
Famous through first treatment-2

In a moment this lord will freeze your movements, as not to hinder the treatment it seems cruel to not use sleep drug, but the thing is you cannot sleep during the treatment your brain nerves have to work normally.

You will feel tremendous pain hence the need to freeze your movements. But be assured after this death like experience you will be cured. Then looking at the males.. you all stand at the end of bed and watch the treatment.

After everything was ready, she first freezed his movement points living the brain function intact. Her movements so fast and the condensation of the Qi in her fingers were shape like needle..

Then with her great after mirage speed she used and placed the divine needles on each side from his waist to the feet.....blocking the flow of blood, then with the dagger she cleanly gave a long and deep cut from the mid thigh to below.

Even the bones could be seen, but the effected bone had brownish and green colour. Then Yusheng placed the needles on the bone. Channeling the energy around she turned it to Qi then with little of her divine Qi she pushed it inside.

The Qi inside rotated violently as if flooding the entire bones and nerves in that restricted area, until the bones were starting to show their natural colour. For the commander he felt as being on deaths door, he hadn't felt such pain even in the war, he chewed the wood on his mouth until they turned to pieces. Though it felt a life time for him it had only been a minute.

After the minute the bones had regained its natural colour, the flesh inside regained it natural colour. Then Yusheng as if pulling out a stucked piece violently pulled the Qi mixed with blood and poison.

Blood flooded out from the cuts, xiaoqing quickly with great speed wiped the blood. Then Yusheng with a flick of her sleeve removed the blood surrounding the needles from the commanders body, and with another needle she had prepared started to sew the cut with fast speed, finishing the treatment.

Xiaoqing wiped again then sprinkled the powder on top of them.

"The treatment is finished, your poison is cleared out of your system. Used the balm and the medicine provided and after a month you will regain your mobility. Do not be heavy footed for the beginning month, only light walking of 2 hours a day with light excercise without using Qi.

From next month you will be able to use your legs like before. The wounds are threaded by heavenly silk, after a week you can gently pull it out by your hand" explained Yusheng while xiaoqing passed the balm and prescription also a bowl of medicine prepared earlier.

Then looking at the horrified yet happy faces of the males at the foot of bed.. "this lord let you remain in this room not to show this lord's skill but for you to know and respect the commander, of the pain he went through..especially the young generation.. war is the place where Soldiers don't hate deceit..

The glory you get after begins from blood and pain on each step.. do not simply think of being a soldier is about waving sword and kicking around..

Take plenty of rest this week, let's go patient needs a good sleep after the medicine."

Everyone left the room, on their way with General yan and his first son on each side tailed behind by the grandsons.. Yusheng neither slowly nor hurriedly walks in a moderate pace...

"General yan.. this lord knows of your worries, the inner battle for the throne has started but do not worry, do not fear, though this lord has no interest in politics but still a citizen of Nanling. This lord has also become friend with the emperor.

The yan's should be as you are, loyal to the emperor no need to give thoughts on these inner battle. If went according to this lord prediction even as violent as a storm the outcome will only be decided after six years. Hence be at ease and be yourself."

They reached to the dining area while Yusheng seemed calm other who just heard her were having turbulent storms inside their heart.

While the capital was bustling with the news how the lord of valley had successfully treated commander yan whom even the elders physician had lost hope to.

Many version of her praises were being sung... like how she was the incarnation of hua tuo, and how she was a goddess surpassing even hua tuo. All in all she became famous with this treatment in all four counties very soon named as the divine doctor.