
Chapter 226 Angry

After Yang Guo broke up with Guo Fu, he didn't see Guo Fu again for several days.

This let him know that Guo Fu was probably offended by Guo Fu this time, and the relationship between the two of them, which was fairly harmonious before, might end because of this.

But he didn't care too much, and he didn't take the initiative to apologize.

If he gets along with Guo Fu, he must always obey her. Even if he can reconcile with Guo Fu this time, there will still be conflicts in the future.

It would be better to take this opportunity to let Guo Fu see a fact: he, Yang Guo, is not a brother of the Wu family, and he will not please her in everything.

For a few days, Yang Guo stayed with Xiao Longnv all the time, besides practicing kung fu, he just read books, practiced calligraphy, or went for a walk in the yard and admired the flowers.

It was not until the fifth day that Guo Jing asked him to go to the living room.

Yang Guo thought that he had found the location of the Valley of Unrequited Love, so he said, "Auntie, Uncle Guo is going to fetch medicine from the Valley of Unrequited Love. I'm afraid it will be difficult for one person to do it alone. I want to go together to help. You and mother-in-law should not go, stay Just wait for me here."

Xiao Longnu said: "Isn't there going to be an ambush? I'll go with you."

But Grandma Sun said: "In my opinion, neither you nor Miss Long should go, since this trip is dangerous , whoever they want can go."

Yang Guo said: "Uncle Guo is kind to me. He is in trouble now, and I should help him. But you don't have to worry about my safety. Uncle Guo has a bloody BMW at home. When you run, you are like the wind and electricity. Even if you are trapped in a tight siege, you can easily get out of it."

Speaking of this. He smiled again with a relaxed expression: "However, if my aunt also goes with me, I'm not sure. After all, the sweaty horse can only carry two people at a time, no matter how many people there are, the speed will be slow."

Xiao Longnu Hearing this, he hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

After Yang Guo bid farewell to Xiaolongnv and Grandma Sun, he left the room and went to the living room.

At this time, Guo Jing and Huang Rong were in the living room, and there was also a young man in gray clothes. He took a look. But they don't know.

Seeing him coming, Guo Jing said, "Come on. I'll introduce you to someone."

He pulled the gray-clothed boy over, and said, "This is a disciple of my adopted brother Zhou Botong, a disciple of the Quanzhen sect. I have some relationship with you."

The gray-clothed boy sized Yang Guo up. Then he clasped his fists and said: "Your Yeluqi, I have heard about Brother Yang's grand feat at the Heroes Banquet. It is a great honor to meet Brother Yang today!

" Meet Yeluqi.

He does know that this person is superior to others, no matter in his magnanimity or in his ability and strategy, he is an outstanding person.

therefore. He also wanted to make friends, and said back: "Brother Yelu is polite, I am ashamed!"

Guo Jing smiled and said: "Among the young people I have met, you two are the most outstanding, I should let you talk about it, but I still have other things to do today, so I have to let you wait a few more days."

Yang Guo heard the words and asked, "Did uncle find the location of the Valley of Unrequited Love?"

Guo Jing nodded and said, "I have received the reward last night. He said he found a place, which matches the features you provided. It should be correct. I plan to go and explore today, so that I can get the antidote back sooner."

Yang Guo said "That's the case. Then my nephew will go with my uncle."

Guo Jing hesitated for a moment, then said: "Guer, it's good for you to stay at home this time, and you don't have to go together."

Yang Guo was puzzled, he couldn't help asking: "Since uncle doesn't want my nephew to go with me, why did I call my nephew here?"

Huang Rong laughed and interjected, "According to what I want, I don't need to bother you to come again. A trip, but your uncle said that the Valley of Unrequited Love can only be found because of the information you provided, so you should be notified, so I called you here."

Yang Guo nodded, and said: "But if uncle goes alone, I 'm afraid that the power is weak, although my nephew's martial arts is not as good as my uncle's, but I am confident that I will not hinder my uncle, and I can take care of each other with my uncle."

Huang Rong said: "Your uncle is not alone, this Young Master Yelu is a master of archery. Absolutely, but to attack the enemy from a distance, it is enough to have him to take care of you. Although your martial arts are not inferior to Yelu Shaoxia, your riding skills are not as good. Your uncle did not let you go because he was concerned about your safety Question."

Hearing the words, Yang Guo noticed something strange.

He pretended to glance at Guo Jing unintentionally,

Seeing a trace of guilt in Guo Jing's eyes, and an unnatural expression, his thoughts turned and he already had the answer.

He couldn't help feeling angry at the moment, and then he sneered secretly: "Since you don't trust me, why should I demean myself and work for you? It's really kind of me to be a donkey's liver and lungs!"

He said with a smile, "Since there is Yelu Brother and uncle went together, so my little nephew has nothing to worry about, I am waiting for you to get the medicine and come back."

Guo Jing looked at Yang Guo, but he didn't see any displeasure in him, so he felt relieved and said: " Guoer, Uncle knows your intentions, although you don't have to go to the Valley of Unrequited Love, you still need your help when you stay."

Yang Guo said, "Please tell

me, Uncle." The safety depends on you, you have to protect your aunt and Fu'er well."

Yang Guo said: "The city is guarded by Marshal Lu, and there are disciples of the beggar sect inside and outside the house to protect it, so there is no need for my nephew, uncle. Do n't worry too much. But as long as my aunt has something to do, just tell

my nephew." He was angry with Guo Jing and his wife, and he didn't want to stay here any longer, so he said: "Since my nephew is not needed for this matter, my nephew will leave first. Uncle and Brother Yelu should have made preparations earlier."

After saying that, he saluted Guo Jing and his wife, greeted Yeluqi, and left the hall.

Guo Jing waited for Yang Guo to disappear before he sighed heavily.

Under pressure from his wife, he read books in UU www. uukanshu.com had no choice but to agree with his wife's opinion, but he has always acted in an open and aboveboard manner all his life, why has he ever done something that is tantamount to being ashamed?

Therefore, he has always been extremely guilty in his heart, and he hardly dared to face Yang Guo just now.

"Rong'er, how about I go and check Guoer again..." Guo Jing felt restless and wanted to confess everything to Yang Guo.

Huang Rong patted the back of his hand and said, "The most important thing now is to get back the elixir. Let's talk about other things when we come back. Young Hero Yelu is still waiting for you. Let's go quickly."

Guo Jing could only sigh again . , Then they went out of the living room with Yeluqi, led a horse each, and went out of the mansion.

At this time, there were already two people waiting outside the mansion, but it was the two Beggar Clan disciples who led the way for them.

Guo Jing didn't say much, just said: "Let's go."

Then the four of them got on their horses and rushed out of the city.