
349. Fool Mihai

'Looks like I am really doing things better than what was originally supposed to happen' Kenichi thought seeing that Chikage didn't give him the letter of challenge and was enjoying her life in the school.


Later at night, meeting with both One Shadow None Fist and Eight Shining Executioner Blades

Members from each division had come together via computers. From the unarmed division Hongo, Cyril, Kushinada, and Ogata, while from the armed division: Mihai, Mildred, Raki, Rin, and Marmaduke.

"So I heard the wrestling idiot got himself captured" scoffed Mihai looking oh so proud of himself.

"He lost, and the loser obeys the winner" replied Ogata neutrally.

"Unlike you who ran away," added Hongo

"You!" snarled Mihai but Hongo continued.

"U heard you fought against Shio?" asked Hongo in an amused tone.

"That Karate idiot? Yea why do you know him?" growled Mihai, "Fucking asshole kept punching my face! Always hitting the face! Was he so obsessed with hitting someone's face?"

'That doesn't sound like him' mused Hongo knowing Sakaki's habits even though it had been years since they fought, 'Unless something about Mihai ticked him off. Which is something I can easily see'

"That explains the packs of ice you had people bringing to your room" mused Mildred out loud.

That caused Hongo, Ogata, Cyril, and Rin to smirk while Raki and Mildred giggled.

"Shut up" shouted Mihai in anger as he subconsciously felt his cheek. It still felt bruised even after all that treatment. 

"Out of curiosity how did your disciple fair against Ryozanpaku's disciple?" asked Rin

"huh? Oh, that fight? hmm.... it went well" lied Mihai, "My disciple almost killed him if it wasn't for that damn Karate master's interference"

"Curious you should say that because I believe I saw otherwise" countered Hongo snapping his fingers, nearby Sho nodded as he uploaded the video for all of them to see.

Silence regained for a good 30 seconds after the video had finished, which included Mihai trying to attack Kenichi, only to fail after his initial slash changed direction when Kenichi used Sigmaringen as a shield followed by Kenichi's palm attack that threw his body backward onto the wall.

"Almost killed him huh? It seems to me that you med to get your eyes checked" mused Cyril observing Mihai's increasingly red face.

"Pathetic" commented Kushinada "Both the ability to raise disciple and your own strength"

"I will cut you up you old hag" roared Mihai, "Starting with those bloated chests"

"Maybe we can finally kick him out" whispered Raki to Rin in a private channel.

"Now now that enough," said Rin ignoring Raki for the moment, "Though Sigmaringen lost, it was to be expected. Especially since Kenichi Shirahama has already entered the Master Class and achieved Ki no Shouka at such a young age. None of our disciples is a match against him" 

"What?" exclaimed Marmaduke and Mihai in surprise even though Mihai took one of Kenichi's attacks he didn't think about it until now.

"You must be joking," said Marmaduke before noticing the lack of surprise of others, "You are not, he is so young though"

"You fuckers knew and didn't say anything" shouted Mihai finding his voice again.

"A notice was placed about Kenichi Shirahama, as soon as he was discovered. If you choose to ignore it then it was nobody's fault but your own," stated Hongo

Mihai blustered as there was one, but as it had been from the unarmed division most of the armed division chose to ignore it. 

"Such irrational behavior will be the death of you" lectured Kushinada.

It was because she had tested Kenichi herself that she made sure that Chikage doesn't challenge him. As of now, there was a 100% chance that Chikage will lose against Kenichi, she would not let Chikage fight under these circumstances.

"Screw this I am out" shouted Mihai as he stood up, flipping his computer screen causing it to crack.

"Well, I suppose that will be all for today" hummed Rin as they all logged off.


Sho whistled while passing through the medical center when he saw Tirawit laying on one of the beds. Curious he stopped and entered the medical center.

"What are you doing here?" asked Sho 

"Recovering from the training?" winced Tirawit.

"Training... Oh, right you asked Agaard-guru to not hold back" hummed Sho holding back a laugh, "How's that treating you?"

"Terrifying" admitted Tirawit "but beneficial"

"Well since you are bored want to see a video of armed division getting owned by Kenichi?" asked Sho as he pulled out a video recorder.

"You do realize that they are part of our organization thus our allies," Tirawit said

"So you don't want to see it" frowned Sho as he began to put it away.

"I never said that," said Tirawit quickly, causing Sho to grin as he quickly played the video.

"The poor fool never had a chance" mused Tirawit, "Sadly this shows how great the difference is between us and him. But u intend to close that distance"

"Yea...So do I" sighed Sho

"Ah are you doing better," asked Agaard as he popped into the room, "I hope I didn't hit you too hard"

"I am fine but it will take me a day to recover" sighed Tirawit as he puts the recorder down.

"Hmm? What are you two watching?" asked Agaard 

Sho chuckled as he rewound the video and showed it to Agaard, who chuckled at the beatdown. 

"And this is the disciple of Eight Shining Executioners Blade? Pretty pathetic. Moreover, his master is more so as he got hit by Shirahama" chuckled Agaard, "Well if you are still recovering then I will try to work out something tomorrow"

"Guru-Agaard I believe Kano Sho has shown interest in taking the same training" stated Tirawit, causing Sho to blink before growing pale. 

"Really? Good I haven't trained you in a while" beamed Agaard as he grabbed Sho by the scruff of his neck, "Come on I should check your progress too, don't worry I won't be too hard on you, but I won't hold back"

"Wait... but... I" stuttered Sho as he was dragged out of the room.

Tirawit smirked before laying back on his bed.


At the same time somewhere is Russia few teenagers were on the run while being chased by assassins.

"Are there still people following us?"