
Chapter 9

//One year later...//

"Alexis, I have noticed something about you!" Philip said and looked at Alexis who was practicing his sword stances.

"What is it Master?" Alexis asked as he swung his sword in incredible speed, at a log of wood. Once he sheathed his sword, the log of wood was cut neatly into three equal pieces...

"You have an affinity for Ice!" He said while observing Alexis who calmed down and walked towards him.

"Ice? Isn't that a sub element?" He asked and looked at Philip, who was visibly aging...

"Indeed so, tell me Alexis, when you were small have you used anything related to Wind and Water elements?" Philip asked him, Alexis dwelled into his memories and nodded his head in confirmation.

"So you had already tapped into your reserves before being taught..." His master sighed, Alexis grinned and responded, "ofcourse! I'm awesome like that...", this earned him a knock on the head...

"You stupid brat, be lucky that you are smart! Otherwise you would have some weak useless sub element affinity!" He said sternly but sighed once he finished and walked away.

"Follow me!" He ordered Alexis who quickly ran to him...


The duo reached near the foot of a small mountain, around five hundred meters away from it.

Philip turned to Alexis, "Use your strongest ice spell!" He said and jumped on a nearby tree and looked at Alexis and the mountain.

Alexis breathed in and out, he closed his eyes and thought of the most devastating ice spell in his arsenal, now that he was an Heavenly knight level Mage, he could use this spell...

Philip saw a large amount of Mana gathering around Alexis, the grass beneath Alexis was suddenly freezing!

'Interesting' he thought and observed his student.

Alexis opened his eyes and spread his palms forward, An eight star shaped magic circle appeared infront of him, it was gleaming in a blue hue and gave out an icy mist frequently.

With a sudden spike in Ice elemental mana, Alexis opened his eyes.

"Frozen world!" He shouted.

Alexis was pushed back by the immense power behind the attack spell but grit his teeth and activated the spell...

A giant smooth spike of ice was ejected out of the magic circle and sent flying at an angle where it would hit the mountain directly.

'...Is that it?' Philip was a bit disappointed.

Alexis smirked, the spell wasn't over yet!

The gigantic ice spike which was fifty meters in height and twenty metres at its widest, suddenly broke into thousands of smaller spikes.

'Hoh?' Philip raised an eyebrow.

The thousands of ice spikes became smaller and smaller until they were about the size of a sword.

These rods then spreaded out so that it looked like a wide range attack spell... suddenly the spikes travelled straight into the mountain at hypersonic speed as the duo saw sonic booms all over the sky.

Within seconds, the thousands of scattered rods clashed with the small mountain and everything infront of Philip and Alexis.

Philip was inwardly shocked at the speed behind these ice spikes, he was sure it could kill an experienced mage like him... if he was off guard!

"Incredible..." he mumbled.

Once the spell was over, Alexis fainted and fell down only to be caught by Philip who quickly rushed to him.

The entire mountain was covered in Ice including a one kilometre radius of frozen land...

Philip observed that the ice was spreading and viciously freezing everything in it's path. He sighed at the destruction and saw a small pond immediately turn into a block of ice, he walked upto it and kicked the top.

He was proven right when the pond cracked and he could see the bottom of it, which too was frozen!

Philip then used his own mana to control the spread of ice which immediately stopped advancing and was controlled...


"Ugh..." Alexis groaned, he was back in his tent...

His stomach growled in hunger, he then went out of the tent only to see Philip who was roasting some fish he had caught from the river.

"Sit down and eat" Philip said without looking at him. Alexis then silently sat down and took one roasted fish.

"Thank you Master!" He smiled and starting eating it.

Alexis widened his eyes, the fish tasted amazing, it was well seasoned and salted, he then looked at Philip who smirked at him.

"This fish is from the beast forest! It was inside my dimension for fifty years... since there is no concept of time in my dimension, the fish doesn't rot!" He said and remembered the past.

Alexis was silent, he didn't want to disturb his master.

"Alexis, do you know why people fear me?" He asked his student who shook his head.

"It was long time ago... but let's start from the beginning, when I was fifteen, I suddenly decided to leave the capital for some reason, to be honest I had no reason to stay in the capital... I guess you could say that I was bitter that my younger brother was chosen as the successor to the throne!" He said with a chuckle as Alexis widened his eyes.

"The empire that our family built isn't all some happy tale, it was built on lies, betrayal, murder, rape and all sorts of vile things..." he continued with closed eyes.

"The best example was myself, I was born because the then Emperor, my father had slept with a maid... he was intoxicated and raped the maid..." he then sighed.

"However, my mother was still treated well because she was very beautiful and because the Emperor fell for her... but later on, he would marry another woman, she became the Empress and gave birth to my half brother. He was always spoiled by the Emperor because since birth, he was chosen as the successor... On my fifteenth birthday, my father would publicly announce that my younger brother would be the next emperor, the humiliation I received that day broke me!"

"The next day, I left the Empire and headed to wherever fate took me and after travelling for four years I settled down in a small nation, I opened a small inn in the capital. They were some good times!" He said with a smile.

"When I was twenty three I found the love of my life! She was the most beautiful woman i had ever seen, she was so mysterious and I instantly fell for her." Philip continued with a fond smile while looking at Alexis who was listening intently.

"And then one day she came crying to me, revealing where she came from. She said that she was the third princess of the Kingdom of Ritzburg! I then told who I was..." he stopped, glancing at Alexis whose mouth was wide open.

"It was during this time that the Lunar Empire at it's weakest, although it was expected considering how much of an idiot the Emperor was! Imagine the rage and anger I felt when the Empire requested the Kingdom of Ritzburg at the time to marry to their family! I truly believe it was done on purpose, my half brother wasn't the nicest person, he was smart but easily led by emotions and was always jealous of me for my looks... you can guess what happened right?" He asked Alexis who nodded his head slowly.

'This is very cliche...' Alexis thought inside his head but spoke up, "Your lover was married off to your brother right?" He asked his master who nodded.

"But how would I stay like that?! The empire, for all my life had humiliated me, so I attacked the venue and reunited with her. We were always on the run but she regretted nothing, we had a child aswell!" He dropped the bomb.

"WHAT!?" Alexis shouted as Philip laughed.

"Indeed, and once I stepped into Heaven Emperor level, I went on a massacre and killed my father, our pursuers and threatened the Kingdom!" He said with a smug smile.

'Master sounds like a chinese novel Mc...' Alexis thought.

"She gave birth in the Kingdom, thankfully the King of Ritzburg at that time was a very kind person and loved his children, eventhough he did agree to marry her off... but I was banned from entering the Kingdom ever again..." he grumbled.

"What happened to your half brother?" Alexis asked him in confusion.

"He died, assassinated actually. Unlike your father, he had a harem, one of them killed him secretly so the entire harem was massacred in response... I took care of Aurelius, he was still a small baby!" Philip answered.

"Go to sleep now, these last two years will be hell for you because I will send you off to the beast forest tomorrow..." he said as Alexis could only nod and go to sleep.


Alexis woke up early and prepared to set off to the Beast forest.

The sun was rising from the mountains, Alexis saw the entire forest slowly being lit up by the sunlight.

He then sharpened his sword and stretched his body, his unlocked mana has been refilled after a day's worth of rest.

Philip once again appeared out of nowhere and glanced at Alexis who was running his mana around his mana, this was done so that the efficiency of mana increased, similar to when you stretch before exercising...

"You ready?" Philip asked Alexis who put on the bag of necessities behind his back.

"Yep!" He said, Philip raised an eyebrow seeing the big bag behind Alexis and took a ring out of his dimension and threw it at Alexis who caught it.

"That is a Spacial ring, the space is made out of runes, this is something everyone in the Empire has..." He explained.

"How do I use it?" Alexis asked Philip while holding it cluelessly.

"Put some of your mana into it and it will accept you as it's owner, nobody else can use it once it's yours. If it makes you feel any better, I made it myself..." He said and waited for Alexis to get used to it.

Alexis covered the Spacial ring with his pure element less mana.


The black ring activated as Alexis saw a blue screen with many boxes in it.

"Do you see a blue board infront of you?" Philip asked him.

"Yeah" Alexis answered.

"Take something out of the bag and place it on th blue screen, then you can put things inside, if you want to take something out, tap on box which shows the image of the said item..." Philip said.

"I see..." Alexis nodded and took out the things from his bag and placed them one by one, the boxes were immediately filled up and showed the image and the number of the said item at the bottom right corner of the box.

He had twenty shirts, twenty pants, five scented stones, twenty undergarments, one tent, one pillow, fifty branches of wood, fifty wooden toothbrushes, ten bottles of herbal paste for his teeth, one knife and finally one big empty bag...

'This is very handy!' Alexis thought, he didn't have to carry the big bag anymore, it wasn't heavy since Alexis was very strong now and had the strength of about one thousand adult men but it was still uncomfortable for him simply because it was too big!

▪︎▪︎Important note from author▪︎▪︎

Dear readers,

I'm gonna be honest with you all, I'm losing the motivation to continue the story, not because I'm having a writer's block but because of how Webnovel works...

This may sound like an excuse, infact this is an excuse... I noticed that Fan Fictions in webnovel get more views and generally well supported by the readers, I can't necessarily criticize this because I too have written a fanfiction myself eventhough it was to get used to writing.

But the fact is that people read some really shit novels and support it by saying they are really good and it makes me feel very underappreciated, these guys are not even putting effort into their stories but get support from readers! I know my story is not for some of your tastes, I know my grammar is not good... but I still try to make sure I satisfy my readers.

It's almost as if Webnovel was made for Fanfictions and not original novels...

I'll be releasing chapters daily, however they might not be upto the standard you were reading before, mainly because I'm quite demotivated...

Thank you for reading this note!

bye :)

▪︎▪︎Important note END▪︎▪︎

I wanna thank a couple of readers who commented on my chapters, you guys are cool :)

Here you go my dear readers, another chapter for you...

psst! I have another one already made but it's for tomorrow!

Btw, regarding the note... I am quite frustrated and I really needed to rant about it however, the story will continue...


Elder_Of_Lewd_Sectcreators' thoughts