
Chapter 1:

Chapter 1:

[As least that was what I had thought.] Letting out yet another sign, having tried to cover my own little head within my pillow, but to of no avail. Why might you ask? Well~

"Ah❤…! Ah❤…! Whap* Yes! Whap* Ha! Ha! Nggh❤…!"

Slap! Thrust* Slap! Thrust* thwack* thwack*

"Yeah, take this Whap*, Whap* how do you like my cock you slut? Grunt* thwack* thwack* You were supposed be exclusive only for the prince and yet here you are taking my meat stick like the dirty girl that you are!" Grunt* thwack* thwack*.

"Yes-yes Ah❤…! Whap* Ah❤…! I'm a dirty girl punish me~!"

"That's right Whap* Whap* sequel for me more tell me thwack* thwack* whose your daddy you dirty bitch!"

Once again, the sound of smacking flesh and the rocking of intense mating echoed in my ear. Even as I tried to block it out, clearly that wasn't working as I could hear them also a clear as day. Despite the best efforts of the women to conceal her voice, but clearly, forgoing that effort not long into the deed. Screaming out her lungs as she was repeatedly pound from her rear. The smacking of fleshing echoing louder and more frequent as the duo mindlessly engaged in their debauchery. This would have been enjoyable if it were only one or two time at random. Including the fact that the person in question wasn't something that belonged to me.

Never mind that they're doing this act in my room, the woman getting her back blown out, that would be my personal maid Luna, who is getting her back blown out by another servant.

Whap* Whap* Ha! Ha! "Oh yeah, I'm almost there you dirty slut you want it inside, right? Beg for it!"

"Yes~! Give it to me! Inside, shoot it inside~!"

Oh yeah, I'm cumming~!

"Ah~!!" the duo squealed in unison at the top of their lungs.

You bastards do remember that there's a kid sleeping here, right? Couldn't you fuckers at least try to conceal your damn voice here.

"Un❤….nhaaa❤ oh sweetly…..you always make me….. so satisfied…. nn❤…nn❤…ahn❤" their lips connected, their tougues dance in each other lips before they pulled away.

'Ah~ you were wonderful my little slut ha~, ha~, really for round two?"

"Wait I just Whap* Ah❤ Whap* Whap* Ah~❤-Ah~❤ Whap* Whap*

Wasting no time, the duo started anew again as they fucked like a new married couple, experimenting with various positions and getting familiar with each other's bodies. As the sound of their flesh smacking into one another resounded once again.


Knowing this was ending anytime soon, I rose from my bed throwing my blankets clean off me. Walking casually towards the door of my room. The duo so engrossed in their activity didn't even notice my presence. That was the usual state of things I've grow use to, so this isn't anything new, and preferably in this situation that would be the best. I don't need them to make some more noise than they already are. It would be even more annoying if they were to raise fuss about me going missing.

I didn't even bother trying to conceal my steps, but I did take some measure to not slam my door shut in frustration or annoyance. The guards weren't even standing at their post near my door as usual. 'What are you people being paid for you damn slacker!' I cursed in my mind, though in true I wanted to scream. Even through the door I can still hear the two-party goers, continuing vigorously as ever.

Now I find myself walking through the now dark but familiar corridors, with only the dimmest hovering light fixtures near the walls, along with the moonlight shining through the massive glass windows on the left-hand side. My footsteps barely even echoed, despite the massive space available due to pity size of my current body. That and due to the nature of my steps, old habits that didn't seem to have faded away despite being in a new body.

I've walked for a good while now negating through the dark halls utilizing my small statue and the darkness surrounding me. Though clearly it didn't seem as usual to even be necessary. Being that there wasn't a single guard in sight! I can't even detect one single presence with the corridor. What are you people even being paid for~! I was honestly on the verge of screaming these thoughts out. How lax can these people be? Then I heard it the familiar sound of two hip smacking against one another and the two muffled voices coming from the corner.

Why am I not surprised. Stepping closer towards the area of interest, long and behold I found the missing guards each having their own little party in the shadows. However, I also could hear more muffed voice on opposite sides of the area. Ah❤ Whap* Whap* Ah~❤-Ah~❤ Whap* Whap*, the wet clapping echoed off the walls. Sign~ I couldn't help but let out a huff of inspiration as I creeped closer to one of the party going couples. Not far from the duo that I was coming up upon, yet still came upon a sight that I wasn't looking for.

Two bodies overlapping one another half-dressed their lower bodies bare, their bare ass towards me. Their genitals joined together moist and slick with their fluids mixed together producing a sloppy sound, as the soldier on top of the maid repeatedly rammed his rod into her hole. They must have been going at it for a while, for the smell of bodily fluids was dense in the air. Letting out another sign he crawled closer to the site, but more towards the pile of discard uniforms littering the ground.

Rummaging through the scattered maid dress and plate armor I found what I was after. A short dagger blade still sheathed it cord bind tightly to the discarded armored pants. It honestly didn't take long to undo the nock, before moving away from the occupied pair in front of me to the next. The next closest debauches duo no, it was a trio was similarly far to engaged to notice the incoming spectator.

This one required more effort due to the angel of the trio was within the sight of their uniform. However, being so immersed with their pleasure, they had failed to notice me let alone even consider hinder me in acquiring what I need from them. I quickly moved away from the party, honestly there was almost no need for stealth at this point being that they were so engrossed with one another. The sounds and smell of it all was building in the air, even as I navigate through the hallway corridors. I honestly will never get use to how openly these people are to engage with such sexually acts so brazenly.

Not that I have the heart to know, I mean it's not like it's a bad deal for me in the end really. Finally, I was close to my destination, however the hallways I traversed through now, are vastly different to the rest of the complex. The simple difference being that these ones are guarded compared to those that I've already passed through to get here. The silence of the place gave it away. The pathway was unnaturally quiet. It was hard to find any trace of anyone's voices in the air, and there wasn't a single soul that pass through anywhere on the way through.

I must admit I was impressed at the skills of these Shadow Guards. They hide almost perfectly within the darkness blending in like beings that was born from it. Now this was a challenge; they were concealed in the perfect location some of which I planned to take to keep my presence hidden from them. The slight hint if the moonlight shining off their weapons. A polearm of sorts, it consisted of a dagger-shaped blade, mounted by presumably its tang to a shaft. There was another variant among them that could be seen. This one had a divided two-part head, consisting of the straight blade and a scythe-like blade. Recognizing the design of that weapon it seems based on the dagger-axe, a type of pole weapon that was in use from the Han dynasty in China back home.

It took a much deliberate efforts to avoid them detecting my presence though, every few moments one would have sensed me being there. Causing the rest to be ready at the alert, however this wasn't the first time that I've pulled this rodeo. Thus, I prepared a solution to this obstacle, so processed to retrieve my key to my predicament. A simple cylinder contraction with a push button on top. Thumbing the button down caused an almost instant pop noise in the near distance.

Nothing potent to cause any true harm but it did its job. Catching the hidden guard's attention several of their members immediately shifted, moving towards the sound. Barley hinting at their disappearance A little less than the amount I had originally hoped, but it will have to do. The hidden guards were no fools having relocated to positions to cover for the areas left by the other who had left. However, it was still enough of a gap for me to slip by undetected. The halfway point was now within my sight, as well as the familiar sounds of flesh smacking against another. The source of it all was the half-opened door near the end of the halls.

"Nh❤ Ah❤ Yes, there❤ Nhhh❤ Ah❤" Slap! Slap! Whomp* thwack*Whomp* thwack*. Peering through the door while making my way into the space, the first thing to overwhelm the senses was the smell. The second being the scene, before my eyes was just a sea of bodies, beautiful women in their naked glory littered the floor. Their bodies slick and glistening in the soft light from more than just their sweat, laying about motionless on the ground however none of them were dead. The slight breathing and their rising mounds on their chest can attest to that. Near the center of the room, two very active souls were locked tightly together the room echoed loudly via their sloppy wet mating, their genitals smacking and rubbed against each other. That was proof that a man's rock-hard cock was penetrating a woman's wet pussy. One body piled ontop of the other, with the man repeatedly ramming into the woman whose body was held done by his bulk. An obscenely wet sound echoed through the room.

"Hush you don't want to wake up youngest now do you?!" Whomp* thwack*Whomp* thwack* "Ah❤ Ahh❤ Honey❤ I-I'm sorry❤ But it – yes, yes! – it feels so good❤" the woman underneath him squealed. Her much smaller limbs wrapping around the larger man waist and neck holding him in place. The woman's long flaxen hair was splayed out around her, tears filled sapphire eyes, as she cried out her unrestrained pleasure. The woman had a stream of drool dripping from the corner of her mouth, as the man's tanned hips slapped against her plump thighs.

The smell in this room was just intense, it stuck heavily of sweat other fluids. So strong I almost wanted to gage, but I held my stomach and pushed on. Like before, now I'm navigating my way through the heap of bodies laying along the floor. All the while keeping my eyes on the couple making sure they didn't notice me. This continued for less than a few minutes but felt like hours have passed. Before then with a lapse in my concentration my feet banged loudly against something, at first, I thought it was nothing looking over however my heart sank.

At that moment the screaming began.