
Rebirth of the Sword Spirit

Bie Feng was a famous sword belonging to a young master of one of the prestigious families. Although his spirit was awakened, he could only stay as an unanimated object alongside his master. One man and one sword went through thick and thin together in silence for over 20 years before being forced to fall together into the volcano by his master's loved ones, the ones he tried to protect. -- When Bie Feng woke up, he realize he has been reborn into the past, the same year his young master was born. The strangest thing was that he has been reborn... as a human child! Maybe this is god's way of letting him save his master from his past fate. This time, he can finally wipe away his master's tears. -- Original Art, Original Story, Original Setting World Building, Light-Hearted, Age Progression, Rebirth Plot, Multiple Pairing

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14 Chs


Recalling the incidents that happened before and after the madam's death, Bie Feng had a strange feeling in his heart.

In his last life, he was dormant most of the time after awakening so he was not fully aware of what happened before the madam's death, but his spirit became much stronger after her death, allowing him to be fully awake and to witness Tie Cheng's growth.

Although he had awakened as a spirit, regardless of how strong he becomes, he could only stay in his sword body, overlooking the surroundings.

Displayed on the wall in the madam's room, he watched as the 2-year-old Tie Cheng cried for his mother and father. The sword spirit Bie Feng was in distress and pondered about what to do before two servants he had never seen before coming into the room.

"Eh, where did Xiao Niu and Xiao Huang go? Ahhh Nevermind, just coax the young master already." Bie Feng spoke to himself as he heaved a sigh of relief thinking that the young master would be coaxed and waited in anticipation.

"Cry cry cry, all you know how to do is cry. No wonder Madam Yu died."

"He's such a jinx, because of him, Madam Yu died and Master is now gone."

"Just look at his face, he looks 80% like his mother. No wonder the Master doesn't even want to see him. Just looking at him reminds him of Madam Yu."

Shocked senseless, Bie Feng shouted at these new servants. "Who the fuck are these servants and where did they come from?" Of course, no one could hear him.

After Tie Guang left, the original servants' Xiao Niu and Xiao Huang had suddenly been dismissed and replaced with new servants. The young master was placed under strict supervision by Madam Liu and was hardly allowed to leave the Mansion.

Over the course of the next few years, Bie Feng lost count of the number of times he saw the young master cry under the covers. Although he knows that Tie Cheng could never hear him, Bie Feng always tries to coax him by talking to the air anyway.

"If I ever get the chance, I will chop the stupid servants up alright? So don't cry."

"You know if you cry too much, you will become ugly?"

"Don't worry young master, Bie Feng is here."

It is truly a strange feeling, talking and not expecting a reply but still doing it regardless.

When he turned 8, something happened and Tie Cheng left the Tie Mansion, carrying a blue sword that seemed too big for his body size - this was also the day Bie Feng started calling Tie Cheng as his "Master". But that will be a story for another day.


No matter how many times he thinks about his last life, Bie Feng always has a very uncomfortable feeling in his heart.

"Cough Cough Cough!" the elderly lying on the bed started coughing uncontrollably in the room.

Bie Feng smoothly poured the medication from the pot on the stove to the bowl in his hands before bringing it in front of Uncle Duan.

After taking care of the elderly for more than a week and from the newly obtained memories, he has come to understand Uncle Duan and his health condition.

Uncle Duan fell sick 1 year ago and the doctors diagnosed him with a fatal illness with just 12-13 months to live. The medications they prescribed to him would only ease his pain and prolong his life a little but were not able to cure him. As of now, he only has less than 1 month to live.

Over time, Uncle Duan became weaker and could hardly stay standing for too long before hurting all over. Despite that, he would always try his best to cook something so that the original would not go hungry.

Uncle Duan was someone who was ready to leave the world, but looking at the 6-year-old child in front of him, he really felt reluctant. The child doesn't have anyone else but him ah…

Back then, the original accepted Old Huang's high paying job offer because they were no longer able to afford the medications...

"Hmmph" Bie Feng snorted as he thought about the "job offer". He knew instinctively that it was a dodgy deal but his memory regarding that matter has not fully recovered yet, so he didn't think too much of it.

"Qin-Er, will you go to a Sect when you hit 10 years old?" Uncle Duan weakly asked the boy.

"I will think about it." Bie Feng answered honestly. He had too many in mind so he never really thought about that.

"I have a friend...you should go to him after I die...he should be able to take care of you until you are 10 years old."

"Don't say inauspicious things." Bie Feng frowned. Hearing someone talk about death is depressing.

"Qin-Er, life and death is predestined. I have to go sooner or later."

Seeing the child keeping silent, he continued.

"Go to KuanShang City… Look for the Du Le from the Du Mansion...he owes me a favour and I believe he would take care of you at least until you can enrol into a Sect…You have a rare spiritual root, so after you enrol into a Sect for free. By then you should be able to live comfortably."

"Du Mansion?" Bie Feng's brow twitched. That is one familiar family name.

"Cough cough cough" Uncle Duan started coughing again.

"I will rest now. Don't forget to practice at least 2 hours a day." he closed his eyes.

"I understand." Bie Feng obediently nodded before leaving the room.