
Reborn as a High Elf: I'll be the strongest with My Harem

Eric meets a tragic accident in his previous life but awakens in a fantasy world as a baby. When he wakes up in this world, he finds himself in the arms of a beautiful silver-haired elf woman. In this life, he wishes to hold his family dear and protect what he holds dear in order to gain power. He must overcome many obstacles in order to fulfill his dream of creating a harem of beautiful women. With Hard-work, love of his new family, and a little bit of magic, Eric may just be able to accomplish all his wishes he was not able to fulfill in his world and Create the perfect fantasy for himself and his Harem. In his journey he will find many foes, but this time he will not be alone. *** Genre: R18 - Harem - Incest - MILF - SMUT - Fantasy - Isekai - System - Magic - Overpowered MC - No NTR - No Yuri - Etc. Warning: Please note that this novel contains incest and other mature themes and may not be suitable for all readers. Please consider this before reading.

Nox_han · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

System Unlocked!

Seven weeks have passed since that fateful day. I've been observing the people around me, and figured out a few things. First, I believe I've died and been reborn in a different world. Second, I can somehow understand everything even though I don't know their language.

'Hmm... could this be some sort of bonus pack for reincarnation?' I wondered.

My mother is probably the owner, or at least the highest ranking person in our household. She is the only person I have seen other than a few maids, so I can't say for sure.

There seems to be a hierarchy for the maids too.

The old lady named Feanor seems to be the leader of all the maids. She has blonde hair and wears a small monocle. She's not as beautiful as the other maids because she's old, but she doesn't act her age either. While doing her work she just pick-up heavy looking thing like paper *Shocked*.

The other two maids who were there at the time are Juna and Fina. Juna is another beautiful elf with blonde hair and a voluptuous figure. She's a bit of an airhead and makes a lot of mistakes, which gets her scolded by Feanor.

How do I know all this stuff? It's because of Fina. She's one chatty maid. She tells us all the mess that her coworkers make and how she has to fix all of it. By "us," I mean me and my sister, who are, let me remind you, only a little more than one month old.

She is just as beautiful as Juna, but her chest is flat like a board, which she is very sensitive about. Whenever she tries to hold my sister in her arms, my sister starts to cry. So to console her, I try to play with her, and it works.

And whenever she is in a good mood, she talks a lot.

It's because of her that I got to know about my mother's name too, which was Sylviana.

She doesn't talk about anything outside of our house, which is why I don't know which part of the world we are in. I can guess one thing for sure, this is some elf country, because I haven't seen any other race until now. Other than those three maids and my mother, there are two more maids.

I can tell from the size of the room that we live in some kind of mansion. Now I'm in a different room, and both rooms were luxurious. At first, I thought about how they could clean this whole room. But when I saw them effortlessly do every task with the help of magic, I was fascinated. The prospect of using magic myself is one of the exciting factors in this new life.

But you know what is not exciting, not being able to control my body. First few week I didn't even have control over my bowls. Those were the most embarrassing days of my life.

Both my mother and maids were patient regarding these shitty days, but I knew that I had to get my shit together literally. So the solution I came up with was to cry before it all went down. It is still embarrassing, but I am getting used to it.

There is only one thing that can make up for those Shameful emotions, or should I say two things. *smirk*

Two humongous thing.

Yes, I am talking about my lovely mother's breasts. She is the first person I have fallen in love with in this world and she was also the first person whose breasts I felt, and let me tell you they felt right, squishy and delicious. The size of that thing is one thing but the softness of those melons are beyond.

I know I should not feel this way of my mother but - A wise man once said that if the world is trying to give you melons, just accept them. *Serious vibes*

When I tried her milk for the first time I was shocked and shy about drinking from her tits. But I got used to it soon and started enjoying it. The size of that thing is one thing, but the softness is beyond compare. And don't even ge me started on her nipples they are plump and squishy. But that is not even the most important feature.

She has inverted nipples. The first week it was annoying to poke them out from under the skin, but now I kinda like and enjoy the process. You can even say I am expert in poking them out.

I wasn't always a boobs guy, but when it comes to thinking about my next meal, my mother's boobs are the first and only things that come to mind.


All of a sudden, a ringing effect echoed in my mind, like that of a smartphone notification. I searched for the source of the sound, but found nothing out of the ordinary.

Then, unexpectedly, a rectangular screen materialized right before me.

I reached out my hand and touched the screen. It felt like I'm touching air. I swiped my finger across the screen, it was not responding. SSomething like a loading animation was playing on the screen.


'What is it now?' I thought, feeling giddy as I moved my fingers across the screen.

Just like any other typical Japanese male, I used to consume a certain type of web novel where the MC defeats his enemies with his cheat like power. Even though the context of those novels were same, I never got bored of them. They were like comfort food to me.

And now look what I got, a system. Is it cheat op system or is it level up system? *Excited*

I tried to click on the window. *Breathing heavily*

'I can touch it, but it's a weird feeling, like I'm touching the air.'

'Hmm, the UI is quite good, but there is no content here'


You gained a new skill. [Titty-Teaser]

"Guu..Gaa [translation: baby language: WHAT]?" I shouted.

'What is the meaning of this? This is the first skill I gained. Give me back me excitement of piece of shit system.'

My sister started crying after hearing me shout. I turned my head toward her. The window moved with my sight.

'Oops.. Sorry.'

I got closer to her and gently patted her head for a while. As she giggled while trying to catch my hand, she started to doze off again and she went back to sleep with a peaceful expression.

I looked back to my screen.

*Wispher* "Guu.. Guu-Guu..Guuu...?[Titty-teaser? Wtf?]"

My mother's tits came to mind.

'It cant be right? Is it because I've done it too many time. Is that it? Then can I get more skills if I do it too many times'

Pooping came to my mind. I hope not, please don't. just don't. I don't want to be poop master or something. *Sob...*

I could hear the sound of my fantasy shatter into pieces.

I wiped my disappointment away with the screen.

'Oh, there is more.'

With a new hope in my heart I read.

Linguistic Adaptation.

'Hmm, I knew it. I could understand this worlds language because some kind of magic.'

Anyways , lets forget about that stupid sounding skills. Understanding language is enough for now, who knows I might get more skills in future. Just hope it wont be related to poop.

There is nothing else beside these two skills in this tab.

There were two tabs on the screen right now. I clicked on the other tab, which said "Stats". Now I feel like I'm in a fantasy world.

'Well, lets look at what it says.'

I wearily clicked on tab.




Name: Eric.

Titles: Reborn in another world

Skills: Titty-Teaser, Linguistic Ada-


Health: 250

Strength: 05

Mana: 25

Agility: 01

Dexterity: 01

Intelligence: 01

Charisma: 80


Wow, these stats look good or bad? I don't know if it is good or bad. And again, what the hell is with this skill title? Give me something decent-sounding for a skill at least. I hope this world don't have any skill like appraisal. I will be humiliated publicly for this skill.

I let out a weary sigh. Maybe I accepted too much from this system.

At that moment, I heard a water dripping sound coming from the room connected to ours, with wet sound of footsteps.


[Sylviana POV]

At the edge of the capital city of an elf nation, surrounded by old forests, stood a magnificent palace. A child's cries resounded through the halls of a chamber within the palace.

"Congratulations, My Lady, you have twins." One of the attendants smiled and said.

"Indeed, one is a boy and the other is a girl. Isn't it amazing?" chimed in another attendant. She tried to calm the crying infant in her arms by softly rocking her as she talked. I looked at the attendant soothing a crying baby and tried to smile despite the pain.

One of the attendants, who was cleaning the baby, saw me in pain and came to me. "I'll heal you, my lady," she replied, and I motioned for her to continue. She began casting a low-level Elven healing spell on me which usually take long time to cast.

"By forest's breath and ancient song, Let wounds be healed, pains be gone. With whispers soft and gentle grace, Restore the spirit, Through leaf and vine, let magic flow, From earth below to sky's bright glow, bring forth the cure, let troubles sleep."

The chanting of the spell brought a green glow that surrounded my body, easing my pain. With that, I turned my head toward my other child and looked at Feanor, another personal maid who was holding him. She seemed to be worried about something. Then, I noticed that the baby was not crying. My heart filled with despair, and with an anguished look, I awaited the worst possible news.

"Ah, but my lady, the boy does not cry. His pulses are strong and steady" spoke the old attendant with a worried look.

Only after hearing her reply did I feel relieved and asked her to pass me the baby.

He has pointed ears, typical for elves, just like mine. His bright blue eyes looked shocked as he looked at my face. His tiny fingers wrapped around mine, creating a connection between us. A sudden surge of emotions unlike any I had ever felt washed over me.

Suddenly he started to cry. I can see panic in his eyes, to sooth him I hugged him closer and rocked him gently.

Soon after almost changing my son's gender, *cough...*

Soon after naming my twins both of them snoozed. After cleaning them and myself, we moved to my room.

After an hour Eric woke up after I gave his sister her fill of my milk. I placed her in the cradle beside Eric, who was simply staring at me. 

"You must be hungry, my baby. Come here." 

As I started to pull down my robe, I saw my boy looking a bit flustered, as if he were embarrassed to see his mother half-naked, and tried to peak other side. It brought a warm smile to my face. The sight of him blushing so cutely made my heart melt.

I scooped him up and drew him near, until his face was level with my left nipple. As soon as he got close to my nipple, he latched on it and started to suckle greedily.

"Drink all you want, little one. Mommy is not going anywhere."

I reassured with a gentle smile.

After few minutes Eric started to dose off so I put him in the same cradle as his twin sister and went to my own bed.

While thinking the about the day and happiness I feel because my twins I also dosed off.



Please note that this novel contains incest and other mature themes and may not be suitable for all readers. Please consider this before reading.

Yo, Nox here. Thank you for reading. if you see any mistakes don't worry about it I'll edit this chapter later in future [probabily].

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Nox_hancreators' thoughts