
Rebirth of the Saintblade

In a world steeped in magic and mystery, the legendary Sword Saint Dainsleif, meets his final hour but is granted an extraordinary chance at rebirth. Reborn into the same mystical tapestry, he emerges anew as Yuito Barbatos—an orphan, but armed with memories and powers from a bygone era. Yuito, fueled by the echoes of his former self, endeavors to forge a different destiny this time around. Freed from the shackles of his past identity, he navigates the currents of a fresh existence. Yet, the lingering shadows of yesteryears, like wisps of an ancient spell, persistently haunt him. To carve out a destiny that transcends the eons and resonates through the storied chronicles of enchanted lore, Yuito must confront the spectral remnants of his own history.

Longxingyu · Fantaisie
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3 Chs


The world is being run by the two major continents, waging war and came into peace after my death. Adonis, Axiom. When I was alive as Dainsleif, the continents used to wage wars and capture the lands, as I, the only saint ranked warrior, commonly declared that, I'm not any of their pawn and the protector of this world alone. So, meddling the wars was a complete no-no to me.

However, it seems, after my death both the continents have come into peace with a treaty. Well, I was certainly happy about that.

Axiom had two major races, forming the Kingdom of Elven; the Rillifane, and the kingdom of beast-folk, the Vrikodara. Now, after alliance, I hope they have a place where humans can live too.

And, the continent of my past and current life's birth place, Adonis. Adonis is segregated into two, just like Axiom is, with humans and dwarfs forming their own kingdoms. The Human Kingdom of Hoenir and the Dwarven kingdom of Henova.

Aside from the major races, there are some minor races like Sea-folk, Dark-elves etc. Mostly, the wilderness of the continents and the sea around the world is filled with magical beasts and creatures.

There is also another continent in this world, which can only be entered by dying or becoming a saint ranked warrior. The continent of Abyss, the demon realm or hell, as people say. In my past life, I discovered the Abyss is connected to places with high magical tendencies, the Dungeons and the wilderness, influencing the magical creatures to turn into monsters. 

Normally, They usually inhabit all the dense forests and regions where adventures and mercenaries venture through to clear out dungeons to vanquish the demons or kill the existing ones that might attack the towns or cities near the forests.

But, if any threat where to happen like the Holy war between Demons and the races all over the world, Axiom and Adonis has built multiple academies and schools, all over the two continents, to develop young magicians and warriors who would become strong enough to fend off these creatures.

Hmm. That isn't a so bad at all. I mean, when I was alive in my past life, there were no academy to cultivate mages and warriors.

Leaving my room, I made my way through the opulent corridors of the mansion. Servants bowed respectfully as I passed, acknowledging their young master. The Lord, my father, had summoned me. I couldn't ignore his call, and well, I was hungry after the work out I did, so I might as well eat my fill while I meet him.

As I approached the grand dining hall where me and my father ate, the imposing double doors swung open, revealing the opulence within. The room was adorned with rich tapestries, antique furniture, and an air of authority that permeated every corner. Even for a dining room, this was too much was the thought that filled my head when I came in here seven years ago. Now, that I have spent quite a lot of time here, I got used to its grandeur.

"Ah, there you are, my son," my father greeted me as he was sitting in the top-center of the imposing dining table, his face a mask of authority and wisdom. His presence demanded respect. No wonder he is the Head of this Brabatos family as well as one of the Emperor ranked warriors in this world.

"You summoned me, Father," I said, bowing slightly, a gesture of both respect and formality.

He gestured for me to sit in the ornate chair across from him. "Indeed, I did. Tomorrow is your awakening ceremony son. How are feeling about that?"

I took my seat, my eyes meeting his as I awaited his words. Hearing the words from his mouth was something I was certainly looking forward too.

Basically, the power usage in this world is divided into two branches. Mage-craft and Mana-arts.

Even though the terms Mage-craft and Mana-arts are similar in terms, in this world, it is considered as different. While Mage-craft is studied by people to become mages to study and utilize the elemental attributes of nature, Mana-arts are studies which a person would learn to bend mana flow itself, within them as well as the atmosphere to utilize their choice of weapons and spells. 

This world has a ranking system based on power levels separately for Magecrafts and Mana-arts, while there is also a grade level for the power and attribute of mana one could wield.

From the weakest rank to the strongest rank for the Mana-arts, the ranks are segregated into Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Master, Grand-master, King, Emperor, and Saint ranks respectively.

As for Magecrafts, the ranks are devised as Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Great Mage, Grand Mage, Magister, Great Magister, and Grand Magister ranks respectively.


And the grade levels of attributes and powers are segregated into the lowest grade being Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and the ultra-rarest grade which is Palladium.

I must say, having a Gold tier or grade attribute, a person could become quite the attraction of people.

I wasn't good in magic in my past life, as I awakened as a fire attribute user, a silver grade elemental attribute. However, ranking up in my skills as a swordsman, a mana-arts major was helpful in learning magic while using my sword. My attribute of fire was evolved into a platinum grade attribute, termed as the Phoenix's burst.

I wonder though, what kind of attribute will I be awakening. However, no matter the attribute, I would be taking my path as a swordsman, and the mana-arts branch.

"Yes father, I'm really excited about my awakening." I replied with a smile.

"Right. Eat your food before it gets cold!" He said as he took a bite at the meat in his plate.
