
Reborn As A Nameless king

First why the fuck are you reading this seriously... the guy who wrote this shit was high as hell muther fucker was in Narnia sooooo ... don't expect an intricate story with rainbows and ... uni ... unicorns ? . . . this is 1000 % a parody . . . This is the story of a man who hates seriousness , this man ended up dying but thanks to this he went to a world full of adventures and stories ... follow this man as he gets high as hell and figures out what the hell is going on . . . This story is not serious... the main character will do a lot of comic shit that might not make sense ...and dont expecte a perfect storyline ...

God_Eyes_2975 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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45 Chs

A Meeting With Royalty Part 1

(One image representing the chapter is going to be posted in the comments by the Autor)

In The Previous Chapter



Faraam- ...... 'WHAT SHIT IS THIS … I don't have words to describe what I'm reading '

Gael- I hope you have success on your trip...

Faraam- …. I'll be back as soon as possible… Mr. Gael…

Faraam- 'I'm so fucked'




Three years later

Three long years have passed since Faraam completed the dungeon in the Fallen Realm of Azeroth when he reported his success King Escanor was pleased with the outcome and placed Faraam as Gael's apprentice after which hell began for the young man he had to do insane things that took him several times close to death and also every day he was forced to destroy several dungeons , in short he would wake up with Gael 's sword close to his head and train until he fell and then destroy dungeons without the help of weapons sometimes he was forced to do it all naked. With this light training he managed to stay strong very strong compared to three years ago, he was also promoted to S rank and guardian of the Royal family of Herannor.

At this moment Faraam is sitting on the body of a Golem Made of gold this great being thrashed in pain, but after a few minutes he stopped moving.

Faraam stood up calmly and looked at the being with tired eyes…

[You received 1,000,000 xp]

[You have leveled up]

System- Congratulations player with this you destroyed 77 574 dungeons across the continent.

Faraam- This is the last dungeon on that shitty old man's list… [Status]


Name: Faraam

Age: 21

Title: Reincarnated (+1 sp to all attributes) ↓

Universal Lucky Bastard (+1 luck)

Spear Emperor (+30% damage with any spear)

Destroyer (Destroy over 70 000 dungeons = +60% magic and physical damage)

Seller (Earn over 1 billion with your trades, all your trades are 100% successful)

Ladies Men (+69% chance to seduce someone)

Race: Demigod ↓

Level: 89 000

Affiliation: Adventurers Guild (Rank S)↓

Kingdom of Herannor (Royal Guardian)

Exp: 0/600,000,000

Posts (0) ↓


HP: 42073900/42073900 MP: 44382800/44382800 (↓ 00)

STR: 553 789 VIT: 420 739

DEX: 483 891 INT: 443 828

WIS: 498 717 LUCK: 453 685

Sp's: 0 (10 skill points level)

Faraam- Finally after three sons of bitches years I managed to reach level 89 000 and with that I ended the training of that sadistic shitty old man…

System- Congratulations player thanks to this you are among the 100 strongest players alive…

Faraam- Alive?!

System- Yes … several of them died trying to turn against the gods …

Faraam- Speaking of gods that god shit never showed up again and thanks to that I never received high-level missions..

System- I apologize player, but I can only assign you low level quests thanks to my restricted power...

Faraam- 'What… shit that goddamn god tried to take the system out of me but thanks to a dragon god or some shit fuck the system was incorporated into my soul, I didn't understand what happened back then three years ago, I just know that that one god shit is fucked with me I am going to get his ass handed to him…'

Faraam- Time to go back to the fort to finish my training with that demon in the shape of an old man… [Teleportation]

In a golden flash Faraam appeared sitting across from Gael who was reading some documents in his office.

Gael- OH OH OH … Looks like my favorite disciple has arrived

Faraam- …. I just destroyed the last dungeon on the list …master *COF COF*

Gael- I see that, yes … you have grown immensely in power and wisdom … with this I give your training as finished Faraam

Faraam- It was an honor to train with you Mr. Gael, I hope to meet us one day

Faraam- 'Preferably at your fucking funeral'

Gael-Ham … one thing, I almost forgot, go to the capital, a letter from the king arrived and your presence is required at court.

Faraam- Got it … if you'll excuse me …[Teleportation]

Once again the player disappeared in front of Gael and appeared in front of a large door, opening this and entering the hall he found Escanor on his throne and Merlin beside him both looked at him with eyes of amazement at his sudden appearance, arriving more near the throne he knelt before the king while he waited.

Escanor- As expected, you never fail Faraam…

Faraam- I do my best to serve you…

You might be wondering why someone as impatient as Faraam is serving the royal family of Herannor, it's just all part of strategy… think about it, who's going to attack him if he serves a fucking monster like Escanor, that's it really, no one… a good way to keep you out of trouble with other realms…

Escanor- You may be wondering why I called you here…simple I want you to join me in a meeting that will be held between the kingdoms of Kian, Draliri, Herannor and the Empire of Arelath…

Faraam- Me? Why? Why not Lady Merlin?

Escanor-Merlin will go to Roland to help the Magi council defend itself from the horde that is attacking the lands of the East…

Faraam- Horde?

Merlin- Oh oh … I don't blame you for not knowing as those who train with Gael tend to be isolated from the world … in short the Grohand Horde that exists in the far east of the continent is under the leadership of a self titled 'Demon King' he is expanding his territory rapidly, the council tried to fight him but he apparently is too strong which has caused the mages to create a barrier around their territory. I will go to Roland to help them and you will protect the meeting , which will happen here in the kingdom…

Faraam- 'As if I were needed to protect a meeting between monsters '

Faraam- I think I understand a lot of it… when will the meeting be?

Escanor- It will be tomorrow at 9 am … so show up here in time …

Faraam- I will not fail … and I wish you luck in your mission Lady Merlin

Merlin- I hope you succeed too.

And with that Faraam slowly left the place, Merlin teleported to her destination, Faraam had other plans.

Faraam- [Teleportation] …

Once again disappearing in a flash this time he was in front of his house so without hesitating he kicked the door which gave way to the force of the blow…


Something that surprised the player was that his house was clean…

Faraam- Looks like Salazar did a good job…

Walking a little farther in front of his small fireplace he saw Salazar licking a wall while a freshly extinguished cigarette could be seen in the fireplace…

Salazar- The sun … is square …

Faraam- My… God! … you're worse than an ass … you're all fucked up


Faraam- Yes yes of course,… so good to get home… he he he

Sitting on a small sofa in front of his fireplace, a small green cigarette appeared in the adventurer's hand, and the adventurer began to smoke it unhurriedly ..

Salazar- Awafafafawawa … ptchu … pee pee pee …

Faraam- Looks like the night will be long…

