
Chapter 2:

Chapter 2:

"Oh shit." Wasting no time, I dove under the object that I had struck with my foot. The wailing continued; I did my best to conceal my profile underneath the area I chose as my cover. Tucking myself inside as much as I can. That was all I could do at this point. The screaming continued, up above my hiding place. The footsteps of two pairs feet echoed closer to my hiding spot. Sounding louder by the seconds before finally stopping before me.

"Oh, it's okay sweety, it's okay mommy is here it's okay~." Came the soothing voice of the woman. Yeah, the hiding place I choose just so happened to be a baby's bed of all things. I would sigh out loud to myself if I could. What an oversight. How could I have made such a neglectful mistake? "What's the matter is he hungry?" A man's concerned voice came upon the air. "Maybe here my dear, here's something to fill your tum-tum." Like a switch the screaming ceased, replaced with barely audible smacking of lips or suckling. Curiosity filled my mind. So, I peeked out from under trying to make my presence. Looking up past the naked legs glowing in the dim moonlight from the exposed window. Slowly but surely, I made my way underneath the bed. All the while making a little noise if any as possible.

My eyes traced the slim feminine legs, up past trail of fluids clearly more than just sweat from the pot between the legs. However, that wasn't of interest to me looking past the waist, past the form of the little baby held in front of one of the two large hills blocking my sight of the women's face. Seeing how it's nearly impossible to see the person's face I relented and slide back into cover. All the while still trying to minimize any noise I would have made. However, that apparently wasn't necessary as the pitter patter footsteps of another being rang out. Masking any possible noise, I would make. So, I just matched my movement with the footfalls as I slithered on to my intended destination. 

The timing was impeccable has I had to move from the cover that I had initially taken shelter under. Lucky the distance was close enough for me to reach my goal before the male voice sang through the air again.

"What happened is little munchkin hungry?" another voice came through the air, a male.

"I don't think so, maybe we were just too loud, and we woke him up."

"That's fine our little gremlin has sleep through loud noise that come here give daddy a kiss❤."

"Oh, stop that you❤."

As the duo or rather trio moved away, I made my move. Slipping out and into the nearest cover I saw. A cabinet or rather a section row of cabinets. Perfect just what I need so I ducked and skip past the gaps in between the rows of cabinets that would expose me to those within. 'Seriously who design a room to have cabinets and closets like a walkway? Just set up a real walkway or closet damn it!'

Though in truth there didn't seem to be a need being as how spacious the room was. Its certainty was the largest room I've ever seen. For one singular soul in fact. Such a space like the one I find myself in currently. Slowly once again I make my way through.

Ah❤…! Whap* Yes! Whap* Ha! …!" 

Slap! Thrust* Slap! Thrust* thwack* thwack*

"Ah❤…! Oh, honey wait just a Ha! Nggh❤ m-moment I'm still tending to – Ah❤" Whap*

And there they go again. Just ignore, ignore them. So, I did, paying no heed to the wet smacking sound of connecting flesh. At long last I finally reached my goal. A specific cabinet lucky hidden behind a set of closets, thus hidden me from any view. Honestly though I doubt the mating duo would have noticed me being so engrossed at what they're doing. Still, I carefully opened the drawer that I desired. Shuffling through the contents within I located which one I desired. Retrieving it I quickly closed the drawer, and withdrew, heading back to the entrance. 

Thwack* Thwack Ah❤…! Whap* Yes! Slap! Whap* Ha! …!" all the while still having to listen to those damn noise. I reached the door, but before I pass through the portal, I couldn't help but look back for another glance. There back at the center of the room, on top of the massive bed there. The duo was there, their bodies glistening with sweat, outlining their figure reflexing the moonlight. One figure was bouncing on top of the other. Clearly the female by the twin mounds bouncing along with her movements. However, some of the bodies before had risen all of whom were watching the intense seen in front of them. One however stood on her legs, holding onto the little form of a baby. This particular soul was gazing slightly toward me. With a hint of surprise on their face, I just simply place one finger on my lips then disappeared behind the door.

If they had acknowledged me, I honestly don't know. Not that I was even in the mindset to care in the first place. I have what I came for. It took the usual effort to get around the Shadow Guard as before. This time I went the opposite way, not the same pathway back to my room. No, no. I have a different destination thanks to the newly acquired item. Traversing through the area is easy, being that I've memorized the layout like the back of my hand. After another turn, avoiding the wandering souls, I reached another set of doors. This is where the item I have retrieved comes to play. It was a key, nothing special it was just key. A very ornate designed key but just a key overall.

Inserting it into key slot, gently opening the door just a tad of an opening. With great effort for my small body, but just enough for me to enter without making noise to attract any attention. Once the task was accomplished the portal sealed behind me. I now find myself in a dark corridor. Passing through dark path I end up upon another massive room. Massive as a term was an understatement. The word itself couldn't encompasses the sheer size of the space before me. Even that however wasn't the main attraction of the place. As a sea of gold, sparkling gems and various other treasures littered throughout the grounds. Filling my sight with nothing but an array of valuable trinkets.

"Impressive as usual now, just a little bit more this time around yeah." I immediately set about my work. Rushing over to the closet mound of gold, grabbing a spare bag along the path. scoping tens of gold cions into the bag. Once filled with enough that I could manage, I headed back towards the doorway. Minutes later at long last, I've now found myself outside in the dead cold night. The night chilly winds caressing my hair and cheeks. 

"Ha~, how I have missed this feeling, being coped up in the palace really just takes away the sensation of living."

Immersing myself in the familiar sensations that I've felt hundreds of times over. I then pulled the hood of my newly acquired cloak over my head, as I then head to my secret passage. Thorough there, I was thrusted into a new environment. Though darkness still blanketed the sky above, the stars glittering on high. My vision was filled with light. Antheral lights flickered and dance before my eyes. Illuminating my path yet not as full as city light would shine in my old world. The beam barely revealed ten good meters ahead of me. However, for my purposes its better this way. Still its an eerier sensation as parts of the city still bathed in dim darkness. Walking along the edges of shadows, passing unminding souls. Ignoring the bustling noise of the midnight crowd around me. The booming sounds of people chattering echoed in the air, off the walls. The rapid uncoordinated footfalls, the noise of moving vehicles.

Yes, there was a street, and there were cars but not the type I was familiar with. These were those resembled late old horse carriages without the horse or the wheels. There were circular devices in place of traditional wheels, these however glowed with the same ethereal light. As those of the streetlamps that litter the streets. Then once again, after passing through several corners and pathways. I then find myself in a very peculiar scenery. The luminance was now red before me, the surrounding building around me was bathe in this erogenous illumination. Coupled with a strong pungent scent of perfume and incense, overlapping mixed in, with the heavy scent of body fluids. As the familiar sounds of night activities entered my ears. It was a red-light district, for a lack of a batter term. There were bars, strip clubs, night clubs, restaurants, hotels, open outdoor pools, and many other buildings. Ones I could only guess at what they are, at this point. Walking further in this place, I even came upon what appears to be glass-fronted structure. A hotel of some sort. It was a rather large complex being couple stories tall. Hard for me with my statue to see clearly. But its levels surely reach up to the double digits. 

The four close rooms to the ground level, were essentially on display, all of which I can clearly make out the outlines of people fucking. The room closest to me, had a beautiful, fit blonde having seriously hot sex. Getting double-teamed by two guys, in the background I saw another pair of women going at it with a strap-on. Turning my attention back onto the streets and greet with the same sight. The sheer amount of people, of beautiful women, was stunning. There were just so many model-pretty women walking around, even behind front store glass wall. Displayed out for the public like merchandise for purchase. Almost all of them were either wearing something very revealing, going topless, or wearing literally nothing at all.

That goes the same even for the men. The sickening part I can see children around my age. Children of both genders, in provocative outfits, some of which were engaging in the same debauchery as the adults around. I can see them, making out in the darkness that my eyes have adjusted to. At first, I was baffled at the sight when I first came to this place. However just like everything else it doesn't faze me anymore. 

"When in Rome do as Romens does, I guess." I let out a small sigh. That lack of focus caused me to bump into something soft. A naked leg, a slim feminine one at that looking up I see a topless red head woman in her mid-teens looking down to me.

"Oh, sorry little one, I didn't see you there sweetheart." I didn't bother answering but gave a simple nod as I made way to leave, however.

"Hey, what's with that hood why don't you take it off and let big sister here see your face." The older woman held onto my cloak and was attempting to remove my hood.

At this I furiously slapped her hand away. She let out a yelp, pulling her hand back. Then I carried on with my steps undisturbed. I can hear her complain behind my back say, 'that little turd didn't have to be so mean' and other things of that nature. 

I went about my way, redoubling in my efforts to remain hidden in the shadows. Finally, I reached my destination seeing the mark on a wall. Turning into that dark alley I pick a spot and waited. It was no more than a few minutes. But those minutes felt like an eternity. Standing in the cover of darkness, I waited listening, seconds turned into minutes until I've finally heard a set of footsteps approaching. Turning around to see another hood figure putting down an object just in front of them. Not fully concealed in the blanket of darkness, yet not fully unveiled in the ethereal light. 

"Do you, have it?" I questioned the approaching hooded figure. At that they made a gesture, pointing their finger towards the small crate.

"It's in there, just as you asked."

"Just as I have requested?" The figure nodded their hood in response to my rhetorical question.

I had no reasons to doubt them, they've proven to be trustworthy enough. From a business standpoint at least. I slowly made my way to the small crate. One hand grasped upon the knife I had tactically acquired on the way here. With the other hand, I slowly reached towards the crate. Popping off the seals, before lifting its cap open, to see the contents inside.

"Hmm, satisfactory good work per usually, here." 

I simply said tossing the bag of coins that I earlier had retrieved. The bag clattered loud and hard against the ground.

The figure reached down, retrieving the pouch. Once up right they turned away walking back into the darkness. Only when I was sure they were truly gone did I begin to move. I got what I came for, guess its high time I should return to my room with the box of goodies that I've acquired. I sure am going places this late at night huh. Hefting my luggage, I slowly made my way out of this place. No longer bothering to keep in the dark this time. There just wasn't any way possible.

So, I waded through and around groups of people in my path. all the while lunging around the small box at hand. Small was a rhetorical word cause, to the eyes of an observer the crate was still large compared to my body. It would be a curious sight, seeing a small figure hauling such a load. However, I didn't pay any tribute to these thoughts. This continued per usual, me walking with my haul when something caught my ear. Voices carried in the winds. Not the usual surrounding pleasure filled moans. This was more aggressive, this was peculiar. So, I redirected my path towards that sound. Once close enough to the corner, I place my package in the darkness of the portal as I stepped forward. The voices were becoming clearer. Now I could pick up words.

"No~!" the cries of what seems like a little girl. 

"You lot don't have a choice you're both coming with us, don't make this any more difficult than it must." Followed by the voice of a grumpy older man. Coming upon the scene, I see a group of men numbering three with their back towards me, whoever was the subject of their aggression. Unfortunately, was hidden from my sight. I put more strength into my steps announcing my presence. Immediately upon detection they swirled on their heels towards my direction. Even in the low glom I could make out the features of annoyance on their faces.

"Huh who the hell is this little runt, where did you come from?" becoming aware of my presence one of the three grown men asked in a condescending manner.

I didn't respond, there wasn't any need to.

My mind was focused on other matters at hand.

"I asked you a question you little turd are you deaf? Or are you mute?!"

The man thrusted his hand towards me now. From the motion it seemed he intended to grasp at my cloak. This is when I made my move.

"Ah~!" the man pulled back his hand having his index finger was cut in half.

"Dean~! You little shit!"

"You looking for trouble huh?!"

Together they lunged at me, I too did the same. Zipping through their arms and under their legs. 

There was no way I could ever overpower these grown adults. I knew that and so did they, speed was my greatest tool for defense now. Armed with only the knife at my disposal but it was enough. Bobbing and weaving through the extend arms, my knife danced in my hands. Slashing at those arms not enough to cause any major injuries. Swapping between each hand constantly just as my legs carried me endlessly. It was enough as an irritant.

"Stop squirming about you little runt!" 

"I'm not stopping just because you tell me to."

I replied nonchantly. All the while keeping to the same motion. No breaks in movements to give to my aggressors. This deeply frustrated the, that I can tell by how aggressive their movements were getting by the second.

Yet still they cannot catch me. That will not be possible for people of their skill. 

"Ah~!" the lead figure who seemed to be in charge screamed, as my knife raked a crossed his hand. Gripping tightly at it as blood pooled from it. As well as other parts of his body.

"Enough of this game we're leaving!"

"Wait big bro what about?" one of the other underlings questioned, rushing after the first's back.

"Leave them~! They're no more useful to us than dead!"

I watched the men's retreating backs as they fade away into the night. Once I was sure they're gone I turned my sights to the subjects in question. Laying on the floor close to the wall, there was pair. A boy and a girl both skinny and frail, both seemingly around my age. Physically wise, at least mentally or spiritually I'm much older than them. Or any one as far as I'm concerned. They were so thin and filthy the duo. Brother and sister maybe, the features were there but it was hard to distinguish through the filth and stains on their faces. Something tugged at me seeing this, I don't know what.

Something deep within my core. Then without thought my next action came about like a dream. I reached out one hand towards them. The duo looked fearful at me and confused at this.

"Come with me. If you desire to change your life."

In the far future, I always thought back to this moment. Why? Why did I pull these two out from the slums that day. What was it that I saw in them? Truthfully, I just don't have words to describe my actions on that day. However, without a shadow of a doubt. 

This was the night that I have fully embraced and began the biggest change in my life.