
Reborn as a Fox Beastman with Modern Knowledge

A 17-Year-old Highschooler was killed while saving his classmate from a robbery and was Reborn into a Fox Beastman with Modern Knowledge.

Foxman · Fantaisie
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51 Chs

Chapter 51: Home visit 2

As Mom and Isabel spoke to each other, I sat on the couch for a few minutes before I went to the range to pass some time. After firing a few 9mm rounds down the gun range with my M9, I saw Ruby and Sheryl walking towards me. Unloading the magazine and flicking the safety on, I place the M9 on the table.

"Finished showing Sheryl around, Ruby?" I ask.

"Yes," Ruby replies.

I then ask Sheryl on her opinion.

"So, how was it?"

"It was certainly interesting. I never knew such things existed," Sheryl replies.

"Good to know."

"May I ask a question."


"What is this place?"

"This is a range where we train our skills in using firearms. A bit similar to the place where you practice shooting a bow."

"Is it hard to use it?"

"It's rather simple to use. You just point and shoot."

"That simple?"

"Mostly yeah. You do have to learn the basics of how to operate it, though."

"Can you show me?"

"Sure, I'll teach you how."

"Can you also show me?" Ruby asks with a soft voice.

"Of course. I'll even let you try it."

After a basic rundown on how a gun works and how to properly use it, we get ready to fire.

"Ear protections on?" I ask loudly.

Ruby and Sheryl both nod as they stood behind me. I then fire quick and successive shots at the metal targets before emptying the magazine.

"Who wants to try it first?" I ask as I reload a new magazine.

"I'll go first, Felix," Ruby says as she raises her hand.

I then carefully pass the M9 to Ruby. Holding the gun as I instructed, she then aims at the target.

"Are you ready to fire?"


"Then, flick the safety off and fire at your discretion." Following what I said, she flicks the safety off and inserts her finger in the trigger guard, slowly squeezing her finger on the trigger while aiming at the metal target.


A bang sounded as Ruby fired her first bullet onto the target, a metallic ping echoed.

"So how did it feel to fire your first bullet."

"I-it feels exciting and powerful to use."

"There are still bullets left in the magazine, so fire until you empty it."


After firing in short intervals, she empties the magazine.

"Try reloading the gun by yourself."

Following what I said, she ejects the empty magazine before inserting a fresh one.

"Good work, Ruby."

"T-thank you."

"Now turn the safety on and pass it to Sheryl."

Ruby flicks the safety on before handing it to Sheryl.

"Are you ready?" I ask Sheryl.




In quick succession, she unloaded all her rounds on the target accurately. Ruby and I are surprised by the display.

'How the heck did she learn that so quickly!?'

"Uhm… place the gun on the table, please."

Following what I said, she places the gun on the table.

"How did I do?" Sheryl ask me.

"You did… better than expected."

"I see."

After that, I let them fire a few more shots before we head back to the house. As we enter the house, I saw Mom cooking up something in the kitchen while Isabel watches her cook.

"Mom, what are you cooking?" I ask.

"Cooking some mashed potatoes for lunch."

"Let me help you then."






While Felix helps his Mom cook mashed potatoes, Ruby and Sheryl sat beside Isabel.

"I see that Felix was teaching you a few things outside," Isabel says.

"Y-yes. Felix was teaching how to fire a gun." Ruby replies.

"How about you, Ms. Sheryl? What was your thought about Felix's weapon?"

"Much powerful and convenient to use your Majesty."

Queen Isabel nods.






After a few minutes of cooking, Mom and I finish cooking the mash potatoes, placing some plates and utensils on the dining table. After setting the table, I put the mashed potato on the table, including some side dish I cooked up.

"Lunches ready!" I yell.

After that, everyone sat down at the table. As everyone starts eating, Sheryl, who is mostly quiet, suddenly says something with sparkling eyes.

"So tasty! How did you cook this to be so delicious!?" She suddenly asks.

"That's simple, dear; we add love in the ingredient."

"Love?" Sheryl says, confused.

"Yes, love," Mom says with enthusiasm. "If we cook it with the feeling of love, we can make any food taste delicious."

'I think the simple reason was a much better kitchen, ingredients, and a good cook, but I won't say anything noticing how it suddenly piqued Sheryl's interest.'

After that reply from Mom, Sheryl has been continuously chatting with her, which Mom also answers with enthusiasm. After eating and enjoying the time we ate lunch, It was time for Isabel to go home. Heading to the landing pad, Isabel hugs Ruby before saying her goodbye, and Sheryl salutes to Isabel as she hops into the Black Hawk. A few minutes later, we're off the ground, heading to Remloah.

"Felix." Isabel suddenly calls out to me.


"Your Mom, Felicia, is an interesting woman."

"I guess so, but she's still the same person who raised me for years."

She chuckles, "I see the resemblance." After a short pause, she asks something. "Felix, can you teach my daughter how to fight?"

"What? Why?"

"I know this is weird for me to ask, but I want you to teach Ruby how to defend herself. I haven't had the time to teach her myself due to how time-consuming governing a country is. I know how skillful your wives are. I heard the reports from other soldiers on how they help defend the castle and that you were the one who taught them, especially carrying equally powerful weapons."

"Are you sure, Isabel? My training isn't exactly straightforward."

"Yes, Ruby isn't weak-willed. Just a bit shy."

I chuckle, "You can say that again." After thinking this through, I tell her my answer, "Ok, I'll accept it.

"Thank you. Also, will you teach Sheryl?"

"Sheryl? How about her post at Silfrid?"

"She's done with her post and will now continue her main job as a bodyguard. And if you teach Sheryl, she will do a better job protecting Ruby."


After a few hours of flying, I land the Black Hawk at the Castle, dropping Isabel off before flying back.

Here's a new chap! Enjoy and stay safe!

Please rate and comment on any suggestion or criticism to improve on my novel. Stay tuned for more!

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