
Reborn as a Fallen in DXD

This is a story a young man in his 20's, who died because of GOD mistake. But for his surprise GOD gave him a second chance to be reborn again in his most favourite anime High School DXD with 4 wishes. This is my first fan-friction novel please enjoy. ----- NOTE : This novel is purely based on imagination and i do not own any characters or the main story of HIGH SCHOOL DXD. And i don't own the cover as well I just got it from Google, if you don't want that then just tell i will remove it ok. Please don't sue me i beg you. Thanks and, ENJOY. Please support: https://discord.gg/k5rAzk6xdP

Vladimir_Alexander · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
18 Chs

Chapter 7 Vali Lucifer

In the central palace of Grigori you can see a boy about 13 years old with golden hair who was meditating in his room with his eyes closed. He was not sitting on the floor but floating in midair with out any wings or magic but using his pure mind power, he was Asahi.

I slowly opened my eyes and floated down.

Kuroka was sitting on a chair and drying her hair after a bath, When she saw me standing she gave a warm smile and said "Good morning dear".

"Good morning" after saying that with a smile, I went near her and took the hair dryer and helped her dry the hair. She did not stop me from doing that but she really liked the way i spoiled her.

"So what is on your mind today" she asked while reading a magazine

"Well today is different and we won't be training" i said while turning of the hair dryer after finishing.

"What's so special about today that you are not training are you going somewhere" she asked with a curious face

"Nope, I am not going anywhere but some will come here today"

Hearing my answer Kuroka held her chin "Who's coming here today" she thought like a smart girl

Seeing her like that i smiled and tapped on her head to which she gave a cute pout

I was melted by her face and said with a smile as i rubbed her head "His name is Vali Lucifer"

"Who's that" she asked with a smile as i rubbed her head

"Well, He is the last Descendant of the original Lucifer. You can think the position of sirzechs as he is the current Lucifer. Vali is a half breed just like you devil father and human mother, He possessed the same power signature has his great-grandfather and he also wielded the sacred gear Divine dividing so all the family members saw him as a freak and abused him and his mother. He is 13 years now but he ran away from home so they would stop abusing his mother few days ago. Dad will bring him in after hearing his story and his sacred gear".

After i finished telling his story Kuroka was cring "So sad he must be dipressed right"

I went in front of her and wiped her tears and pinched her checks "Don't cry my love, he will become strong and get his revenge so don't worry his bad days are over".

Hearing me say that Kuroka gave a happy smile.

Suddenly i turned my head to a direction and smiled "He's here". And walked out, Kuroka also followed behind me.

When i reached the study Azazel was talking to boy who was 13 years old with light silver hair and light blue eyes, when Azazel saw us coming inside he called me "Asahi come here".

I walked to him with kuroka next to me "Who's this dad?" i asked like i didn't know him. Kuroka watched my face with confusion, I told her to act along with small moments.

"He is Vali Lucifer" Azazel said the same story what i had said to Kuroka a moment ago but this Kuroka was cring again after hearing his story.

But quickly she wiped her tears, went and held vali's hand "Don't worry your bad days are over, i was like you to untill Asahi saved me and gave me a home" she said with the warm smile.

Azazel smiled when he saw Kuroka cheering him up,

He saw Vali and said "Vali this is my son Asahi and she is his queen Kuroka".

I went near him and extended my hand with a smile "Nice to meet you, i hope we become good friends"

Vali shook my hand and smiled a little.

I turned to Azazel " Dad can i show him around".

Azazel thought for a second and said "Ok".

i took Vali with kuroka and walked outside the corridor,

"So you the vanishing dragon Albion's wielder" i asked Vali

"Yes" he said a short answer and i sighed knowing his personality.

After walking around and talking with each other we become friends but not like best friends or anything. we left Vali near the study room and went to our room.

When i reached our room i sat on my bed and Said to Kuroka "Don't call or shake me I will have a chat with Albion ok" she nodded her head and sat next to me.

i closed my eyes and focused on Vali in the study,

suddenly i opened my eyes it was like a black space but in front of me was a pure white dragon.

"Who are you?" Albion asked with a commanding tone.

I just smiled at him "So your the Vanishing dragon Albion".

When he heard that i know his name and all he was shocked "what do you want" this time he asked with a serious face.

"Nothing i just stopped by to see how you look, but i have to say you look better in white. I like you already" i still said with smile but i released some of my energy to see his reaction.

Albion's eyes widened "Who are you and how are you so powerfull" he asked in a cowardly manner

"Don't worry i won't hurt you or Vali, like i said i just came to say hi" and i turned around to leave but remembered something i faced him again, I manifest 10 pair of wings ( 20 wings) and flu up to Albion's head

"Hi, My name is Asahi Azazel. Remember my name" as i said i releases more power that made Albion shiver which made me smile as i retracted my powers "well see you later" and vanished.

Albion who was starring at the position where i vanished and sighed "How can there be such a powerfull existence in this world, so scary" after that he closed his eyes to rest.

After saying bye to Albion i opened my eyes in my room and saw Kuroka sleeping on the bed with her head on my lap. I caressed her head and smiled 'My little cat'.
