
395 Dinner with the Tanaka family

"Huh!Waa what the hell?" cried the robber but no one answered him.

Before the robbers could react to this threat, Kenichi and Miu jumped in, knocking out two robbers each. The last one stared at his downed allies and the broken gun before quietly kneeling down, putting his hands behind his head before surrendering. The last robber, who had been inside the vault, saw all his goons down and tried to point his pistol at the heroes, only for Tsutomu to suddenly strike him at his chest. Despite wearing a bulletproof vest, Tsutomu easily destroyed it with Kazoe Nukite.

"It's been a while," greeted Tsutomu with a wave.

"Tanaka-san," greeted both Miu and Kenichi with a polite bow.

"How's your family doing?" asked Miu.

"My wife Mayu is fine, and so is Kairi," smiled Tsutomu, causing both Miu and Kenichi to smile at that. Kenichi more than Miu seeing him alive and happy with his family in this timeline was heartwarming for the reincarnater.

The police soon arrived and dealt with the robbers, filing the report under the Ryozanpaku file.

"Well, now with that over, how about you two come over to my dojo for dinner tonight? We're having Shabu-shabu tonight and would love the company," offered Tsutomu, "The Elder and Mrs Shizuha are welcome to come too."

"We'd love to come," smiled Miu, "Let me ask my grandfather before we say anything, though."

"Alright, just give us a ring, and we'll set the extra plates," waived Tsutomu as he left.


A few hours later, Miu, Kenichi, Shizuha and the Elder were standing in front of the Tenchi Mushin Ryu dojo.

"Welcome! I'm glad you could come!" greeted Mayu, opening the door for them, "Come on in!"

"I see the dojo is in good condition," hummed Kenichi as he looked around. The last time he had been here was the fight between Ogata and Kai with the dojo on fire and Mayu running fighting with Ogata to kill him.

All thanks to my husband," nodded Mayu, "He oversaw the whole reconstruction."

"Ah, you're here," smiled Tsutomu from the kitchen as they walked into the dining hall, "Kairi is already seated. Kairi, say hi to our guest."

"Hi," babbled Kairi from her highchair, causing Miu to squeal at how cute Kairi, even Shizuha smiled and looked at her daughter feeling sorry for her that she wasn't there for Miu when she was Kairi's age, who was roughly two years old already.

"Come, come, let's eat first," offered Mayu as Tsutomu pulled up a chair for his wife.

They all quickly sat down to eat, throwing in the meat and other ingredients into the pot before talking about a few random subjects.

"That was delicious," complimented Kenichi as he patted his stomach and leaning back on his chair.

"Thank you for the meal," thanked Miu.

"It was nothing," waved off Mayu as she hugged Kairi, who was starting to nod off to sleep, "Let me put Kairi to bed."

"We wouldn't want to trespass on your hospitality any longer, so we should go," suggested Elder.

"You're not trespassing anything! You're always welcomed here! Please, stay for some tea at least," offered Tsutomu quickly, "I just recently got a new batch of tea leaves that I've been meaning to brew."

Seeing no harm in that, they agreed to stay for tea.


Mmm, this smells good," smiled Mayu as she sniffed the tea that Tsutomu poured for them all.

"I'm glad it's up to your standards," said Tsutomu as he sat down next to his wife, who immediately snuggled up to him.

"It's good to see you two are still lovey-dovey as ever," complimented Shizuha as she sipped his tea, "Are you two going to give Kairi a younger brother or sister?"

"That's the plan," nodded Mayu as she stopped cuddling with Tsutomu for a second, "But first, there's something I want to ask you, Kenichi."

Kenichi raised his eyebrows while sipping his tea and stared towards the couple.

Tsutomu and Mayu glanced at each other, nodding as one before Mayu continued, "How did you know I was pregnant in that fight against Ogata?"

"I didn't know, just like I told you last time. It was a bluff and luckily Ogata didn't called on it or I would have died as well. Though maybe not as you really were pregnant so even if he thought I lied, it wouldn't be hard for him to find out that you really were pregnant" Kenichi stated.

"Yes, you said it before but I was there and I don't think you were bluffing." Mayu stated

"That's because you haven't seen me do it otherwise you would know that I am a natural at that" Kenichi said with a smirk then turned his head towards Tsutomu and asked "I also want to ask Tsutomu thta how did he break the news to his master that he had made her daughter pregnant?"

"Ah! hahaha that's a really funny story as I knew he wouldn't kill me as he wouldn't want his grandchild to be fatherless so I told him when his mood was good with Mayu there to protect me from his wrath." explained Tsutomu with a smile.

"But why do you want to know?" asked Tsutomu.

Kenichi smiled and used his TELEPATHY to send a message to Miu then said "Because Miu is pregnant and I wanted to know how to break the news."

*Crack* "WHAAATTT!?" cried the everyone except Kenichi and Miu.

"See a Bluff and you believed me" Kenichi said with a sly smile.

"Oh, so it was a bluff nice work Kenichi" said the Elder as he shook his hand to dry it from the tea he spilled because of crushing the tea cup.

"That-That was a really good example for a bluff" Shizuha said while shaking her head with a smile on her face, although she knew it wasn't true but she would have been happy if Miu was really pregnant as there would be something other than Martial arts where she would be able to help her daughter as she already knew everything else.

"But did you plan this before?" asked Mayu as she turned towards Miu whose face was red as tomato and was looking down in her tea cup staring at the tea leaves.

Miu shook her head and said "I heard Kenichi's voice saying not to react and keep looking down for a minute"

"Oh! He was able to send the message to you without anyone finding? Did you create a technique like my OBSTRUCTIVE LUNG VOICE."

[A.N - Just 20 to 30 more chapters at my patre*#on and I would be done with Yami and would be able to focus on Marvel more, join my patr*#eon and read in advance the end of Yami arc.

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