
The Nexus World

*Chirp *Chirp


I wake up hearing birds noise. I found myself naked with Sumiko-neesan. She is naked too.

Ah, I remember. I had a great night with Sumiko-neesan. Her beautiful boobs were looking at me. Wow, so beautiful. I can't believe I have feel these things last night. I touched them softly. They are really soft. I like it. I tried to lick her boobs.

"Ummm..." Sumiko-neesan woke up.

Crap, I have unconsciously woke her up. But that doesn't mean that I should stop licking them.

"Good morning, Serene." She greeted me.

"Gwd mwniwng" I tried to greet her while sucking her boobs.

"You're horny in the morning." She said.

"It's your fault for being beautiful." I said.

"I see. I am kinda horny too. Wanna go another round?" She asked.

"Why not. I am ready." I said with a confident look.

My boobs shake a little.


"You guys might be horny but mom is really angry. It's already late. Just get ready and come down. We have to finish our breakfast." Sylvia-neesan suddenly opened the door and said.

I somehow felt ashamed.

"I am sorry. It's my fault, Sylvia-neesan." I apologised.

"It's okay. Just get ready and come down. " saying that she turned over to go to dining room. But she stopped and turned over.

She looked at me and said,

"You're beautiful without clothes. I love it. Your boobs are beautifully shaped."

"W-wait. Don't look at them." saying that I tried to hide my boob shyly.

"You're okay with doing these kind of things all night long. But you're shy when I look at you? You're really strange." Sylvia-neesan said.

"Someone is jealous of me. Okay, tonight I will let you have me." Sumiko-neesan said.

Hearing that, Sylvia-neesan slightly smiled and said,

"I will took your offer. I don't think Serene will give me a chance to sleep with her." Saying that Sylvia-neesan left.

"Okay, I will go back to my room." Saying that she was about to leave. But hugged her from behind.

"What happened?" She asked.

"You forgot something." I said.

"I forgot? Books?" She asked.

"No, Good morning, kiss." I said.

"Haha, I have never expected you to act spoiled." She laughed.

I stopped hugging her and apologized,

"I-i am sorry."

"Moo, you don't have to apologized. You haven't done anything wrong." Saying that she kissed on my lips.

"I love you, neesan."

"I love you too, Serene." saying that she left the room.

Wait, she forgot her clothes here. Which means she will go to her room naked. She is really a nudist.


After finishing breakfast, everyone left. I came in front of the Nexus world gate with Tara. We are fully equipped with the equipment that we brought yesterday.

"Before going inside I have to confirm again, what kind of power do you have again?" I asked to Tara.

"I am more of a like necromancer. I have already two dark monster soul. One is a Great Flame dragon. It can destroy a city within a second and another one is singing Sparrow." She replied.

"I see. Then I will remain in the front. You can just try to protect me from behind. You can only join in the fight when you think my life is in danger. Otherwise, you can do whatever you want." I said to her.

"I understand, my lord." she replied.

"Very good. Now then, we should enter." saying that I opened the gate.

A beautiful wind came to me. The wind was really relaxing.

The moment I enter through the gate. Trees came to my vision. It's as if I am in a forest.


[You have entered the NEXUS WORLD.]

[MAP SKILL has been gifted to you by Sherry Nova.]

[EKOX CONTINENTAL MAP has been registered.]

So, Sherry-san gifted me a skill. She said something like this if I am not wrong. I opened the map skill.

A transparent map came to my view. At first I can see three continent. Two of them are close and another one is a bit far away. The continent I am in called Ekox Continent. I can't see the exact map of other two continents. But I can clearly see the map of Ekox Continent. It seems I am in a forest right now. The forest is called 'THE LITTLE FOREST'. Well, it's might be little compare to other forests. But it's not really small by any means. It situated Eastern side of the smallest kingdom called Chandra kingdom. It's as big as the United Bengal.

I mean it contains Bangladesh and West Bengal, Assam, Mizoram, Tripura, Manipur and Nagaland from India. Well, it's as big as United Bengal if I compare to my previous world. You might be thinking that, why are you calling it small?

It's simple, it's because other countries in this continent are bigger than this one.

If I compare this Chandra Kingdom to United Bengal, then I am right now is in the Manipur region.

According to the map, there is a big city closer to me. It's called Samatot City. Well, I might not be able to visit that city today. But our destination would be Samatot City. Well, I can see that there is only few cities in this country. Well, Sherry-san did said that people only lives in the 20% of the lands. So, I can understand a bit why did she said that.

"So, this is Nexus world." Tara wondered while looking at trees.

The moment, she entered through the gate, it disappeared.

"Sherry-san has given me a map skill. So, I can see the map of this continent. We are right now in a forest called Little Forest." I explained.

"I see. That's convenient, my lord. We should visit the closest city or village." She said.

"I am thinking of same too. So, I have decided to visit a city called Samatot City." I said.

"As my lord wish." She replied.

{I advise you to hunt as much as you can on your way and at least earn a 50,000 points. New skill will be unlock once you earn 50,000 points. After that, using that skill please change your appearance. Otherwise, you might attract usual attention.}

Wait, I will be able to unlock the form skill? Is that mean, I can finally turn back to being a guy? Like how Sylvia-neesan and Rhea-okasan can turn into a male form?


Thank you, Sherry-san. I am glad you said it. I will do that.

Sherry-san was about to say something, but I didn't listen to her in excitement.

"Okay, Tara. Let's go to Samatot City." I said.

"Yes, my lord." She replied.


AN: THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR READING...Yesterday one of my close relative died. So, I am right now putting it on timer. So, the moment you're reading this, I might be in there. So, I am so sorry for not being able to mention the names of the people who is supporting this series via voting... But Thanks a lot...