
326. Kenichi vs Kei Retsumi 2

"Hmm... there is a birdcage on his head if Shirahama attacks him in the head he won't be able to dodge it right?" asked Natsu

"Yeah that's right!" Sho said

"No. The birdcage is there for a reason" stated Kenichi, "it limits his peed. Take that off, he gets faster though I don't care for that but i don't think the bird will live if he decides to go all out"

"Hoo, so you noticed" remarked Kei, "I put this birdcage on my head as a detector because moving at high speeds is harmful to my body. Of course when I get serious, I crush the cage, and so that why you are Pisuke #17"

"You jerk" hissed Renka

"That's it, I am going to kill this punk" growled Sho as he rolled up his sleeves ready to enter the battle when Tirawit and Ethan grabbed her.

"Are you out of your mind?" asked Tirawit, "This is a fight against between two master class, What do think you are going to do in that battle? Moreover we are here to watch Shirahama's battle and see the difference between our level"

Sho calmed down a little after hearing Tirawit's words and stopped trying to get out of Tirawit and Ethan's grip.

Seeing that Sho has calmed down Tirawit and Ethan let go of him and once again started to watch the fight.

Kenichi was moving forward step by step towards Kei as he diverged his punches.

"You are strong, I suppose I should let you tell me your name before I kill you" said Kei

"Oh, I don't know where you get that confidence but fine, Shirahama Kenichi, disciple of all Ryozanpaku!" Kenichi said as he took another step forward.

"Well that's because I am not going to hold back anymore" said Kei as he moved his hand to crush the cage.

"That's what I was waiting for" said Kenichi as he stopped Ryusui Seikuken and dashed forward with double speed reaching in front of Kei before he could even crush the cage with Pisuke #17 in it ready to use his Renewal taekwondo



Kenichi used Baek Rok a type of push kick, an upward kick which use bottom of the foot as the striking surface. Unlike typical push kick however, Baek Rok bringing the legs up high and straight, pushing the target into the air. He targeted the Kei's chin when he used this attack. Throwing his body upwards along with the cage of Pisuke in the air.

As Kei's body flew in the air Kenichi appeared above him with his BO-BUP and landed in Axe Kick on his chest.

(Bo-Bup is a technique that allow the user to appear behind, next to, above, etc. their opponent instantaneously.)


Kei's body fell on the ground and created a crater around him. While the Pisuke bird in the cage was caught Sho the moment he saw the bird cage fly off Kei's head.

"Kenichi you did it!" Renka said in an excited voice.

"Not yet, a master class fighter's body is much more resilient then that" Kenichi said as he looked at the crater with the shape of Kei's body as Kei started to get up.

"It looks like I was underestimating you, the moment you got the chance you attacked me but its alright now I won't be holding back, so you can prey for a quick death but I am not sure if your prayers will be heard." Kei said as he cracked his neck.

"On the contrary, now that you don't have that bird cage on your head I don't need to hold back" saying so Kenichi released hi Ki creating so much pressure that even Kei flinched an stepped back giving Kenichi another chance to attack.

The moment Kei stepped back he stumbled a little but quickly regained himself and got into his stance but Kenichi was already upon him


(3rd Stance Hwechook is essentially Hwechook executed three times in a row either from left or right, followed straight away from the opposite direction, then from behind. If the victim flinches and tries to evade by going back, damage increases. It aims at the opponent's brain with the first and second kick and finishes the opponent with the third.)

As Kei's steps were fumbling and he was going to fall down, Kenichi used DARGON CATCHER an advanced application of the Hoe Grab technique. He jumped up high while holding Kei's neck with Hoe Grab while spinning in high speed, then dropped Kei onto the ground head first, resulting in a crater once agin.

(Hoe Grab is a kick used to grab an opponent in a lock position. The fighter faints a reverse kick with one leg and uses that leg to hold the arm of the opponent. It is mainly used to break an enemy's guard.)

"There, that should do it" Kenichi said with a smirk

Sho's mouth was open in shock, Tirawit's eyes were twitching, Rachel's expression was sour, Chikage was pouting and even Ethan the person with the most emotionless expression wasn't able to stop himself from showing his shock and surprise.

Natsu who had the chance to spar against Kenichi knew of his strength but even he was shocked as to how easily he has taken care of Kei Retsumi without using the technique he used against the four Masters in the Fortuna Island.

"Great it's done then" Renka said said as she jumped towards Kenichi hugging him from behind.

"Yes its-"

Before Kenichi could complete his sentence he saw Kei's body moving.

Kenichi pushed Renka backwards and went back into his stance though his surprised expression wasn't that much different from others.

Kenichi's four kicks all attacked his head any normal master would have gotten knocked out of that. Though Kenichi didn't used his full strength because he was worried he might kill Kei in the process it was still enough to take out any normal Master Class.

"Grr...." growled Kei as he looked towards Kenichi with a crazed expression.

Before Kenichi could do anything really, the wall next to them exploded.

"APA!" shouted Apachai as he punched through the wall and sent Kei tumbling away.
