
Reborn Anew: Life, War & Magic

This is a tale of self-discovery, strategic brilliance, and the enduring spirit of a warrior born anew. As Dustin weaves his destiny amidst the echoes of historical battles and magical realms, he must balance the thrill of conquest with the responsibility that comes with the power he wields in a world where history and fantasy converge.

the5tranger · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Expedition team

"It is not called the non-human realm. There are still humans living on the other side of the Dark Forest." Prince Albert said addressing to my confusion. "It is the magical realm. The Dark Forest with many powerful magical creatures prevents the magic returning south. It is good this way."

"Why?" was the only question I asked.

"Because magic is like a plague to the humans south of the Forest. I'll tell you a national secret. The king, my father, is not sick because of white leprosy. It's because he tried to understand and experiment with magic. It went wrong when the magic made him ill. It weakened him, made him blead and then left him in a coma." He had a sad face recalling his father's memory. I saw a humanoid shadow creeping behind the priestess when my attention was on the prince. With almost 5 years of fighting, my reflect was fast. I tackled the shadow and when it materialized, I was shocked by what I saw. It was a disfigured pale humanoid creature with three horns. The priestess shrieked when I pushed her out of the way and the prince unsheathed his sword. The creature was strong, stronger than anything I delt with before. "Behead it! Now!" I said to the prince, and I saw him snap out his shock and immediately swing his sword at the creature's neck. He cleanly cut it.

"That was a ghoul. I saw it in my visions. It is stronger than ten people and they are coming for me… no for this." She removes a crystal half moon pendant. "I need to return it to my clan." She looked at me with hopeful eyes. "…which is on the northern side of the Dark Forest." I completed her request. It was a lot to take in. I knew somewhere in the future I was going to encounter magic and creatures nut it came to me unexpected. I was in the middle of a war. The prince seemed to read my thought, "We'll make it that you were stationed another territory. Remember that this is secret mission. You'll have to take Lady Elaine back to her clan on the other side." I walked across the room and took the prince's wine and filled my cup to the brim. I drank it like water. 'This is a dangerous mission. I mean, that ghoul was strong. What about other monsters? Did they come to me because I was strong?' I sighed. "Okay, let go." 'I'm a mad man.'

"You'll be the first ranger across the vast Dark Forest. If you manage to make it through to the other side, you'll be the first human across it successfully. I want you to be the person to guide people across it. This may take week, months or even years to perfect this role. You see where I'm going with this…" the prince gave me a meaningful look. I looked at the priestess, "Who else is on this journey across the Dark Forest?"

"None. You are the first to ask for help."

"It may take a few more weeks to assemble a team of skilled individuals. You'll be informed once the expedition team is formed. For now, prepare. I'll have the Ironbane do light tasks and then you'll be 'transferred'. I then took my leave.

"He's talented and I want to tie him to Banestone, but he must be the person for this job Elaine."

"Don't worry Albert. If we succeed, he'll be the link between the two realms."

Three weeks later, word that Dustin, commander of the famous Ironbane Legion was being posted elsewhere. There were rumours that he was either being promoted or demoted.

I saw a familiar face com into my view. "Why didn't you tell me? Did you do something?" before I could even speak, she grabbed my hand and dragged me into her tent. I gave her a look. "Tell me what you did, and I'll try to solve it. Some nobles owe me favours." I just looked at her, she cared for me. I felt warm from her concern. "It's nothing, Nel. I'm just being transferred. I did nothing wrong."

"But why transfer you when you are making a big difference here, where the war is. Where are they even taking you?"

"I haven't been told yet." I should have thought of a better lie. "You are lying. I know you, Dus. I have been your superior since this war started." I tried to speak something but, "I cannot tell you Nel. I just can't." she looked hurt, "Why?!"

"If I tell you, you'll want to follow me. I know you too." She wanted to say something back when the prince came into the tent. "Ooh… am I interrupting something."

"Your highness." Nel let go of my hand and bowed. I too bowed.

"Where's he being transferred your highness?"

"So that you'll follow him?"

"Ye-" but the words stuck inside her mouth. The prince looked at me. "Do you wish her to join you?" I looked confused but the prince continued, "If you think she has what it takes to join you then I'll allow it. You can talk, I'll excuse myself." He exited. Nel grabbed my shoulders and made me face her.

"What is he talking about?"

I sighed and explained the situation to her.

"I'm coming with." She said with her usual commanding authority. "What, no. This is a dangerous expedition, not something involving normal soldiers."

"Dus… this could be what I need. I just need to leave behind Banestone. My family doesn't care about me, they stopped sending me letters. This could be my- our calling. Let me come with you."

"No Nel."

"… as your commanding officer, I order you to let me come with you."


She sighed and let go of my shoulders. "We have been through a lot, Dus. I know if we went together, we'll accomplish much more. If you go without me, I might never see you again. So, let me become part of your expedition team." She looked me straight in the eyes. She had that obvious noble look. Blonde and blue eyes. I sighed, "Okay fine you can come."