
Ymir Part 3: Carnage Surges Through the Snow

(General POV)

Location Nord Sector, Eldar World-Ymir, Far South Region/Carnage Forces Secret Base and Chaosgate future rest spot

The corruption of Ymir was slowly progressing outside of the secret base of the Chaos Forces, still fortifying their location, but...

It is no longer just a snow-covered plateau with black eight-point star model small staircase built at the center of the exact plateau with a pool of blood at it center filled by the willing servants of the Dark Harbinger, the Sorcerer in command was performing a dark ritual to communicate with the Dark Lady, Cassandra and receive further orders as he kneels and chants in the dark tongue.

For the plateau was covered in black spikes, and needle like structures pertruding from the snow, and a few forges have been established inside the walls of the mountain.

The sorcerer is performing his spell to commutes with the dark lady, some of the gobos and cultists have started to expand the limits of the base outside the plateau.

At the same time...

Location Ymir-East, Hunting Grounds

Crystallyl mounted on her dear saberhorn, Frostfang was leading her followers across the snow-covered terrain in a hunt for various beasts.

At first, the hunt seems to be a bust when one of Crystallyl's snow hunters spotted a trail left behind by some kind of massive White Shadow, telling his princess, Crystallyl immediately dismounted her beast and inspected the foot tracks realizing that this Ymirian Bear was like nothing she has hunted or faced before, not only was it clearly heavier but even larger than the one she has on like a coat.

The princess saw that the trail was leading southeast, and with an eager, excite smile, she told her bloodstained snow beast that they were going after the beast, making her followers cheer making Crystallyl smile with joy, walking up to Frostfang brushing his side as the great cat lovenly purred and growled as his master jumped on to his back and command him to rush after the trail of the White Shadow, roaring Frostfang did as he was told rushing forward at great speed with the rest of bloodstained snow beasts quickly following behind their princess.

In reality, the warpstorms were doing much more than just evoking daemons into the Materium, and hiding the mortal followers of Chaos.

But also mutating and tainting the wildlife of the worlds that are under the warpstorms just like Ymir, what the princess was tracking and hunting was one of these creatures affected by the corruption of Chaos.

Location the Eldar Settlement of Azir'Ymir

Deep in the southeastern region of Ymir is the secret alderi settlement in Ymir, named after the planet.

This large white wraithbone made settlement was using the cover of nature to hide the settlement in plain sight using the snow everywhere for camouflage, while the natural materials and functions of the wraithbone shielded these eldars from the much more serious effects of the warpstorms, many eldars ranging from elders to younglings were scrambling in despair as the Warpstorm above Ymir was affecting some of their people outside the limits of Azir'Ymir, that possess the mental fortitude to willstand the whispers.

These poor souls ramble and claim that Alka'lkarnak was coming, with maidens of such wickedness that none have witnesses before along with a massive legion of monsters and a great creature resembling a fly, while seers and their settlement leader a farseer name Kala tried to help these broken souls, they are to far gone and with fear that whatever infected their minds might transfer to them, with a heavy heart Kala banished to the cold elements of Ymir's wilds.

Kala was worried as panic was going ramped across the settlement, and if Azir'Ymir were to fall by any means, then the hidden facility will be in danger, and while she pondered on what to do a guardian in white wraithbone armor, armed with a shuriken catapult came rushing towards her.

Kala was confused, but sensing the despair, worry, and fear of her warrior made the farseer worry about what he had to report.

The Storm Guardian saluted his farseer, and reported that a force of infected alderi was coming to attack before Kala could ask if what the warrior says is true, a small explosion occurred at the western edge of the settlement as the farseer could sense the mind of a few hundred Eldar coming closer to Azir'Ymir, each of these souls were either from outposts scattered around the frozen wilds, or alderi she was forced to banish, she prayed to Asuryan for guidance as she told her guardian to prepare their forces for battle, nodding to her the warrior quickly left to do as she commanded.

Outside of Azir'Ymir, there hundred corrupted Eldar, that have fallen to the whispers and temptation of Chaos, of Carnage.

As violet and black vein like patterns were spread across their white armors, which are stained with blood from the eldars they have killed that refuse to forsake the weak pantheon, that have never aided them even in the War of Heaven, but this deity Alka'lkarnak heard them and swore to provide them power and gifts unimaginable to them, hence they traveled to Azir'Ymir to kill the unworthy followers of Asuryan and the other gods in the name of Alka'lkarnak.

These corrupted alderi were armed with combat knives, and ghostswords taken from the corpses of banshees, various firearms, shuriken pistols, to long riffles, as well as several explosives such as plasma grenades and melta bomb one that was used in the first attack, as these carnage fuel alderi drew their weapons, eager to burn all involving the worshippers of Asuryan.

Immediately after the corrupted alderi first attack, a flying blue bladed singing spear soared across the snow-covered field between Azir'Ymir and the outside, the singing spear was coated in blue electrical energy that surged throughout the spear, once it hit right in front of the corrupted alderi, the energy surrounding the singing spear burst and vaporized several of the Chaos Alderi that were closest to the blast zone, kicking up snow obstructing the view for the Carnage-touched alderi.

As the cold, snow made cloud, clears, and the singing spear was stabbed into the black rock uncovered by the blast, the corrupted alderi shuke off the blast and they all aimed their weapons to their former eldar brethren.

The forces of Azir'Ymir have gathered ready for battle as Kala was in front of this force, dress in red robes, black long gloves with wraithbone braces, white armor chestplate and knee-high greaves, she was helmed with the visor lenses of her helmet being light blue in color.

In her left hand, she held a white shuriken pistol, as Kala raised her empty right hand and the singing spear began to shake and vibrate before it got free from where it was stabbed, soaring straight into the hand of Kala, once back in her hand the spear started to be covered in electrical energy.

Kala addresses the broken Eldar in front of her, "Please surrender and leave Azir'Ymir. My brothers and sisters, please don't make me destroy you." as she said with a voice filled with pleading and sorrow.

This plead was ignored, and the corrupted alderi attacked, firing their weapons at the Azir'Ymir eldar and Kala sensing their bloodlust she form a psychic barrier around herself, along with her seers, and psykers forming their own barriers to protect themselves from the enemy's fire.

While the Carnage-touched alderi kept on firing they were scattering around the area seeking cover and other points of attack.

Kala saw that their was no other choice, so the farseer commanded her forces to counterattack, immediately the guardians started firing upon the traitorous insane eldar some of the more mad of their enemy charged at them with an active plasma grenade so once shot down the energy explosion occurred sometimes taking out a few guardians as the plasma blast burned them.

Kala and her forces were shocked by this act, as no eldar would have used this horrific tactic before, Kala dropped her barrier and charged ahead firing her pistol as she ran forward, all her shots were psychically enhance making them much stronger, and deadly.

Each shot she took was fatal piercing into the corrupted armors of these fanatics, aiming for their heads or heart, and when her enemy charged at her for melee combat, they all met her deadly spear as the farseer slashed necks and chests, thrusting her spear deeply into her enemies allowing her power to surge through the spear electrocution her prey, seeing their commanded bravely charge against the infected alderi, inspired the troops as banshees quickly rushed in to aid their leader, with seers armed with swords or spears, and even the storm and defender guardians which mainly preferred ranged combat joined in the charge.

As the battle raged and former brothers and sisters killed each other with gunfire, or cut each other to pieces with blades, or blasting one another with psychic lighting burning away the mind and body.

A great threat was closing in on Azir'Ymir, stomping its way through the snow...

Location Ymir-Southeast outside of the limits Azir'Ymir

Crystallyl and her followers tracked the White Shadow across the region, reaching almost the limits to the eldar settlement of Azir'Ymir.

As the silvered haired frost eldar princess recognized the area they were going towards, she ordered her bloodstained snow beasts to halt their march, and she utterly disliked her cousin race and her warriors felt the same so she commanded them to head to the hill that allow them to see the area from higher ground and decide what to do next, if the Ymirian Bear wasn't such a temping hunt she would have led her warriors away from Azir'Ymir.

All the sametime, a massive creature of white and purple fur with blazing red eyes was making its way towards the scent of blood, as the hunger and bloodlust overwhelming the mind of this beast was leading it towards battle instead of away like a sane beast's instincts would guide it.

Snarling, growling as a massive paw with huge violet colored razor-sharp claws dug into the snow, along with some tentacles serpentine under the snow, coming out revealing a three clawed tip tentacles with black spikes, and several slit red eyes all focused on the southeast.