

Pei Jin was angry when thinking that there would be line of suitors for her in future but still be rational he with great determination answers.

Benwang words are true and will never go back on words. This life she will be the only person for benwang. For her benwang has kept mind body and soul untainted. Beside her all the women beside ones mother are just bones and flesh.

Benwang loves her for what she is not for what she has. Benwang has never for a second laid eyes on the valley or it's resources. As a man benwang feels it's beneath and unworthy to rise and rule without ones might.

Benwang has never thought of making her caged, obedient and docile noble lady. Nor she is a trophy for showing. Benwang loves her independence, intellect, decisive and even her ruthless nature.

Benwang can't even bear her to be slighted even a little forget about controlling her and making her sad. And elders to remind you she is not that weak to be subdued nor is so emotional to let taken advantage of and it is the precise reason why benwang has placed her as ones meat of heart.

Benwang can understand your worries for the next heir. Benwang assures you that the second born male or female will be left in your care to be raised as an heir. He or she will not be binded by the royal name or duties under any circumstances.

If mishaps occur then beside the eldest son will definetly let you have an heir for the valley. The matters of the valley will always be maintained by the heir and you all like it has been through past generation.

Benwang having a powerful wife with high intellect is ones luck, never will benwang try to curb her nature. For benwang even if she is to crawl on head and step with her foot will happily let her.

Benwang is not someone to spoil a person but she is the person benwang wants to spoil. It is sad that her maturity and propriety is so high making it difficult to spoil her.

Benwang see her above not below or an equal and benwang will make sure the entire world also does the same. Benwang will also make sure to ones descendants to have same level of respect towards the valley like of today.

Benwang also will educate the eldest to love, protect and respect ones sibling never having any crude thoughts.

Benwang swears to heaven to never turn into a paranoid senile leading to having crook thoughts to the valley or ones beloved. Benwang will leave ones neck for you to slay if gone back.

Benwang also swears to hand over the justice sword to the medicine valley for future protection. If ones descendants acts beastly after ones passing then with this sword can kill the beast on the throne.

But to be fair benwang will also have a law passed the validity of sword will be only when the one on throne acts against the valley. Each will remain in ones domain and rule like now. Beside for helping in time of need shall not and is not allowed to intervene in others matter.

And this law will be read infront of the entire court and public along with the representors from valley during each coronation of the emperor. Similarly the valley should also send and announce equal sincerity of being wise in the use of justice sword.

This way each party will not feel offended or threatened leading them to paranoia and destructing each other.

Beside the first born of next heir all others will inherit their royal rights and duties. It is to protect the royal lineage but also to protect the valley from future succession troubles.

Benwang knows she has everything within her grasp but at the end is a human and a women. Like when a flower is loved and cared with sincere hearts making it bloom, women to need love, care, pampering and guidance to bloom.

Benwang though may lack on material things and power to give her but benwang is confident to be the only one with a sincere heart to love her for being her and nothing else.

And benwang won't let her slip away from ones life unless she herself wants it which is impossible in this life. Thus unless she agrees to part with benwang all the people who dares covet ones beloved will reach to meet Yama.

This is the first time benwang has talked and shared ones heart for so long not to mention infront outsider. But for her benwang willingly does it. Everyone I hope the answers and solutions are to your satisfaction.