
Rebirth of the Lucky Crafter

Hiroshi Tanaka, a disillusioned high school student from Tokyo, stumbles upon an ancient game console that transports him to the fantastical world of Aethoria. In this new world brimming with magic and adventure, Hiroshi discovers that he has been reincarnated with a unique crafting ability and unparalleled luck for acquiring rare loot. As he navigates the dangers and mysteries of Aethoria, Hiroshi must harness his newfound powers to confront dark forces and uncover the secrets of his destiny. enjoy the readings ^-^

MIJTHEKING · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Chapter 14: A New threat

A New Threat

With Malakar defeated and the ritual disrupted, Aethoria breathed a sigh of relief. However, the victory felt hollow, as Hiroshi knew that the threat was far from over. The prophecy spoke of a greater darkness, and he feared that this was only the beginning.

Back in Eldoria, King Alden convened a council to address the new threat. Hiroshi shared his concerns about the prophecy and the lingering dark energy.

"We must be vigilant," King Alden said. "The Shadow's Return may have been delayed, but it is not over. We need to find the source of this darkness and eliminate it once and for all."

Elder Aeliana suggested seeking out an ancient order of mystics known as the Keepers of the Light. "They possess knowledge that may help us understand and combat this dark force," she said.

Determined to protect Aethoria, Hiroshi, Elara, and their allies set out on a new quest. The journey would take them to uncharted territories, where they would face unknown dangers and uncover hidden truths.

As they departed, Hiroshi couldn't shake the feeling that their greatest challenge was yet to come. The fate of Aethoria hung in the balance, and the weight of the prophecy pressed heavily on his shoulders.

But with courage, determination, and the power of unity, Hiroshi knew they could face whatever darkness lay ahead. The journey continued, and the light of hope guided their way.