
Rebirth:Rise of a loser

John was a complete failure in the real world. So when he heard about a new virtual reality massively multiplayer online role-playing game (VRMMORPG) called "Myriad Realms Online," he jumped at the chance to escape his miserable reality and scrunched up the last of the money his deceased parents had left for him and bought the cheapest headset with a measly 50% synchro rate. But when John logged into the game, he quickly realized that he was in over his head. He was terrible at the game and this was further emphasized by his terrible control over his character due to the bad synchronization rate.He was constantly being killed and had to start all the way back at level one every time.He eventually decided to become an information gatherer for the top guild and provided them with a lot of opportunities due to him not having the strength to take them for himself with the hopes that one day the guild would return the favor. Just when John was ready to give up and quit the game, he stumbled upon a mysterious item in the game. It was a God tier item called the "Chronos Crystal," and it had the ability to rewind time according to the user's wish, but only once. Follow to see how John makes use of the only opportunity ever given to him to climb the ranks and become the most powerful in the entire game.

Death_Penalty · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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Chapter 2:Planning the Start

As the world gradually returned to light and John opened his eyes, he found himself in a small, rundown one room apartment with everything in it from the dirty looking kitchen to the bathroom that looks like it had not been used in decades.

As the memories of his struggles in this room flowed backed into his mind and the reality of him getting a second chance sank in John's eyes slowly teared up, "Not this time, not ever again shall I live this life of struggle.. ugh", John gasped as he slowly wiped the tears threatening to come out.

"Hooo.....", John breathed as he remembered the teachings of his parents.

"Never hate your misfortunes as their is someone else in the world not nearly as blessed as you wishing to get the blessings you have" His mom said when he was six to which he had agreed with not understanding the profoundess of that message.

"OK.. enough of the water works", John time to start the work" He said as he moved to the only technology that was in his room his 2013 Asus laptop.

He first began to login to his bank account to check how much money he had and saw he had about $15000 which was enough for a C-class headgear which provided 99% synchronization rate with your character. As he saw this he cured at himself for being an extreme cheapskate and instead getting the F-class one for $500 which directly cost him his start due to the combination of his horrible skills and bad synchronization rate of 50%.

Now normally he would have bought the C-class headgear and move on with his day but he knew of a different method that would allow one to acquire an SSS-class one that benefitted the user a 159% synchronization rate, a unique rank S talent for themselves and +10 bonus attributes to all stats.

Now how he got this information as it was revealed by a beta tester a month after the launch of Myriad realms as the method stopped working and the guy thought he might as well say to cause some chaos in the forum.

Now the way to acquire this is actually simple,it can be acquired by logging in specific times the developers have chosen that will automatically upgrade your headgear from any rank to SSS. It is 3:24pm exactly 24 minutes after the game goes online.

Now with that he ordered a F-grade headgear which left him with $14500 left he then used that and put it into stocks of the game with a 1000x leverage fully trusting that after a month the game will have generated him over 100 million dollars in profits.

Now with money out the way John started to plan out his start including which class he's going for, what quests he shall do, what skills he must obtain, what items he must get and what other stuff must get done.

He then checked the time to see it was 5am still 10 hours till the games release."Still plenty of time" John said as he felt like he was forgetting about something important whilst rubbing his chin. "Agh..whatever I'll remember what it is if it is so important" he said as he stretched his back on the chair he was sitting on by his laptop.

As he yawned he decided to go for a jog and come back when the delivery drone would arrive at 2pm.



"haaa....haaa...haa... that jog sure was tiring, maybe I should start working out?" John said as he rubbed his chin and was about to take a bath when he heard a ding from his doorbell.

As he opened the door he saw the drone with headset he then pressed on the drones fingerprint scanner.

*ding*" THANK YOU MR. SMITH" the drone robotically said before flying away after dropping his package.

John then quickly took it in and unwrapped the package, then started plugging it in to the electrical socket and decided to take a bath before starting his journey.

Exactly at 2:50pm John had finished bathing and clothed himself before putting on his head and waiting for 3:24pm

Exactly at 3:24 John said "Start connection" and his view turned dark before a burst of colour entered his view.

[Scanning irises]

[Checking Connection]

[Digitizing user's body]


As John saw this his heart started beating rapidly as he started to smile, "This time I won't make a mistake".