
Junior Sorceress Melisa Blackflame, Part Eight


Melistair wiped the sweat from his brow, his muscles aching from another long day of the usual construction work, hauling stone and lumber from one place to another. 

"Oi, Melistair!" a human worker called out. "That true what they're saying 'bout your girl? Heard she's cozyin' up to the court sorceress now!"

[What did Melisa call this feeling again, a few years back? Deja vu? Hehe... I think I get it now.] 

Melistair felt a surge of pride, quickly followed by a twinge of worry.

[My little girl, rubbing elbows with the most powerful mages in the kingdom. Shit, when did she grow up so fast?]

"Aye, that's what I hear," he replied, keeping his voice casual. "Though I try not to pry into her business, y'know?"

The human laughed, slapping Melistair on the back with enough force to make him stumble.

"Right, right. Well, you must be proud as hell, eh? Your daughter, savior of the king!"