
Meeting in Kumo

At the Raikage Tower in Kumogakure:

The old men and the Raikage were in a room.

-Raikage-sama, everything is ready Samui can be sent to be engaged to Sora at any time, she was already advised and accepted the marriage, we also took care that her brother was treated well, because we will use him as a connection between her and Kumogakure. (Darui)

-Great, I'll propose the alliance during the Chunin exams, when we send our candidates to Chunin, this time, I'll accompany you to talk about this marriage to Minato, since Konoha is going to host the event. (A)

-Raikage-sama, I'd like to talk about this, I've heard that this boy Sora has developed a new method for agriculture, which not only accelerates the growth of vegetables and herbs through ninjas, but also a method to increase quality of cattle meats, I would like you to try to negotiate these methods for our village, for in the case of our Damyo, deciding not to hire us more could keep us without any problem. (Darui)

-And why do you think he would stop? (A) asked with curiosity.

-The only reason for him to keep us was the fear that our nation of lightning would be attacked by the other nations, and as we were balanced in power it never occurred, but now everything changed, Sora's birth gave too much power to Konoha, implying that they can handle all of us at the same time, nothing prevents our Damyo from funding Konoha to protect them from the invasion, after all all Konoha has to do is send Sora as a strategic weapon, and any other nation he would think twice before attacking us, and with the treaty we will do, this becomes possible, but if we can show that the Shinobi have value off the battlefield the situation changes completely, and it will not only stop us finance as it is likely to increase our funding, that is why these methods are so important to us. (Darui)

-Raikage-sama Darui's point is completely valid, I believe it would be a great compensation for the chackra metals we can provide to Konoha. (Elder 1)

-I agree that it would be great if we could, but I doubt that the boy will share this kind of technique, it would be the same if someone asked me the secret to the armor of lightning, I would deny without doubt unless I saw as much value as the offered, and we'll ask for the Healing Tags, I do not think he'll want to give us both. (A) I said as I thought seriously.

-Raikage-sama, I've already thought about it, and we can ask Samui to interfere with us, and ask him the secrets, we leave her in Konoha, to stay as a bride in training, and let them meet, I believe Samui can make him fall in love with her and if he loves her and she asks he'll share the techniques as long as a fair price is paid I asked one of our spies to gather all the information about Sora and the boy seems to be a typical Uzumaki, and like all Uzumaki he loves family above all, our spy has a restaurant in Konoha, and he said that no matter what the villagers call him or how they treat him he never cared or retaliated, but when a member of the council of Konoha spoke ill of his family, he stepped on the throat of the member in question and swore that if he ever dared to insult Kushina or Naruto again, he would crush that member's throat like a cockroach. (Darui)

-He did not mean that he would do the same for Samui. (A)

-It means if he falls in love with her, you have to understand, however powerful he may be, in the end he's just a 13-year-old being ignored by everything around him, why I chose Samui, among all the other kunoichi is the simple fact that she is the one who most identifies with him, she is an orphan what eventually resulted in her being ignored by all the children, she has to be responsible for her brother what made her mature faster than normal, she is a genius, and loves her brother deeply, now tell me Raikage-sama except for the fact that she is an orphan, which of these characteristics does she have in common with Sora? Join two people who want attention and who have similar backgrounds, and they become the mainstays of each other, this is how you make an arranged marriage succeed, when we send Samui let's tell her that her only mission , is the political marriage and after she gets the affection of Sora we will ask her to intercede with the question of technique. (Darui)

After hearing what Darui said, they were all shocked to the core, they did not imagine that Darui had thought up to that point at the time he chose Samui, this was a detailed planning, and Darui was already sowing the ground to get what the village needed in a few years in the future.

Even the Raikage was shocked at the subject, but he quickly reassembled himself before asking a question.

-But what about the Hyuga girl, she already catches the attention that Sora needs, he will not fall into this honey trap. (A)

Darui let out a sigh before saying.

-Raikage-sama, with all due respect you have to study more about the feelings of the people and the laws of the other villages, instead of how to kill them with the fists, the boy is being isolated inside the own village by having killed enemies that wanted to destroy the village, even if the Hyuga is with him, she can not provide the attention and care he needs, after all she is still heir to the Hyuga clan and should live with the clan until she is sixteen, , due to be forced to submit to the CR, will have to leave his house soon, he will receive a house of his own when he turns fourteen, which will be in a few months, Samui will be Sora's wife and should stay in Konoha, wherever you think What is she going to live in? And who do you think will comfort him when he feels left out? (Darui)

-But he's going to become a Genin and will not stay at home.(A)

Upon hearing the Raikage, Darui let out another sigh before wondering how A could ask such a stupid question.

-If you had one person you can control and who could annihilate the army of three hidden villages, two of which are among the large villages, you would send that same person to become a Genin to escort some random customers as small traders ? (Darui)

The Raikage was not a fool, and he understood what Darui was implying, and felt like a complete idiot for asking this nonsense.

-The meeting is over for today, we'll talk more about it soon. (A) decided that it was better to save the little face that he still had closing the meeting and he swore to himself that he would study more, not to make the same mistakes of today.