
Rebirth of the Death Knight

The Fall of a Kingdom. From a magnificent and glorious kingdom, only to have it in ruin because of the demonic beasts' rampage. The final commander of the army, Lawrence Von Carrion, could only grit his teeth in bitterness. Had he lived properly in his youth, maybe the current scenarios would have changed. However, all he had left was a final breath and his sword decorated with skeleton skulls to assist him. Before succumbing to his death, Lawrence could only accept his death in grief. But was that the end? **Every 100ps = author can relax and no update** **Also a warning, this novel treads on gray/dark theme. Not your typical fantasy novel.** Lawrence: Can you believe this lazy author to be this shameless? He's stripping my screen time appearance!

Idczhen · Fantaisie
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55 Chs

Carrion Household

Lawrence was shaken by the appearance of his signature longsword weapon on his chest. It was a weapon that he had obtained during an expedition when he joined the army to fight against the demon's invasion. 

Never did he expect that the weapon he found near in the stone slab would have a miraculous effect that boosted his ability to a new height. Ever since then, he would carry the longsword with him no matter where he went.

Lawrence slowly used his finger to trace the longsword in his chest, feeling a slight mana fluctuation around it. When he detected the mana fluctuation, he was able to determine that it was the same longsword that had accompanied him. 

'This longsword is truly mysterious…' He thought. 

"Young Master, are you alright?" Tristina asked in concern. 

The voice from Tristina brought Lawrence back to reality as he glanced around his surroundings. He was still in his room, laying down on the floor and Tristina was using healing magic on him, seemingly trying to soothe his wound.

He brushed her hands aside and stood up. "I'm fine, Tristina. You don't have to use healing magic on me." 

"B-But the wound in your chest-"

"It's not a wound, but a tattoo." Lawrence cut her off and said coldly. 

He then looked at her with stern eyes and muttered, "Remember not to reveal my tattoo to anyone else. Otherwise, I'm going to have to kill you to silent your mouth."

Tristina was frightened by his cold demeanor as she stumbled a bit backward. Clearly, she did not expect such a fierce attitude coming from Lawrence.

'W-What happened to him? Why did it feel like I was suffocating from an intense pressure?' She wondered silently. Her face turned aghast as she tried to regain her composure. 

She swallowed some of her saliva nervously, and nodded her head vigorously. 

"Rest assured, Young Master. This matter will definitely not go to another person's ear." She said solemnly. 

Although she didn't know why she felt the need to seriously reply to his question, she could subtly tell that Lawrence wasn't joking about his words. 

Lawrence glared at Tristina for a few more seconds before turning his head around to check the mirror. His words might have been harsh, but it was necessary to let her know how serious the consequences would be if words were to get out regarding the longsword engraved in his chest.

If someone knew the true origin of his longsword, then it would be disastrous for not only him, but the people close to him. 

'Luckily Tristina still obeys me even though she clearly despises me.' Lawrence thought, tidying his clothes in front of the mirror. He knew how notorious his behavior was during his youth, so he didn't mind the inner thought of Tristina.

After all, he was someone who had sullied multiple women using his nobility status as a threat. And when things went out of hand, he would order Tristina to do the clean up, silencing them with some money and death threats. 

'Truly… I'm really a scumbag.' He lamented himself for being such a disgusting person. He could only blame himself for the current situation and no one else. 

He changed into his school uniform that is mandated in the Tatum Academy. Tatum Academy is a prestigious academy that was authorized by the Royal Family to promote diversity. 

Within the Tatum Kingdom, nobles and commoners had a strict social status where nobles could kill and decimate commoners without facing any laws. This was because in the past, there was a rebellion among the commoners that tried to overthrow the nobles and resulted in millions of casualties. 

At the current timeline, nobles and commoners still had an irreconcilable relationship. If it weren't for the newly ascended queen, Elizabeth Von Vermillion who declared the neutrality law, then there would have been another bloodbath. 

The neutrality law was passed to prevent any more infighting between nobles and commoners. With the neutrality law enacted, everyone is now treated equally under the law and nobles would be convicted of their crimes if they ever tried to do something to the commoners. 

And with that law, Queen Elizabeth Von Vermillion created the Tatum Academy where both nobles and commoners could attend to study. 

As much as the nobles despised the commoners, many high nobles would send their offspring to the Tatum Academy to please the queen.

After all, the queen was the strongest mage in existence. Otherwise, the neutrality law would have never been passed if the queen was a weakling. 

"Young Master, the Tatum Academy welcoming ceremony will begin in another hour from now." Tristina reminded Lawrence when he was still worrying about his facial appearance. 

Lawrence nodded his head. "What's for breakfast today?" 

"A classic dish with two bacon and an egg on the side." 

"I see…"

Sometime later, Lawrence walked downstairs and saw the breakfast dish being preserved on the table. The stairs were a spiral design with luxurious maple wood as the materials. 

Upon walking downstairs, Lawrence could see numerous paintings hanging on the walls and porcelain vase. 

In addition, there was a pneumatic lighting system on the ceiling. To have an illuminated room was a way to tell how wealthy their household could be. After all, the commoners could barely have any dim light in their house. 

However, no matter how fancy and luxurious his household was, Lawrence could only feel emptiness inside his heart. 

"It's my first day at the Tatum Kingdom, yet my father still refuses to show up to greet me huh." Lawrence chuckled softly. 

"Is that woman really that important? Heh, who am I kidding myself with? My father refused to show up on the anniversary of my mother's death, so why would he show up today? 

Tristina remained silent when she heard him talking about his father. It wasn't an open secret to other nobles that Lawrence's father, Matthew Von Carrion cared more about his second wife and lived with her in another household. 

'The Young Master might be living in the Carrion Household, but not a single person around him could be considered his family. No wonder why he would commit multiple atrocities in hope of getting Marquis Matthew's attention.' Tristina thought.