A journey filled with blood and schemes for survival and revenge. Never had she thought love will also come as a twist worming slowly but surely in her heart.
General yan shows the way to Yusheng, along with all big and small following him like a tail. Then passing the inner gates they reached the courtyard of the commander.
Entering the room she saw the commander trying to lift himself to give a bow, raising her hand she stops him from doing so. A stool is placed beside the commander's bed while uncovering the blanket.
Washing her hands she took out her divine kit and needles from it.
"Hmm.. being able to withhold the pain so long, tough soul you have commander. As you may have been diagonised from other doctors, your wound has a special kind of slow poison inside which doesn't kill you but kill your nerves, making it unable to control your movements of legs.
Had this lord been late...your bone would have freezed like a stone as the symptoms has started to show.
Finally reaching upto your spines, it will make you fully paralyzed unable to even lift a finger, a viscious poison called hardening poison" diagonised Yusheng looking at his legs.
Without taking the pulse and diagonising by just look, was a first for everybody present in the room.
"Then lord my father.. you can cure him right" asks Junqi anxiously.
Her father berates his daughter.. "Junqi where is your manners.. how can you talk like so with such esteem person"..
"At ease commander this lord is now your daughters friend, hence she has every right to talk like so. It's between me and her no need to trouble yourself."
Listening to Yusheng, commander felt like his ears were not working good so he looks at his father who gives him a nod and eyes him not to speak further as he will be deatailed later.
"Xiaoqing.. go with madam yan to have these things prepared, decot these herbs according to the method I have written" instructs Yusheng.
Her writing was thoroughly praised inside everybody's heart. While madam yan started to order left and right.
Your lordship this General is not questioning your abilities but how come all the wellknown doctors aren't able to cure this poison... this General is curious..
"Umm because they are stupid and coward, reaching only to base of peak and not daring to climb the peak itself...
They themselves to avoid from failure and hardships chooses to be at stalemate...this lord accepts the path to be not easy but through hard work learning a set of few arts is nothing one cannot accomplish.. or may be they are lazy having found a nice place to settle, who would climb the peak as to feel wind and storm" says Yusheng.
While the people in the room indeed thought so, if other so called lazy, coward and stupid doctors were to hear it they would have vomitted there organs out...cursing her.. not anybody is genius like you ah.. it takes from a year to five even more to complete depending on the level of a set of art... not everybody has resource like you to pick any herb like vegetables in the market...not a monster like you opening all the meridians at the age of three .....
Soon madam yan and xiaoqing entered the room with trays on hand. A table was brought and placed beside Yusheng where all the stuffs were neatly arrange. Then looking at the people .. "beside the males all female are to leave the room, this lord will now start the treatment."
Knowing more or less junqi's nature.. Junqi why don't you go and see what the kitchen is preparing this lord after the treatment will have lunch. If you are able to fill this lord with good dishes then before leaving the capital this lord will present you another gift.. do not worry you father will be fine like before..
Hearing Yusheng, though unwilling she went out of the room with other ladies beside Xiaoqing. Junqi was a good girl 10 years old though she was little mischevious but knew propriety, straight forward personality, clear likes and dislikes and brave hence Yusheng liked her enough to be her friend.
Another reason was.. in her past life though only for a short moment they had met and Junqi had helped her out.
She had just reached the capital from the valley, due to excitement she sneaked out to see the street market where she was nearly cheated by the owner over a cheap hairpin as she seemed wealthy.
But Junqi who was also at the same stand berated the owner till drenched in dog blood also reminding Yusheng to be careful from such scamers and the thief's that roamed around and left.
Though She was not behaving like a lady yusheng still felt she was far more better of a lady, befitted to be from a generals household.
Thus Yusheng was so kind to General yan's family, this was her repayment for that little help.
Finally coming out from her memory, she instructed xiaoqing to cut the trousers of commander till his mid thigh...