
Taking what’s offered.

Shiyou looks at the prime minister who too like him was confused. Still he tries to pry some more and asks "if brother has resolved then we cannot stop you for the cause is holy...but as a worried brother would like to know about your entrouge to settle the heart..and later for Fuhuang to also feel at ease...for we definetly cannot have to leave with incapable subordinates.."

Xiuzhi gives a gentle smile and gives a earth shakening response "do not worry though we are few but all of them is very capable...after hearing the prince will.. they willingly offered to join this prince for the journey..General cheng has decided to hand over the army tally to follow this prince...similarly good son's of our beloved ministers of trade, vice minister of justice, vice minister of appointments, vice minister of justice, minister of revenue along with four high ranked royal guards...are decided to accompany this prince.."

Everyone including the Shiyou's faction were stunned after hearing Xiuzhi. All of the people were of his own faction and important limbs at that. Not to many mention General Cheng who held the command over their one of the largest army. To say they weren't happy would be silly but they also held suspicions..for if the party manages to return then it will be a great merit and worthy of great rewards.

Shiyou too felt the same but he was more happy and at ease for the flower mentioned by Xiuzhi though written and mentioned was now a myth and not seen in decades. He was even eager to send the party as soon as possible for to be able to gain the army tally with so ease was not less than a miracle.

As for the party managing to return back to gain reward...with him overlooking it was nothing but dream...He felt his brother has gone senile for him to select all the major players though they didn't pose threat to him still they were the bugs that had been troubling him. Now with everyone out of his path he needn't put energy or worry of their possible scheme.

General Cheng who was silent then steps forward to confirm the matter "indeed like eldest prince mentioned..it is of our own wish to folios him in the journey...currently we are in peace with all the nations and they too have their own matters to handle...thus it won't pose any threat from this generals absence...this general like emperor have full trust on crown prince's ability hence gladly offers ones tally to use as he pleases..

As for the eldest prince...do not worry for this general will ensure his safety even at the costs of ones small life...this general not only for the kingdom but for the familial bonds we have...cannot sit back when there is possibility to bring our emperor back to his good health..

Hence though selfish this general requests to be allowed to join on this holy cause..."

After the General each minister whose sons were going to join the cause came forward and requested the same thing. Shiyou's faction was happy and eager while the neutral faction felt moved from such loyalty and filial piety.

With the other party so eager how can Shiyou be not willing thus looking conflicted, helpless and gracious he replies "well..if all of you are so determined then what can this prince further do...if not for such holy cause then this prince had definetly allowed any one you to go on such a dangerous place...

It some how assures the heart to know that our great general himself will be present with such talented youths and high ranked guards...the entire huajin will pray for your safety and success...and upon your return all shall be rewarded heavily..this prince also promises to have your deeds recorded in our history for the next generation to learn of your patriotism..

this prince isn't jinxing but if...there is mishaps then your remaining members shall be looked upon by huajin as members of great heroes and during your absence all of them shall be under our care and protection...hence be at ease on your journey for huajin will not slight your family.."

All of the people to partake in journey thanks for his grace and praise him to sky for him benevolence. Thus the court was ended on pleasant and emotional way.