
Reborn As a Pirate

When Ryan opened his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar world, marked, accused of murdering a noble and condemned to the life of a pirate. Shipwrecked from the start, his fortunes changed when he was rescued by the enigmatic Captain Freni, a ruthless witch who commands the "Black Rose" without a shred of mercy. But Ryan is not just any ordinary castaway, he is equipped with a mysterious system that allows him to level up and unlock new abilities, guiding him on a bizarre and fantastical journey. [Save the dying shark to gain a secretive ally] [convert a dead planet into a powerful warship] such were the choices offered to Ryan offered by the system.] Unbeknownst to others, Captain Freni is the fugitive fifth princess of the Augustus Dynasty, masquerading as a novice pirate while seeking to recover her family's lost treasure and restore her fallen dynasty. As she navigates through treacherous waters, Freni saves Ryan, who proves to be a knowledgeable navigator for the Black Rose, despite his odd tendencies to spout bizarre statements and collect strange artifacts. Welcome to the Age of Discovery! #Pirate #VirtualReality #+18 #Reborn #Funny

Rqmk · Fantaisie
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Path Profession!

As Freni stepped onto the deck, an eerie silence fell over the crew of pirates. They quivered at her presence, and those from the [Black Rose] who had been casually leaning against the railings suddenly found themselves kneeling, as if their legs had betrayed them.

With a commanding tone, devoid of any pleasantries, Freni declared, "From this day forth, you are under the flag of the [Black Rose], and I am your captain."

Her voice cut through the salty air, "Defy me, and you will meet your end!"

At her command, the pirates of the [Skeleton] bowed deeply, their voices unified in a fearful, "Captain!"

Among them were those who once prided themselves on their honor and defiance, but today, none showed such traits. The lifeless body of their colossal former captain, Salem, known as the "Mountain of Meat," lay cold nearby. His imposing figure, now just a corpse, was a stark reminder of the consequences of defiance under Freni's formidable rule.

Under the watchful eyes of Freni and her loyal second, Cecilia, the transition of power was swift. The pirates of the [Skull] abandoned their former allegiances and pledged fealty to the [Black Rose]. The [Skull], a ship known for its exceptional capabilities, was fittingly rechristened as the new [Black Rose].

Ryan observed the unfolding events from the sidelines. Among the crew, marked by dark blue curse tattoos on their foreheads, Ryan's unmarked skin made him a noticeable outlier. Yet, no pirate dared to challenge this anomaly.

They all remembered Otis Lucan, the formidable first mate under Salem, whose prowess was second only to the mountainous captain himself. Otis had been seen entering Ryan's quarters, only to be carried out later without his head. The clean, precise nature of the wound indicated a masterful execution by a sharp blade.

This revelation alone was enough for the bloodied veterans of the sea to recognize the lethal capabilities hidden beneath Ryan's seemingly delicate exterior.

In the treacherous world of pirates, respect is earned by those who demonstrate strength and cunning. The seas are unkind to the weak.

After an hour of meticulous work and strategic planning, two pirate ships, the newly christened [Black Rose] and its companion, sailed in tandem, slicing through the ocean waves.

In what was once the captain's quarters of the [Skull], now repurposed for the [Black Rose], Freni sat pensively in an ornate armchair. A slight frown creased her brow as she massaged her temples, the toll of her expended magical energies evident in her demeanor.

Cecilia, observing her leader's fatigue, couldn't help but express her concern. "Lord Freni, you seem..."

Before Cecilia could finish, Freni interrupted with a weary shake of her head. "I'm alright, Cecilia. It's merely the drain from using too much magic. A bit of rest should suffice."

Though Cecilia nodded, her eyes still mirrored her deep concern, which didn't go unnoticed.

Freni shifted the conversation to recent events. "I've gathered from the former [Skull] crew that Ryan's victim was their first mate. He wasn't officially ranked, but his skills were ripe for advancement with the right potion."

"Our Mr. Navigator appears quite capable, doesn't he?"

Cecilia, puzzled, asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Freni smiled, her expression easing as she continued. "Cecilia, don't you think that just the two of us wielding power might be insufficient? We can't depend solely on ordinary pirates who are controlled by cursed seals, it's unsustainable. We need to cultivate our own loyal cadre."

She leaned back, her gaze turning strategic. "Given the identity of the Bloody Son, Ryan's allegiances are clearly set against the Kingdom of Augustus. There's no possibility of reconciliation there. His prowess has already been proven in battle, and he brings a wealth of navigational knowledge that we lack. As for his character..."

"I am assured of his benign intentions towards us," Cecilia reported, her eyes briefly flashing with a mixture of curiosity and caution.

"Please, invite our Mr. Navigator in," Freni instructed softly, her voice calm yet commanding.

Cecilia responded with a crisp "Yes," then turned to leave. As she walked, the chainmail she wore clinked against the scabbard at her waist, producing a subtle symphony of metallic sounds. The door of the captain's cabin closed with a soft thud behind her, leaving Freni to her solitude.

Once alone, Freni lowered her head, her brow furrowing in thought. A shadow of concern flickered through her ice-blue eyes, reflecting the weight of leadership and the burdens it carried.

Outside the captain's room, Cecilia paused momentarily. She closed her eyes, inhaling deeply as if to steady herself. When she opened them again, they were resolute. "Lady Freni, no matter what comes, I will stand by you and protect you," she whispered to herself as an unspoken vow.

Moments later, Ryan hurriedly followed Cecilia to the captain's quarters. The door closed behind him with a loud 'Bang,' making his heart skip a beat.

Freni sat regally in her armchair, a deceptive smile gracing her lips as she observed the young man who stood nervously before her. "Captain," Ryan greeted with a quick salute, "may I know why you've summoned me?"

Freni unfolded her tender white hands and placed them on the desk, her gaze piercing as she regarded him. "Mr. Lane, I value directness in both speech and action," she began earnestly. "I'll get straight to the point."

"Are you willing to truly join us?"

Ryan blinked, slightly taken aback. Freni had previously asked him to serve as the navigator of the Black Rose, a position he had accepted without hesitation. This invitation, however, seemed to delve deeper, hinting at a commitment far beyond mere navigation.

As he pondered Freni's words, Ryan grasped the deeper meaning behind her request: she wasn't merely offering him a position, she was inviting him to become a genuine partner in her ventures.

Observing Ryan's initial shock, Freni offered a gentle smile. "I value your strengths and expertise highly, Ryan. I wouldn't extend this offer without substantial benefits for you. Observe."

With a graceful gesture, she waved her hand adorned with a luminescent ring. In an instant, the ring flashed brilliantly, and two vials containing potions radiating an ethereal glow materialized on the table.

"These," Freni explained, "are first-level potions for the Pirate Path and the Night Watch Path. Consuming them will elevate you to a true professional."

She paused, her expression serious. "However, there are prerequisites you must meet before you can partake in these potions."

"Should you choose to join us fully," Freyne continued, her tone inviting, "you can select one of these potions. Alongside, I offer my assistance in accessing secretive knowledge, mastering specialized skills, and furthering your advancement within your chosen path."

Ryan stared at the two vials on the table, his mind racing. Before Freni could further detail their properties, a prompt in a subdued grey font appeared before his eyes, delineating the specifics:

[Pirate Potion: The essential potion for ascending to the first level of the Pirate profession. Upon consumption, you will achieve "Path Profession - Pirate (First Level)." Usage prerequisites: Physical fitness must be at least 1.5 times that of an average adult male, proficiency in a chosen weapon skill, and basic navigation skills. Note: Taking this potion without fulfilling the prerequisites may lead to severe, unpredictable consequences.]**

[Night Watch Potion: The crucial potion for advancing to the first level of the Night Watch profession. Upon consumption, you will achieve "Path Career - Night Watch (First Level)." Usage prerequisites: Physical fitness must be at least 1.5 times that of an average adult male, consumption within two hours post-night prayer ceremony on a full moon night, and completion of a solo monster hunt. Note: Taking this potion without fulfilling the prerequisites may cause severe, unpredictable consequences.]

Ryan absorbed the information, the gravity of the decision before him weighing heavily. Each potion not only offered a path to power but also bound him closer to the mysterious and dangerous world Freni navigated.