned through interspecies breeding. Goblins have a high sex drive and as such, they sometimes breed with any other species without knowing.

[ Height 5ft ]


(Goblins): Are notorious little fuckers who do whatever they want. They are the second smallest humanoid-beast in Zareth and usually hunt in groups. They are smaller than the goborc by 1ft. They eat, rape, and torture any living creatures just for pleasure and greed.

[Height 4ft ]


[All three common goblin stats]:

Level: 3

Rank: Bronze

(Attack: 7) (Defense: 5) (Agility: 5) (Karma: -10)

[Two Goborcs stats]:

Level: 3

Rank: Bronze

(Attack: 9) (Defense: 8) (Agility: 5) (Karma: - 5)

Well, I was half correct about my observation and holy fuck with the Goborc description. This world is brutal and dark.

"Gawahaha!" The three goblins begin laughing uncontrollably. Their sickly laughter was high pitched and nasally. I take a glance at what they were laughing at. Up against the rocky walls was a slender and petite looking girl, with long golden blonde hair and with one violet colored eye. Her other eye was covered in a white-gold eyepatch cloth, that had a holy cross sigil. She looked badly beaten, her perky breasts were almost exposed through her torn white tunic dress. One of the goblins pulls out his green veiny cock and starts to pee on the girls face.

"Holy!Barrier!" The blonde girl chants out as she feebly raises her staff and creates a prism shield made up of blueish aura. The goblins piss trickles against her barrier, she is crying as she holds back the foul-smelling dark yellow liquid. The other goblins chuckle louder and join in as well to mark their territory upon the girl's pale shiny cheeks. One of the goblins smacks away the girls staff, "Someone! Help!!!" She screams out with every fiber in her lungs.

In a flash I use slime clone, my eyeball body rumbles and then a splash of wet slime shoots out of my pupil's. By surprise it didn't feel that bad, it was like getting ocean water in your eyes, accept I was blind before so I was used to the pain my eyes had endured. The slime that had splashed out my eyeball started to form itself into mini forms of tentacle monsters made up of slime blood. I am not gonna lie, those tiny slime tentacle monsters looked pretty badass. I was a proud father now. They looked like baby octopus's made up of rubber and slime putty.

The clones charged forward in the direction of the goblins who were still peeing on the girl. One of the slime clones wrapped its tentacles around the goblin's face, "RAaargggh!" Angrily yelled the madden green bastard as tried smacking away the slime octopus. The other two tentacle slime clones latched onto the reaming goblins. All three goblins shrieked in an infuriated tone, they were baffled on what just happen. I had ruined their fucked up ritual.

"Tentacle shield!" I roared out. The clones wrapped their jelly tentacles around the goblins bodies and constricted them, my clones had followed my orders. The goblins bones were cracking by the forceful pressure of the slime tentacles constricting their necks and arms. I crawl on top of the icy cave walls and then use tentacle smash to knock out the three goblins. With one hard ferocious movement, all that could be heard was a "Smash!" and "Crack!" The goblins skulls were damaged by the powerful impact of my tentacle smash attack. Their nasty green heads laid flat down against a pile of rocks. A pool of green blood covered their faces. They had been knocked out cold. I didn't want to kill or absorb them because I didn't want my body ingesting such filth, god knows what kind of skills a goblin evolution would give. I didn't want their insane behavior and traits overtaking me. If it did, then my beast instincts would surely take over me and I would lose my humanity. So I did the next best thing, I slapped them far way into the depths of this cave. They would most likely be braindead after landing at such a speed. Ha, not like they had any brains to begin with.

One of the grey nasty Goborcs angrily roared as its eyes widen by looking at me, it saw how powerful of a beast I was. It was more bewildered then scared of what stood before him.

"Leave at once. And I might just spare your worthless life." I darkly demanded into the creature's feeble mind.

"My food! Get ya own!" The goborc fiercely snags up the wounded girl's blonde hair and places his short-sword's blade against her throat.

"Shut your fucking mouth." I aggressively plunge my strongest tentacle right through the goborc's mouth and cleanly ripped off its tongue from its jaws.

"GAaaawrgggggh!" Shrills out the beast as it drops its weapon and vomits out reddish green blood. The short-sword thudded around the ground, I briskly pick it up and point the blade at its eyes.

Behind me a pain oh so similar was felt, a spearhead was stabbed right behind my back! I turn around and see another goborc was grinning a sinister sick smile. Was it hiding behind me this whole time?!

The goborc dug the lance deeper into my eye socket as it howled in the joy of my screeching pain.

Not this again! One of my tentacles go to wrap around the conniving creature, but I was caught off guard. The other goborc who's tongue I ripped off came hurling towards me with a knights sword, it had taken from the girl.

Shit! I tried to avoid the attack, but my body was to slow. I speedily close my eyes, by a needles thread, the blade pierces the top of my eyelids. "RoAgrrrrrwrgh!" I roar out in my mindscape as my tentacles wiggle erratically in the air. The attack still hurt like a hell! Now I am fucking pissed! I overlap my tentacles over my body and form [tentacle shield] I then summon all 12 of my slime clones again so that they can push me altogether. My whole body rolled forward and acted as a wrecking rolling ball. I hit both goborcs so hard that they flew several feet across the air to join there goblin bastard buddies. The attack was like I was a cannonball being shot from a Battleship. I rip off the lance from my eyelids and flung it away.

Seriously how many battles do I have to go through? I should be dead by now. I flatten down and breathe heavily to regain my energy. I then meditate for a brief second. Ok, now that I helped out that girl. It's time she helps me out. My eyes slowly turn to her. She is shaking with her eyes widen beyond belief, like a deer caught in the headlights of a monster truck. Well, this is going to be weird. Then again what hasn't been weird so far?

[>>System Index<<]:

[ You have defeated 3 Goblins! And 2 Goborcs!]

+ 2 Attack !

+ 2 Magic !

+ 2 Agility

+ 2 HP

+ 2 Manna

[Cultivation Power: 2 gained!]

[Level 2 gained!]


[Wrecking Cannon skill gained!]

I swiftly close my eyes to put away my status alerts. Now was not the time to bask in my new achievements. What I should do now is talk to this gorgeous, stunning, and beautiful- Wait! Focus. It really has been a long time since I have seen a female. Back when my vision was horrendous I had to go super close to someone and touch their faces to imagine how they looked. This didn't fly well with the females. They thought I was some creep, even when I told them I was near-blind. All of them just walked away without listening to another word I had to say. So how do I approach her without looking creepy or scary? Ha kind of impossible in this situation. Shall I do a little dance around with my tentacles or hey maybe I can calm her down by singing a song? Yeah, fucking right. If talking to a woman as a human was hard enough, this was like creating a fucking nuclear bomb when you are blind and have your hands cut off. But if I really wanted answers about the world of Zareth, then talking to this girl is my only chance. She is the first human I've met so far so I can't ruin this. I use mindscape and pick up the blonde girls staff.

"Here you go." I softly said as I toss her golden staff back at her. The staff hits her hard on the face and she flinches back, "Och!" She squeaks.

Oh shit, I didn't mean to do that! I forgot how strong my hands were now.

The girl slowly picks up her staff, she then stands up with a wobble. Her milky thighs shake in fright.

"Do you need help getting up?" I offered her as I moved my tentacles towards her to lift her up.

"Get back! Get away from me!" She shouts as she raises up her staff. She was biting down on her pink lips and trembling. Fresh bloody marks covered her cheeks and below her one exposed violet colored-eyes. I go to pick her up again, "I said get away from me!" She bites on my tentacle. A "Munch!" sound was heard. I can't lie, she looked pretty adorable as she was gnawing at my tentacle-arm like a puppy dog. I think I should change my tone to sound less frightening.

"I mean no harm. You can trust me." I make my voice lower pitched to take away the loud and deep beasts-like vocals I had before.

"Get back! I am warning you!" The girl's eyes were shaking wildly. I could sense her fear and confusion. Even though I saved this girls life, she doesn't know if I am a threat or not. I scuttle closer to her and say "Is this how you repay me after I saved your life?"

"That is enough! I don't even know how you are talking to me! Holy pierce!" She points her golden staff forward, a flicker of light shines at the tip. I just grab the staff and easily snap it in half.

Out of nowhere a goblin was behind the girl and lunged at her with a knife in hand.

"Don't interfere with my conversation." I stab the goblins eyes out with the girl's staff and lift up its body to toss it away into one of the Greek statues. A "Crunch!" and "Thud!" was heard in the background.

"So where was I- " I turn to face the girl.

"T-thank you! You save me not once, but twice! I am so sorry for attacking you tentacle monster! I am in your debt!" She quickly bows down onto her knees and folds her palms together in a prayers stance. Well, that was fast, I thought gaining her trust was going to be harder.

"You don't have to bow down. You can hear me right?" I hand sign by flopping my tentacles up and down like a puppet talking.

"Yes!" Her eyes glowed as she kept on praying.

"Um, I said you don't have to bow." I requested.

"No, but I must! I am ashamed as a maiden to deny my savior's grace!"She pleaded as she cupped her pale hands harder.

"Ah…Okay…What is your name?" I gently lift her up and pat away the dirt from her shoulders.

"My name is Healer Maiden." She salutes with a cutesy serious face.

Hmm, a healer. Just what the doctor ordered. What are the chances? This is like winning the lottery bitches. I rub my tentacles together and do a wiggle victory dance. Now I don't have to eat my tentacles all day long.

"Um… What are you doing?" She asked with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Ah. Nothing. Just wiping off the blood out of my tentacles."

"Do you want me to help?" She gingerly crosses her hands together.

"No. I can get rid of this disgusting goblin blood by myself. What I really need is healing." I slither around all of my wounded tentacles and point at my injured eyelid.

"Right on it!" Healer Maiden stands up in an instant and walks over my way to inspect my injuries. She carefully takes off her white maiden gloves, "Hold still." Radiant whitish aura sparks swirl around her smooth palms. A surge and sting of mana overflowed my body. Her aura felt calm and peaceful like floating in a crystal clear ocean. My wounds begin to heal themselves. I could have used my regeneration, but it doesn't fully heal all of my wounds, plus I was low on mana. I would guess I had 5% left after all the skills I used.

"Do you any feel better?" Her sweet rosy smelling breath tingles my skin.

"You did a good job. Thank you- Arghh. Dammit, my eye's still hurt." I grip my enormous eyelid. A fresh bloody cut was still there.

"Oh no! I couldn't heal your eye! I am so useless! Without my staff, I can't do anything!" She helplessly palms her eyes to hide her face. Tears start to fall from her cheeks.

"No worries. Are you afraid of me?" I wanted to figure out if she really trusted me.

"How can I be? When you have saved me twice. Those goblins would have surely killed me or worse they would have…" Her one exposed violet eye spaced out and her body begins to shiver at the thought of the goblins taking advantage of her frail body. Healer Maiden gripped hard at her bare shoulders.

"Beast are cruel animals, but not all of them." I place one tentacle on Healer Maiden's shoulders to calm her. But it is true. If I wasn't there to help, then the goblins and goborcs would've had their way with her. I got angered by the thought of it. In a sense, this world is no different than my world. Both are filled with chaos and injustice.

The strong prey on the weak as the weak accepts their cruel fate.

Healer Maiden wipes away her tears, "Thank you. Tentacle Beast. Do you have a name?"

"No." I begin to feel uneasy. If this world was filled with gruesome beasts such as goblins and goborcs, then what if there is more humans stronger Healer Maiden who hunt down beast to keep their world safe. I couldn't trust her. I couldn't trust anyone. I firmly wrap my scaly tentacles around her skinny pale neck and close my eyes to blind my vision from what I was about to do.

I will continue to edit each chapter even past ones.

I have a stockpile of chapters waiting to be released.

(More Power Stones will unlock future chapters at a faster rate).


GhostyGodZcreators' thoughts