A journey filled with blood and schemes for survival and revenge. Never had she thought love will also come as a twist worming slowly but surely in her heart.
Yusheng returned to her courtyard where all her maid servants were standing there to welcome her.
Gracefully each one of them looking delicate and beautiful but also had the aura of strenght pouring out of their body.
Though looking gentle ones with good eye will certainly feel from their aura that by no means are they weak lady's preventing from trying anything on them .
With graceful motions like princesses and consorts they bend their one knee, hand's on one side of their waist, eye's on ground welcoming Yusheng.
Satisfied with the great results Yusheng nodes her head and lightly flicks for sleeve letting them stand.
After entering her room sitting on her arhat bed she looks at her maid servants.. " good ..though you may have finished learning from mama you cannot lax behind, remember you are my personal maid servants and when I step out of medicine valley you all will be following me.
There's a saying even the steward of a prime minister has value and bearing of a fourth rank official. Similarly when outside you are representing me, you all cannot cower, show weakness, taken as leverage or be used.
I your master do not have to bow even the emperors which shows the importance and the strength of medicine valley and I want to keep it so..
Remember only before emperor his main wife the empress and children born from them will get your full salutation, other consorts, concubines and their children just a slight head bow is enough to give them enough face.
Other nobles and ministers don't have the privilege of getting any.. though I know these have all been taught by mama I repeated today to make mine and your stance known.
Seems like you have reached in wind domain hmmm good but not enough these following days I will create another training list. You need to reach the peak of fire domain.
Remember, outside women are treated like machines to make babies, used as entertainment, trampled like grass and when sucked till skin and bones remains are thrown like garbage.
But girls by my side with your strength you will have privilege, honour, bootlicked, eyed upon even fighting like cat and dog to get your hands. Hence work hard achieve what you must then with puffed chest, nose upwards follow me wherever I go.
Though you all are older than me by a year or two still you are young hence while you work hard also don't forget to live life fully.
No need to be restricted, eat with gusto, laugh merrily, wear treasured clothes and accessories, play, sing, dance overally be happy.
Find your inner hobbies and hone them. You are no longer a slave at someone's mercy. You all now have a name and have been surnamed Liu reverred by the entire 4 kingdoms.
Though not on same table but from today onwards we will eat together on same room, remember you all are not just maid servants but my comrades who will fight, live and cherish every moment good or bad together with me.
Be proud, strong, happy and even haughty for you are my Liu Yushengs comrades for life."
It was the second time master had spoken to them but the first time where master spoke about so many things.
All the maid servants new the reality of women's on outside world as they have been also subjected like an animal, seen how other teen, adult and older women's were raped, betitled, beaten, sold, killed and thrown without a grave to be gnawed by beast.
They were lucky to have been brought early on or there fate would have been the same.
Tears in eyes overwhelmed by emotions they each were trying their best to not cry out loud but still little sniffles could be heard.
Learning that they can live freely and the expection and wishes that master held towards their future, they felt blessed and thanked to heavens again and again inside their heart.
At the same time all of them had deeply like a mantra recited to never let the master down, make master proud, be masters limbs. Their life and death tied to masters will.
Clearing away the solemn air Yusheng instructed them to go and help zhu mama with tonight's feast while also ordering Xiaoqing to prepare a pot of snow lotus tea and bring it to study and also to summon her personal shadow guards.
After receiving orders they went on to handle their duties.
Inside study after taking a sip of her favorite tea, she gently placed the cup down. Infront of her were five boys who had progressed a lot, each of them were leaking murderous aura befitting of a shadow guard.
Of the five Liu Bei who was also the leader was oozing more deathly and murderous aura clearly indicating the raise in his strength and the talent he possessed compared to other four.
Slowly Yusheng began... "bei you seemed to have entered at the final step of wind domain, it won't take much for you to reach the fire domain... good job rest of you also good job."
Being praised by master everyone felt happy and proud but also more humble as the strenght they possessed was all bestowed by master upon them.
"As I have returned you all will have new training lessons made by me. Each end of the month you all will duel with me to show your progress and also raise your strength.
You will also have sparring lessons with my personal maid servants once a week for them to gain experience in correct way of fighting and raise their strength.
When you have all reached the fire domain peak I will personally select and provide you secret art and weapons, if you have preference on particular weapon feel free to tell me. I will instruct the divine shadows to make your preferred weapons with slight tweaks on them.
As I have said to my personal maid servants I say to you all ....you are not just servants but my comrades who will be together with me sharing all pain and happiness, on the path of being stronger do not forget that you all are still young.
Live to fullest so when we all have greyed our hair and remember our victory and glory there will also be memories where we had laughed, had been mischievous, had danced and sang.
Do not let your inner interests and hobbies be nipped at bud. As long as you are loyal to me, you can do anything you like.
Even if the sky falls down..for those of my own I will be there to hold it. As my people you have right to be happy, be proud of who you are. Do not forget that you have the surname Liu and you belong to medicine valley."
The kneeling guards carried the same sentiments that personal maids had some time ago. They promised themselves to be a shield to protect and weapon to attack, life and death at will of their master.
Saying what needed to be said she waved her hands indicating them to leave for their training while also giving them a week to think on what kind of weapon they preferred to have, if unable to choose then afterwards she will choose by herself.