
Rebirth of the Unparalleled Miss

Before her rebirth, Ouyang Xiasha, like her peers, enjoyed wild parties and fun times. By chance, she heard what was in her parents' hearts, and guilt led her to conform, suppressing her true nature to be the obedient daughter her parents wanted—she just couldn't bear to see disappointment in the eyes of her parents who had suffered for her sake! So she excelled in her studies, securing a spot at the prestigious X University’s combined bachelor's and master's degree program; she had good manners, the epitome of a lady; a beautiful face, and a great figure; she was even retained to teach at X University after graduation! Before she turned 25, Ouyang Xiasha was the pride of her parents, the envy of relatives, the object of other girls' jealousy, and an unattainable goddess for the boys who chased after her! Thus, Ouyang Xiasha didn't have many true friends, but fortunately, she had Fu Xinyu, a man who adored and loved her—they were childhood sweethearts, in love for thirteen years, now at the stage of discussing marriage. She also had Mu Qingchi, the only friend and confidante she was willing to open up to. She felt very content with her life! If that day's events hadn't happened, maybe Ouyang Xiasha wouldn't have become synonymous with tragedy. Her only friend and lover betrayed her, a shocking discovery made together with her family and friends! Ouyang Xiasha felt like the sky had fallen—her excellence had hurt her man's pride, and her ladylike demeanor was considered uninspired... Her parents swallowed their anger and lovingly took their daughter home, but disaster struck again. A truck running a red light hurtled towards them head-on. In the end, her parents could only do their best, swerving the steering wheel to save her at the cost of their own lives. Heartbroken and guilt-ridden, and discovering that her parents' death was very mysterious, she resolved to live on for their sake and to uncover the truth behind their murder. But just as the determined Ouyang Xiasha stepped out of the hospital, a speeding Porsche came crashing towards her... After her rebirth, Ouyang Xiasha returned to being twelve years old, the year she decided to change her personality. Given another chance, she resolved to only be herself! Rely on herself! And have enough strength to protect her loved ones. "In this world, the only person you can truly rely on is yourself!" She intended to make her parents proud, to reach even greater heights! And as for her parents' foes from the last life, she was set on seeking revenge with her own hands. Perhaps the heavens couldn't stand her lack of rewards for being a good person in her past life, so with her rebirth, they bestowed upon her an incredible mega space as well as the so-called 'Yin Yang Eye'! Even wanting to be ordinary was difficult for her! But why, with her commitment to remaining unmarried, were there more and more suitors chasing after her? Her former first love who had rejected her, the proud heartthrob, the scumbag Fu Xinyu... Why even the god-like man joined the pursuit? Sister is not into older guys, alright! Men are too frightening—can't I just hide from them? This is the story of a modern, high-quality woman who died and returned to life, wielding space and supernatural powers to reclaim her true self and rise like the phoenix. It's the tale of a heartbroken, high-quality woman who decided to stay away from love but ended up surrounded by suitors! Alright! Sorry for the lackluster introduction from Ziyi—as they say, just jump into the pit! Pre-rebirth might have a bit of angst, but post-rebirth, the female lead will decidedly face no suffering!

Xiao Ziyi · Urbain
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70 Chs

Chapter 2 If Life Was Just Like When First Met (2)

Translator: 549690339

And Mu Qingchi—yesterday she was still congratulating me! Today, she's rolled into bed with my fiancé! I treated her as my only friend, never hiding anything in my heart from her, and this is how she repays my trust! Has time really worn down the depth of our feelings?

At this moment, Ouyang Xiasha felt like a pathetic clown! She felt as if she had brought her entire Ouyang family to catch a cheating couple, only to find them together, as if in collusion. Staring at them with tears streaming down her face, she said nothing!

What could she say? Confront him? Or confront her? The affection that sparked at first sight must have faded; otherwise, how could he betray their vows, their love?

"Fu Xinyu, what do you mean by this?" Mother Ouyang couldn't hold back any longer! Her daughter was a piece of her flesh, born of her toil—how could she not ache for her? When her daughter was mischievous as a child, she worried. She feared her daughter would go astray, feared she'd grow up without accomplishments. She and her husband broke their hearts over it. For some reason, when her daughter turned twelve, she suddenly changed, filling their eyes with pride. But no matter what, her daughter was her treasure; in her mother's eyes, she was the best in the world, deserving the best, and she couldn't bear her facing even the slightest injustice.

They had watched Fu Xinyu's kindness to their daughter over the years; despite initial objections, she and her husband found it hard to come by such sincerity. Eventually, the old couple let go of their reservations, thinking as long as he was good to their daughter, what more could they ask for? After finally agreeing, is this how he treated their beloved daughter? Was this his promise to cherish her?

Mother Ouyang's shouts awakened the two lost in passion on the bed. Seeing the people standing at the door, Fu Xinyu suddenly felt a tingling at the back of his head! Mu Qingchi, though, slowly and calmly climbed out of bed.

"Uncle, Aunt, Great Aunt, Aunt Ouyang, Uncle Ouyang, Sasha, why are you here?" Fu Xinyu said, forcing himself to remain calm.

"If we hadn't come, who could have seen through your act? Thirteen years of pretending to be so devoted, and you turn out to be a heartless monster!" Aunt Ouyang said sarcastically.

"Our Sasha is truly unfortunate, such an excellent child, to have chosen someone like you! Thankfully, they haven't married yet. Otherwise, where would our Sasha go to cry!" Aunt Ouyang rebuked, glaring at Fu Xinyu.

"And Mu Qingchi isn't any better, seducing her best friend's fiancé and hopping straight into bed—a real pair of shameless dogs. Our Sasha has truly been blindsided. But it's not too late; if they had married, it would have been. Now at least she sees the true face of this scum and can put an end to these feelings. We never agreed to this from the start!" Great Aunt Ouyang added angrily.

"Exactly, given Sasha's qualities, she could find anyone she wants! Scum like him was never worthy of our Sasha! Sasha, don't cry, your uncle will find you someone good!" Uncle Ouyang, furious at the scum Fu Xinyu before him and seeing Ouyang Xiasha's tear-filled, red eyes, comforted her with heartfelt words.


The Ouyang family lambasted Fu Xinyu, one after another. How could they not? Ouyang Xiasha was the only girl in both the Ouyang and Dongfang families, obedient and sensible to the point of breaking hearts—cherished as if she were too fragile for this world. Yet today, Fu Xinyu had done such a thing to their treasure—this was unforgivable, how enraged they were! How was their treasure supposed to cope with such a double betrayal?

Fu Xinyu remained silent, simply watching Ouyang Xiasha. Once, he truly loved her deeply, finding her as exquisite as a fairy and yearning to give her the best. He respected her wish to abstain from premarital sex, seeing it as virtuous purity.