
Reborn as A Demon(MHA)

Jayden Russell was 28 and had a love for a few things, anime, villains, demons, and fighting. A master martial artist of over 30 different types of martial arts before he was even 20 and how did he die? No fight, or saving a cat from a fire, or Truck Kun for him. He died from a broken bridge. At least this god is bored out of her mind.

BlackSwordman1234 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

Heroes Being Fools.

It had been about a year since he had arrived in America and in that time he had stayed inside San Fransisco. He had not turned any people into demons as, unlike Muzan he did not want a large army of weak demons at his disposal. He wanted a small strong group of them.

At this moment he no longer looked like a 4-year-old and looked like an adult. He had manipulated his flesh and forced himself to grow which he had done not long after he had arrived in America.

He wished he had done this earlier, but it just slipped his mind that he could manipulate his flesh. At this moment he was in an at a Mcdonald's eating a 10 Quarter Pounders, no cheese or pickles. On his shoulder was his pet rat Muzan. In this year he had consumed scores of peaple, mostly criminals and homeless, but his crimes were starting to be noticed.

It was time that people would notice how many homeless and criminal groups were going missing without a trace leaving only their clothes behind. More and more heroes were during to San Francisco which was slowing his hunting.

Not only that, he noticed something about quirks in his body. Not all quirks were compatible with each other and his body would destroy the ones that caused the issue. One such example was the poison quirk he got.

It was great with his blood demon art, but when he absorbed a quirk that made him immune to poison it clashed with his poison making one. His body choose to get rid of the poison immunity as it could already do that, but that also applied to other quirks.

Of course, he could take in as many augmentations, booster-type quirks, regeneration quirks, but emitters needed more care. Like if he took a quirk that let him make flames, he could not take one that made ice or water unless he got rid of the fire one.

He could take in electricity as it did not counter fire, and it ended up being like a game of which he could take. He also had a plan to eat Shoto as his quirk was a perfect example of one that worked despite its opposites.

As he now looked like an adult and a very handsome one some women approached him. Still, they mostly gave up when they saw his eyes as he did not get rid of them. He was not ashamed of them and they gave him too many advantages to getting rid of, but a few women were giving him a few glances.

Most of them seemed to not care about his eyes and they also looked at his pet.


Kokushibo glanced at Muzan and handed him one of the burgers. The rat was as big as a cat and seeing how he hung around on his shoulder made a few people think he was adorable. He noticed how some women were egging a girl to go talk to him and he had to say she was pretty.

She was blond and looked to be university age. She looked to be trying to fix her hair to work the courage to come over to him. It was quite cute if he had to say so. He looked at his reflection and he had to say he made a good choice to pick this body.

She stood up and started to walk to him so he fixed his eyes until he only had 2.

"Excuse me. I wanted to ask if you were interested in having out with me and my friends."

When he turned around and she noticed how he had lost 4 of his eyes. She was shocked and she looked for them. He smiled which made her say he looked ever better like this.

"You looking for my eyes?"

She nodded and in less than a second his eyes returned.

"It's my quirk. Let's me manipulate my flesh in any way I want. I have 6 eyes for the fact it gives me better vision, but it is not very popular with the ladies."

She smiled as his face went back to having just 2 eyes.

"Well I am Sharol. You?"

"Kokushibo, this is Muzan my pet rat."


"He is quite cute?"

He smirked and pointed at himself.

"You were talking about me, right? I know I am a looker."

She started to laugh at his joke and he thought it had been 84 years since he had any sex. She was hot and a one-night stand would not kill anyone. Just as he was about to put his good looks to use, he glanced at a few thugs who entered.

Sharol flinched as she seemed to know them.

"Crap, I am sorry I need to go."

He sighed and looked at who had interrupted him. The lead thug looked to be about 6'2 which was shorter than Kokushibo who was 6'4. The guy looked had black hair and had a face like a hyena.

He even laughed like one when he noticed Sharol.

"Sharol, why are you with this freak."

"Fuck off Mathew, I am not interested in an animal or thug like you."

Kokushibo had to say he did not blame her at all. Seeing a bipedal hyena was strange. That reminded him that he could not use mutation quirks. He could not use them at all. The reason was once he took one in his body would reject it.

As such he did not eat mutation quirk users. He glanced at Mathew and tried to be nice which was saying a lot from him.

"Mathew leave before I kill you."

The dense smell of blood hit Mathew and his goons which made them all sweat buckers. They saw that Kokushibo's 6 eyes were glowing bright red as the veins in them surged. They all ran out crying while he decided to leave.

Before he left he looked at Sharol who had not felt a thing. She smiled at them running away and smiled at him.

"What was that? How did you do that? I am curious?"

"Oh, you know just made my face so terrifying they all ran out like rats."


Sharol and her friends all saw how the rat on his shoulder was pulling on his hair. He was annoyed as he thought Kokushibo was referring to him. In the end, he stuck around and the next morning he woke up with Sharol's naked body next to him.

As for Muzan, the rat stayed in the living room while Kokushibo had fun for the first time in 84 years. When the sun started to rise Sharol started to wake up and she noticed him she smiled.

"That was amazing, you really never tire don't you."

"I do not. Well, this was fun, but I am leaving town today."

She nodded.

"A one-night stand with such a handsome guy like you is a score in my book. You want to go another round."

He smirked and pushed her down and for another hour he had his way with the sexy blonde. Once he was done he took a shower and left her home feeling relieved. After so long it felt good to just get the edge off.

He went toward the airport and after walking for about 20 minutes he got surrounded by several heroes. He glanced around while his 6 eyes looked at all of them with wariness.

"Can I help you?"

Muzan stood on his back legs and was ready to use his Blood Demon Art on these fools. He had learned that heroes were not liked by his master. Things his maser did not like were to be killed.


The lead hero walked up to him and started to ask him questions.

"Sir, we would like to ask you some questions if that would not be too much trouble."

He shook his head and smiled.

"No, how can I help. Is this about the dipearaces?

The hero was a man and he was huge, about 3 meters with massive muscles.

"No, not this time sir. My question is about my friend, have you heard of the hero Starry Night?"

He shook his head.

"Can't say that I have? Why?"

"You sure? He is dead, but that is not all. He told us that he had met a Japanese kid about 4 years old with 6 yellow eyes just like yours. That is not all, he said that a big rat had bitten him and I see the same big rat and you match the description. We think it might be your son."

The heroes all walked forward and he thought they were the friends of the hero.

"Sir, I do not have children and on the off chance you think it is me, I am 22, not 4. As for the rat, Gambian Pouch rats are not that uncommon or dangerous. You can buy them in exotic pet stores, but how could a rat kill a hero?"

Muzan started to groom himself acting like he had no clue what they were talking about. He licked his hands to keep them clean while he hung around on his maser's shoulder.

"Well then, what is your name? I need to see your I.D. Still, you match the description he said on his death bed too much."

Kokushibo squinted his eye as he was getting annoyed with him. He tried to get them to back off so they would not annoy him.

"Last I checked the fourth Amendment protected me from unreasonable searches and seizures. Unless I see a reason you are not getting either. Good day sir."

As he started to walk away the huge hero got in front of him.

"You are not leaving. My friend is dead and you are the biggest lead. If you killed my friend, you will pay for it."

The man lunged at Kokushibo to grab him, but the Demon decided to stop hiding as he had collected enough quirks in his body. He started to mix and match the cocktail of quirkc like All For One as he had copied him.

'Activate Strength Aumgention 4, Poison Blood, Toxic Mist, Impact Recoil, Enhanced Muscle fibers, Hardened bones, Harden skin, Steel Claws, Flexible limbs, Burning Blood.'

Several quirks in his body activated and pushed his already massive physical strength to a large degree. His veins and muscles bludged as he drew his sword and used Total Concentration Breathing pushing his abilities up a notch.

"Fifth Form: Moon Spirit Calamitous Eddy."

He swung his sword in a circle around him launching a vortex of sword slashes while the moons produced by his Blood Demon Art were burning in the purple fire as not only was it poisonous, but burning.


The huge hero charged forward while his ski and turned to steel and he crossed his arms to block, but sadly for him, Kokushibo was not a weakling a little steel would block. He was cut down the middle along with 2 more of the heroes in pools of blood.

The others ended suffering several cuts, burns and at this moment poison was running through their systems making their mouths foam and they fall. They all died and at this moment he needed to leave now.

"Fine, I tried to let you live, but not this time."

He changed the way he looked to a random man he devoured in the past as he did not want to make his true form a criminal on the run. It's a good thing there were no cameras as he had made sure during the conversation.

He let Muzan eat them all and once he was gone heroes rushed here as before the heroes had surrounded him they had called for backup. As for Kokushibo, he was in a car he had broken into driving toward the airport.

At this moment he changed from again back into his normal form. Just now he knew why All For One was such a threat, the ability to combine quirks was deadly. He was only 4 years old and already had so much power.

Of course, he had to get stronger, and what better way than to go to Mexico one of the worst places in the world that got worse, not better after quirks. He could kill who he wanted, eat who wanted and find peaple to recruit.

He was picky as they had to have a powerful quirk, a strong will, and intelligence. All three were rare to find together, but why settle for the weak when he could have the strong.