
Rebirth: The Strongest Shinobi

Follow Kazama Ryou, in his new life in Naruto. (A/N: I don't own anything except for the OC.)

IsekaiGod1 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Chapter 2

At Training Ground 7My upper body is on the ground while my lower body is in the air. There is also an ankle weight attached to my leg. I just bought this from the money I collect over a year. As I'm trying to balance myself, I lower my body and push back up again.

Ryou: "997.....998.....999.....1000"

I jumped from the ground using only my hand and did a backflip. I landed perfectly. I looked up and see the cloud. The sun just has already risen, filling the light blue color in the sky.

Ryou: 'Can't believe that one year has passed. I can myself getting stronger each passing day. Thank you, Saitama.'

There are not a lot of things that happened last year since so I can't do any ninjutsu let alone kenjutsu and shurikenjutsu. The only available for me is taijutsu and sharpening my mind to be able to strategize in battle.

Luckily, I took martial arts classes in a previous life like Wing Chun, and since I was able to memorize anything I also took some time to revisit another fighting style such as Muay Thai, Boxing, Tai Chi, and Silat. I know there are a lot more fighting styles but that's the current knowledge I have on the fighting of my previous world.

Ryou: "Yosh, time to head to town"

After, I finished up on the training ground. I head towards the town.


I was walking around town and saw how lively and peaceful is in Konohagakure. I saw all these people interact with their families making me miss my own family in the previous world.

Ryou: 'I wonder how are they holding up after knowing about my death.'

Unfortunately, there is no way to know except to move on.

Over this past year I starting to get a glimpse of what going on with the outside world. Currently, The Second Shinobi War hasn't started yet.This time Ryou did another recon on the civilian and shinobi gossip. What he heard a lot about them is about Sakumo's son, Hatake Kakashi is a genius. Now, I can confirm that I'm in the era of the future Jounin Leader.

Ryou: 'I can't wait to meet you guys.'

I actually want to meet all the future Jounin Leader. You think that they are still kids, you would probably find them in the village. Easier than said I can't find any of them and also I don't want to accidentally meet Orochimaru and become his test subject. I know it feels stupid but better safe than sorry.

As I walked aimlessly, I noticed that I arrived at the iconic restaurant in Konohagakure perhaps in the shinobi world is under construction.

Ramen Ichiraku...

Ryou: 'Well at least I can look forward to something.'

As I was about to resume my walk, I bumped into someone.

Ryou: "Ouch....sorry I didn't where I was going."

???: "That's ok. I'm also sorry for bumping into you."

I heard somewhat a familiar voice. As I looked up, my eyes widened as I realized who it is. She had red hair almost reaching her waist. She looks like a young teenager.

Ryou: "No, it was my fault nee-san."

Kushina: "Here let me help you."

She offered her hand which I grabbed it. She then pulled up back on my feet with ease. As if my body was light as a feather.

Ryou: 'Wow, her strength was so enormous that I can feel me getting thrown away if her hand accidentally slipped.'

My appearance outside looks normal but on the inside, I was scared as hell.

Kushina: "My name is Kushina. What's your name?"

She smiled brightly at me.

Ryou: "Thank you Kushina nee-san, my name is Ryou. It is a pleasure to meet you."

I had a huge smile on my face. I never thought that I would meet Kushina of all the people and it turns out that she would be so trusting and friendly.

???: "Kushina! There you are"

I looked over at where the sound was coming from and saw a golden hair who was about similar age as Kushina. I can't believe I got to meet my favorite and OP character, Namizake Minato.

Kushina: "Oh, Minato! Your back from your mission"

Kushina jumped forward and hugged Minato. Minato smiled and return to the hugged Kushina.I on the other hand am getting a third wheel vibe from this. I then cough getting attention from Kushina who suddenly remember my existence.

Ryou: "Nee-san, who is he?"

Kushina: "Ah. Ryou, this is Minato."

Ryou: "Minato? Is he your boyfriend?"

This made Kushina and Minato blush. They tried to retort but only stuttered.

Ryou: "Minato-san, I'm Ryou. Nice to meet you."

Kushina: "Ryou, don't be so formal. Call him nii-san!"

I didn't hesitate for one moment when Kushina said that. I mean this is a once-a-lifetime chance for me to get close to Konoha Yellow Flash aka Yondaime Hokage. And I got to call him nii-san. You don't have to tell me twice.

Ryou: "Nii-san!"

Minato smile as he ruffled my hair. He then took me and put me on his shoulders as we walked together towards the.

Unknown to Ryou, Minato had a familiar feeling with Ryou. He then studied the boy for a while.

Minato: "Ryou, where are your parents?"

As Minato said, I looked down looking sad before telling them.

Ryou: "I never met them. I stayed in the orphanage for as long as I can remember."

Minato: "Sorry for asking you that Ryou."

Minato thought of something to make me feel better. He then got an idea as he pulled a three-pronged kunai out of his pouch.

Minato: "Here, I'll give you a present."

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was the famous flying thunder god kunai knife. I grabbed the kunai and played with it for a bit.

Ryou: "Thank you nii-san. This is so cool."

Kushina: "Ryou, what is your dream?"

Ryou: " My dream is to become a shinobi just like you and nii-san."

Kushina: "You want to become a shinobi?"

Ryou: "Yes. I want to protect those important to me."

Kushina smiled at the young boy and then at Minato. She could feel that what the kid said was the truth.

Minato: "How old are you Ryou?"

Ryou: "I'm 4 years old nii-san."

Minato: "You know there is an entrance exam at the academy in a few months away. Would you like to enter?"

Ryou: "I want to but I don't know any ninjutsu and genjutsu. I really looking forward to being a shinobi"

Minato: "I see. Then, I'll promise to teach you one day."

Ryou: "It's a promise"

I smile happily. I can't believe I get to be in the same group as the future Jounin Leader. Finally, we arrived at the orphanage. Kushina took me from Minato and put me on the ground.

Kushina: "Alright Hiroki. We have arrived at the orphanage. Take good care of yourself and eat at least three meals a day so you grow strong."

Ryou: "Thank you nee-san. Thank you nii-san."

I went to hug them before I went inside the orphanage and then to my room.

Minato: "We'll come by the orphanage sometimes to check on you."


3rd POV

Kushina and Minato continued walking to their destination and Kushina saw Minato was thinking of something.

Kushina: "Minato, what with the thoughtful look? Did something happen?"

Minato: "Ah. Sorry hehe... It's just that I felt some space-time fluctuations on Ryou. It was weak, but I clearly felt it."

Kushina: "Do mean that he has the same affinity as you?"

Minato: "Most likely."

Kushina: "Are you going to take him as a disciple?"

Minato: "I don't know yet. I want him to develop his chakra first. If those space-time fluctuations continue to increase, I'll have to teach him otherwise Ryou will be dangerous to himself."

Kushina: "And that is why I love you. You care even for those that you have only met an hour ago."

Minato: "I guess he has grown on me. He reminds me of myself. No parents and no one to rely on."

Kushina: "No need to be sad. I'm here for you and will always be. Ryou will grow up to be a great shinobi someday like you."

Minato smiled at Kushina's comfort and continue on their date.