
Rebirth of the Third Prince

Victor von Claes was the third prince of the Claes empire who was betrayed, imprisoned, and executed for the fraudulent excuse of treason. It wasn't until his next life that he discovered everything about his first life was nothing more than a novel. Turns out he was just a minor villain character in this stupid novel. But after living his best in his second life, he didn't expect to wake up back to his first life. Will he seek out revenge or aim for a better life away from it? ***** Note: This is a BL (Boy's love) novel. It is an incredibly slow build and slow pace, focusing mainly on a slice of life and world-building that many may not like. If you don't like these themes and settings, please don't proceed. Thank you.

WordySmith · LGBT+
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35 Chs

The Emperor

"Prince Victor von Claes, General Pietro Aster, Captain Jason Aster, and the officers of the Blue Rose army to present themselves to the emperor!" one of the servants loudly announced before the large golden double doors. This was the entrance to the throne room and Victor was very nervous.

He never got a chance to stay in the waiting room when a servant came running towards them to inform them that the emperor is now available. This was a surprise because normally it would take a few hours before the emperor can accommodate them. This also happened in his past life where they waited hours for the emperor and Victor was prepared for it. Apparently, the reason for the wait was that whoever was in charge of that schedule forgot about it. However, Victor thinks it was another scheme. The noble society seems to like to watch him suffer and be humiliated for their entertainment. Anyway, it already happened. At least he didn't have to wait this long.

The throne room was beautiful. Banners of the royal family colors and insignia hang on the ceiling. A large tapestry that depicts a historical battle with a dragon can be found behind the golden throne with a large ruby (a magic crystal) at the top of the seat. The throne is elevated by a platform and in it sat the 78th emperor of the Claes empire, Levucian von Claes.

The emperor was a tall, elegant-looking man with shoulder-length black hair and golden eyes. He is an incredibly handsome man and looked young despite his age of more than 50 years old. His black hair combed neatly at the back, his beard looked clean and neat and he wore the imperial crown. It is a gold crown embedded mainly with rubies and other red gems. That crown has been passed down for generations and is only worn during formal functions, the ministry room, and any situations within the throne room.

There were two smaller thrones beside him which are reserved for the empress and the crown prince which remains empty. There are also two thrones behind the curtains on the balcony above the emperor which is normally reserved for the former emperor and empress who are Prince Victor's grandparents. However, emperors rarely have a chance to enjoy retirement and become advisers for the next emperor since they usually die either in old age which is rare, and death due to the succession wars which is the most common. This is why current emperors usually don't have their fathers as advisors and also why they tend to be suspicious of their own sons. This is why only the former empress is alive but the two chairs above remain empty.

The left and right sides of the throne room also contain chairs where the ministers who serve and manage the Claes empire's governmental duties are sitting. They are all watching curiously or suspiciously at them, especially the prince who didn't even glance at them. Victor and the rest bowed at the presence of the emperor. He didn't stand in the middle as it is often expected for a prince but this was a dissolution for the blue rose army. This means it should be given to the highest commanding officer and that was General Aster. This was respectful to the one in command. Something most princes would often neglect out of rank. Ernest Avington, the prime minister is also present and is standing close to the emperor.

The emperor was looking at Victor very closely while the young prince just kept his eyes down on the floor. In fact, Victor didn't really look at his father since they entered and kept his eyes on the ground. All he can remember of him was the sight of his father looking at him in disappointment at the time of his death. At that time, all he wanted was just for his father to look at him with eyes of pride and recognition. He was so stupid.

But there was silence in the throne room. Complete silence. The emperor didn't say or move at all. Some of the ministers are getting uncomfortable.

Ernest has to cough to get the emperor's attention which shook the emperor from his silent stupor.

"Welcome, the Blue Rose regiment." The emperor's booming voice proliferate the entire hall.

"We thank his majesty for his time." They responded formally.

"For many years you have honored the empire for your service, courage, and sacrifices, and as the imperial head, I thanked you for your service. However, I have also learned from the prime minister that many of the blue rose's resources have not been distributed. Investigations have shown that insidious individuals of the Ministry of War have embezzled your resources. Rest assured those individuals have been punished and we have made arrangements for remunerations for all the sacrifices you have done." He didn't name who they were as it is common to protect the faces of those nobles and their families. But they still have to suffer financially because of this.

General Aster was surprised. They didn't expect that the empire was aware of their grievances. They have accepted the fact that they will never be treated equally and because of their position, also accepted their lack of protection and privilege. He looked thankful at the prime minister who gave him a nod and looks that says "It is my job after all". However, the prime minister is also aware that all this happened because the third prince was able to point it out directly to him and the blue rose members including the general were not aware of this.

"General Aster. Please stand." The emperor called.

"Yes, your imperial majesty."

"You have served the empire well and in return, we didn't repay you well enough and let you and your army suffer. Yet you are still able to succeed in every task given to you. And as compensation, we decided to name you Marquis."


Everyone in the room was in shock except the prime minister and some of the advisors. It seems this happens to be the plan. General Aster and Jason looked confused and shocked about this.

"This is a separate title." The prime minister clarified. "Your family will still be Marquis Aster but because of your contribution the emperor has decided to name you Marquis separate from your family matters." This means that Claes will have two Marquis from the Aster family (which is not unusual in a large empire but also rare).

However, not everyone is happy. One of them, in particular, is another green-haired man standing behind the many ministers of the empire. He was Jason's father and Pietro's brother, Garvais Aster. He was the oldest of the Aster family and is working hard for the family to reinstate their resources back to their family while pushing down his brothers and half-brothers for the title. "It is not fair!" he thought in his head. He has worked his butt off to get their resources and because of their status as a disgraced family, Garvais has to kiss people's shoes and ass just to get where he is, and even then, he is still an aide in the ministry, not even a minister. And his disgraced half-brother got to be Marquis just like that with full resources, territory, and title? And it is even separate from the family, not something for the family at all! It is not fair! But Garvais can only fume behind the background. He can't fight back against the emperor's decree. If he does, it might be considered treason.

Victor on the other hand was happy with this decision. In his last life, none of this happened. Pietro and Jason have to return to the Aster family which is where they suffered and died. Being a marquis would mean Pietro has equal status in his family and will no longer be under their thumb and decisions. This was a major problem with the nobility in Claes. You don't have independence. You are subjected to whoever is the head of the family. But being separated means Pietro Aster can make his own decisions and no longer need to follow the whims of the current Marquis Aster. However, Victor is worried about Jason. He isn't General Aster's son, so he is still under the thumb of the original family after dissolution.

"As for now, the blue rose has served its purpose and will be led to rest along with the many regiments before them who have served the empire. Not including the resources that are to be offered to the blue rose as those are supposed to be required and compensation, as a reward for the members of their service, they will be honored with gold and a feast that will be held in a week by now. General, I believe you can make the necessary arrangements?"

"Of course, your majesty," Pietro answered but looked a little worried. Arranging a banquet for his soldiers? They would probably prefer a feast over a banquet though. Because this arrangement is more likely an informal affair away from the palace. They don't need to follow formal protocol. He glanced at Rufus who looked up at him and gave him a knowing smirk that says "Of course, I'll help you."

"Prince Victor von Claes, please stand."

"Yes, Imperial Majesty." Victor stood up while General Aster bowed down again. But there were some gasps among the audience and this confused Victor. He looked up and see his father, the emperor, standing up from his throne and walking towards him.

Victor looked confused. Why is his father heading toward him?

"Your majesty?" some of the ministers asked in confusion.

The man's boots stopped right in front of him. Victor wasn't sure to look at him or down. He and the emperor are the same height after all.

"Victor look at me." A cold, deep voice said and Victor looks up and bravely look at his father's golden eyes.

And the next thing he knows is that Victor von Claes, the third prince, and son of the Claes empire got engulfed in a hug by the emperor.

"Huh?" The prince was shocked.

He turned towards the prime minister who still looked surprised.

He turned towards Rufus and the general who is also surprised.

He looked at the ministers, who are looking shocked and confused.

"Welcome home, son." The emperor said in his ear.