A journey filled with blood and schemes for survival and revenge. Never had she thought love will also come as a twist worming slowly but surely in her heart.
The entire afternoon and night was the time it took for the shadow guards and Pei Jin to finally learn about the mole. Making Pei Jin happy and shadow guards super happy.
In the dead of the night, a person was smacked at the back of his neck making the person unconscious. Then hauling the person inside the sack was taken.
Yusheng who was about to go to sleep suddenly was informed of tao's presence. When she went to the receiving hall he was with another person who was clearly a shadow guard.
Upon seeing her both had fawning smile on their face. For tao she was somewhat used to that fox like smile but this new person was unbearable to look. Though having nice features his aura was in total opposite of his current face.
Hurriedly giving a grand bow tao fawningly says "lordship this one came to inform that the mole has been caught and soon master will be bringing him." Sensing that Yusheng had her eyes on the man beside him he quickly introduces " this is Zan, head of the shadow guard of master. Brought to help this little one."
Yusheng nods.."mmm.. good.. it is late.. geng will show you yours rooms for the night."
Seeing her being considerate for them both had more fawning smile and thanked profusely. Instructing zhu geng to bring qinwang with mole to the prison she left to wait on the pavilion.
Tao and Zan were now lead by the zhu geng, while on the way they tried to suck him up as much as possible. Not sensing any malicious feelings from them zhu geng also warmed up to them. From then on these three were in cahoot.
Soon Pei Jin reaches with the person, zhu geng as instructed led him to the prison. The person was inside a sack tied by a rope on the mouth and now being dragged. Soon they reach the big curved gate, opening it was a forest. The same famed for being cursed forest.
Zhu geng took out a light pearl and walked front to show the way. After a long narrow path they reached infront of a stone house, which seemed to be used as a weapon storage room. Zhu geng went ahead and pushed a brick behind the door.
Suddenly there was rumbling and the ground below the door had stairs to downwards. Pei jin dragged the person through the stairs and soon the lid closed the ground.
It was very clever to create such mechanisms. One would normally search inside the room if suspicious but this was made right at the first step inside the entrance door, a unique and clever thought.
Pei Jin stepped down the stairs there were several luminous pearls inside a glass lighting the way. After going through the narrow path he saw wan open area where Yusheng sitting on a chair.
Seeing Pei Jin she stood and moved towards the right door and soon reached the place having several prison rooms.
This place was once used as an underground prison for torture as the cells were made of steel had chains and hooks to bind or hang the people. There was also a room full of weapons to use to torture people.
Pei jin really wanted to hug and kiss her but thinking of how they had to finish the work at hand and finding himself dirty controlled his urges.
Pei Jin opened the sack and had taken the person out. After binding him in chains he took the bucket filled with water and splashed the person awake.