
Reborn As A Nameless king

First why the fuck are you reading this seriously... the guy who wrote this shit was high as hell muther fucker was in Narnia sooooo ... don't expect an intricate story with rainbows and ... uni ... unicorns ? . . . this is 1000 % a parody . . . This is the story of a man who hates seriousness , this man ended up dying but thanks to this he went to a world full of adventures and stories ... follow this man as he gets high as hell and figures out what the hell is going on . . . This story is not serious... the main character will do a lot of comic shit that might not make sense ...and dont expecte a perfect storyline ...

God_Eyes_2975 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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45 Chs

The Little Light In Darkness

(One image representing the chapter is going to be posted in the comments by the Autor)

In The Previous Chapter



A woman with golden hair and bluish armor is in the middle of the battlefield behind her an army of knights is all dead in a macabre way, this woman is Arthuria, she is currently in a fighting position with Excalibur in her hands... in front of her a red-haired man smiled in a macabre way...

Arthuria- Why…. Why Mr Iskandar?

Iskandar- HAHAHA …. Do you really want to know?

Arthuria- You betrayed the entire continent as well as your people … you have no honor?

Iskandar- ….




Iskandar- No… I have no honor little queen…. Those who are honorable end up dying early…

Arthuria- I'd rather die early than be a traitor like you….

Iskandar- Ouch oh oh … Arthuria … you are very innocent just like your father …

Arthuria- What does my father have to do with this?

Iskandar- I'll tell you a little story… after all you're going to die here…. Ahm…. There was once a little king he ruled Kian and was loved, but ten years ago he died mysteriously and-

Arthuria- Where do you want to go with this, you traitor?

Iskandar- HAHAHA … you are too blind little queen …

Iskandar looked at Arthuria like a predator looks at its prey , he walked calmly around the poor queen with a macabre smile , Arthuria was already analyzing her surroundings to see if she could find any way to escape that situation ... but to her bad luck she is surrounded on all sides, more than a hundred thousand Draliri soldiers and another thirty thousand demons, all of whom saw the situation as if it were entertainment.

Iskandar- where was I? … I already remembered, you know, my old man was responsible for your father's death … HAHAHA … although he also fell into the grave a few years later …

Hearing this, the queen was incredulous at the information she received…

Arthuria- THIS IS A LIE … he died while fighting the horde ….

Iskandar- I think you trained too much with the sword and forgot to train your brain you fool...

Iskandar- Think with me… what do you do when there is a country that is too powerful?

Arthuria- ….

Iskandar- You kill royalty, from the king to the cat… Hehehe

Arthuria- Looks like you guys didn't do a good job since I'm still alive.

Iskandar- Not for long… I'll finish what my old man started…

Arthuria- But that still doesn't explain why you joined the horde...

Iskandar- That's why I hate all the kings of this continent…. They're all a bunch of idiots… I just allied myself with the most powerful being on this continent… and thanks to him I'm going to conquer the entire continent….

Arthuria- Do you think that Mr. Escanor and Mr. Faraam will let that happen…

Iskandar- At this moment the Dark Hand has already been mobilized to neutralize Faraam and that pest called Ariandel… Escanor, when night comes I will kill him myself…

Arthuria- I believe in Mr. Faraam and Mr. Usan they would never fail … and you Iskandar I will take care of you with my hands even if I have to sacrifice everything to kill you here ….

Iskandar- Hahaha … you fool, you think you can do something against me … I am much stronger than in the past … after all I received a power from the Demon king …

Arthuria- From the Demon King?

Iskandar- Yes … he gave me a fragment of the abyss and with that I feel twice as strong as before …

Arthuria after listening to Iskandar she knew he didn't lie as she could feel the magical pressure but she can't let this monster alive he has to fall here and now... otherwise his kingdom will become history as will peace and prosperity that existed in much of the continent …

The noble queen got into fighting position putting Excalibur in front of her face ready to attack Iskandar, he just laughed at the small woman as he drew a red sword from his back...

Iskandar- HAhaha … and I was going to give you a quick and painless death … pity you're like your father … a fool …

And with that the little woman kept her place and Iskandar ran to make a dash like lightning and began attacking without stopping, but Arthuria dodged and defended from the blows without failing once…

Every blow that Iskandar delivered was heavy as a boulder, you could see Arthuria being forced to back off even while defending every blow…

Iskandar- Amazing … as expected from the Guardian of the East … it will be a shame to kill you…

Without responding to the man, the great queen advanced on the man, managing to pierce one of his legs, but the wound simply healed almost instantly...

Arthuria- I see that you are not even human now Iskandar…

Iskandar- You could say I'm a demon now… humans are too weak so I only had to gain by becoming one… but now enough…

A black aura surrounded Iskandar and his weapon went completely black seconds later the aura disappeared and surrounded the weapon…Arthuria seeing this had to respond at the same level by raising the sacred weapon to the sky an absurd amount of light began to gather on the blade…

Iskandar- [Fire of Purgatory]

Arthuria- [Wrath of Avalon]

With these words said two distinct attacks appeared on the battlefield one was as black as night, it was an immense sea of black flames that was heading towards the queen, but on Arthurias' side nothing emerged…

Iskandar- Hahaha … not a skill with-

From the sky a pillar of light descended as if it were the wrath of God, an immense beam of light covered the battlefield revealing seconds later a Woman on her knees with several wounds and on the other side a man who was covered in blood and several burns, he was lying on the floor...

The soldiers serving Iskandar wondered if he was dead, but laughter rose again on the battlefield….


Said the man already standing, even though he was in a sorry state, in a few seconds he was cured….

Iskandar- Enough kidding… Archers!!!! ….

All the archers that surrounded Arthuria prepared their bows… the Queen of Steel got back into fighting position after all she couldn't die there, she has a kingdom to protect and friends waiting for her…

Iskandar- Attack…

For a moment the sky darkened due to the amount of arrows that were fired... with all the strength she still had, Arthuria defended herself from the majority but even so she was hit several times causing the woman to fall to the ground with the pain she felt …

From behind the woman, two demons appeared with chains and tied the woman, leaving the queen immobile and with no possibility of escape...

Iskandar slowly approached the poor woman as he laughed maniacally … getting close to her he punched her hard in the face and then pierced the woman's hands with two stakes …

Iskandar- Hahaha … looks like the East Guardian's legacy ends today … last words?

Arthuria- Go to hell…

With that said the woman who was on her knees rested her head on the floor while some tears fell from her face…

Iskandar- Too bad I have to kill you… but don't worry soon you'll have the company of your friends, they will soon die too Hehehe…

Above the battlefield several dark clouds appeared and with them a storm with strong winds.

*brrr-booom! brrr-booo! trommm!*

From the sky several lightning started to fall…

Iskandar- HMMMM …strange … but it's time to end this…

The traitor then raised his sword in the air ready to end the queen's life there, but suddenly a gigantic lightning bolt fell beside the man causing him to fall away from the queen… a smoke screen rose … when the smoke disappeared Arthuria had disappeared with it …

Iskandar was confused after all she couldn't have gone very far looking around the battlefield a figure caught his attention... a few meters away from Iskandar was Faraam with Arthuria in his arms...

Arthuria- *COF COF* He betrayed us…please…run away…he…is too strong…

Said the noble queen with the rest of the strength she had...

Faraam- You've done a good job of holding out so far Arthuria … after this battle is over let's have a good glass of alcohol … hahaha …

Arthuria- *COF COF* hehe … of course…

And with this the woman lost consciousness in the arms of the white-haired man…

Around Faraam a 'storm' arose, lightning and strong winds surrounded the demigod. Faraam laid the queen on the ground and in a snap of the fingers the storm now surrounded the unconscious woman…

Faraam walked slowly towards Iskandar, his eyes were glowing brightly… and Iskandar felt his senses screaming…

Iskandar- Look who he is… always showing up to ruin the party….

Faraam- …

Iskandar- Afff … why didn't you die along with that Ariandel plague … I should never have let Dark Hand handle this matter …

At that moment Iskandar felt he had said too much, in front of him he could only see death itself approaching him….

Faraam- So it was you who planned everything…. Son of a bitch … I will kill you in the cruelest way imaginable … but first I have to kill the audience …

Raising his hand to the sky several lightning fell upon the army of Iskandar killing almost everyone who watched it….

Iskandar tried to run from the place... but in front of him Faraam appeared out of nowhere with his spear in hand but the man just threw it to the ground and thrust his hand into Iskandar's stomach and then pulled the man's guts out of his body. ….

Faraam- This was for trying to kill my friends and hurting Queen Arthuria…


Iskandar had gone mad with so much pain even with the regeneration he had he couldn't heal that wound for some reason…

Now on the ground the traitor tried to crawl away from Faraam... but the white haired man put his foot on his head and crushed it causing the man's brain to explode...

Faraam- And this is for hurting Ariandel … son of a bitch …

With Iskandar dead the adventurer went to Arthuria and removed the small shield he had created around the queen… the man took the woman carefully and looked into her face while he had a small smile on his lips…

Faraam- What a long day… time to go home…

In a flash of golden light the man disappeared leaving behind an unparalleled carnage…

