
Rebirth of a Business Tycoon

The story centers around Zhou Ming, a shrewd and insightful financier, who successfully navigates a major stock market crash in Hong Kong. Set against the backdrop of a financial crisis, the novel details Zhou Ming’s strategic foresight and financial acumen.

Ahmed_Helmy11111 · Urbain
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1223 Chs

Chapter 35: People need to be a bit more arrogant

The day passed quickly, and Zhou Ming and his classmates from the finance class were locked up in the detention room of the airport police station for the whole day.

In fact, this is understandable, but what made Zhou Ming feel helpless was that these French policemen were a bit too practical. Knowing that they were innocent, they really did not conduct any interrogation. If they were smart, they would know that even if they just pretended, they would have to conduct an interrogation at least once. What you are doing now is not only confessing but also arresting an innocent person, isn't it?

However this has nothing to do with Zhou Ming. It was only until the next morning that Zhou Ming got up and banged on the metal door of his cell, waiting for the police to come and ask him if he understood English before asking, 'I want to watch TV, this morning's news. This is a power granted to me by law!'

Originally the policeman wanted to refuse, but after hearing the words of power from Ming, he grumbled and went to get Ming a small TV, which was directly opposite the door of the detention cell, and switched it to the morning news channel.

Ming was very surprised: 'Why are you so interested in current affairs? You're even watching TV here?'

After After yesterday's conversation, Zhou Ming and he already knew each other. Zhou Ming replied, 'News cannot be interrupted, because there is so much useful information in it. Maybe one piece of information will tell me when the president will come to release us.'

'He is still indulging in his own fantasies, which are simply impossible dreams!' Binhai murmured.

Zhou Ming knew from yesterday that his basic ideas had already been distorted, and he didn't bother to deal with people like this. He focused on watching TV, which was now showing yesterday's economic situation in France.

'Yesterday the franc experienced a very serious sudden plunge, with the exchange rate falling by more than seven percentage points in just one day. It is reported that this is the result of international speculators maliciously selling the franc. Although the Banque de France held emergency consultations yesterday afternoon, the governor of the Banque de France also publicly stated to the media that the Bank of France is capable of curbing this despicable speculative behaviour, but judging from the market results, it is clear that there is little confidence in the governor's remarks.'

'No But that's normal, because we heard the same speech a month ago, when the pound crisis hit. The then Governor of the Bank of England and the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer guaranteed. But the result is what we all know. So now the market is obviously worried that France will follow in the footsteps of the UK and become the second victim of George Soros and his Quantum Fund.'

Listening to the news on TV, the Jingchu people cheered excitedly: 'This is really a gratifying thing, God has an eye for justice, and these damned French people have got their comeuppance!'

Facing he made this remark, Ye Ning was unhappy at the time: 'The heavens do have eyes, but this retribution was not given by the heavens, but by our teacher!'

The Jingchu people were very surprised, and then the Binhai people said, 'Is your teacher a heavenly master? even have the power to command the French? But I heard that it was all real money, unless you have the power to turn stones into gold. But if he had that power, I'm afraid he would have already paid bail and gotten out of here, right? Why would he still be here suffering like this? What a joke!

Li Yang Ye Ning couldn't help but retort, but Zhou Ming said, 'If he were just released on bail, that would be so boring. On the contrary, it would encourage the French arrogance. Wouldn't that encourage them to bully us Chinese even more in the future?'

'By the way I'll let you know, although I'm not exactly a righteous person, I won't let others bully me like this and just let it go,' said Zhou Ming.

'So So, are you still hoping that the French President will come and apologise to you and let you go? If so, then I think that after you leave here, you should immediately ask your students to take you to a psychiatric hospital to have a look, because you really are seriously ill!' Binhai said mockingly.

Almost as soon as Binhai finished speaking, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and then the metal door to the detention cell was opened. A man who looked like a police officer walked in and asked loudly in English, 'Which one of you is Mr. Ming Zhou from Huaxia?'

Although Zhou Ming did not reply, but everyone's eyes betrayed him. The police officer hurriedly took a few steps to Zhou Ming's front and said politely, 'Mr. Zhou Ming Hello, I am very sorry. Due to a misunderstanding, our police officers have mistakenly arrested you and your friends. However, the misunderstanding has now been clarified, and you and your friends can leave at any time.'

'That's great, I told you we were innocent! It seems that Brother Zhou Ming's luck is much better than ours!' Jing Churen said happily.

But Zhou Ming did not show any intention of leaving. He looked up meaningfully at him and asked, 'I wonder how the officer would like to be addressed?'

The officer was stunned for a moment, as if he had not expected Zhou Ming to ask such a question at this time, but still stammered and answered, 'Draghi, that is my name, I am the sergeant of the airport police station.'

Zhou Ming said, 'I don't really understand your French police ranks, so I guess you're the one in charge here, right?'

'That's right, I'm in charge of everything here! Releasing you is within my power!' he said very confidently.

'I see So, Sergeant Drago, let's sit down and talk,'

Zhou Ming said to him, and while he was still talking, he sat down against the wall. This left Drago flummoxed. He had no idea why Zhou Ming had suddenly pulled this stunt.

'Well... Mr Zhou Ming, I just said you can leave here at any time. Are you not going to leave now?' Draghi asked.

Zhou Ming nodded nodded: 'Yes, I was arrested by your police for no reason, and they even went so far as to rummage through our luggage and steal our belongings. How can I just walk away when something like this happens to me? Besides, wait here for the president of your country to come and give us an order and an apology!'

Police Chief Police Chief Draji let out a gasp. 'Mr. Zhou Ming, I'm afraid this is a bit inappropriate. I know you have been treated very unfairly, but now that we have admitted our mistake, I promise to teach those two police officers a lesson. This kind of thing doesn't need to alarm the President, does it? If you want if you don't believe me, I can call those two police officers over right now and teach them a lesson in front of you...'

At this point, Zhou Ming suddenly looked up at him and asked, 'Sergeant Drudge, you came here to release us only after receiving instructions from your superiors, didn't you?'

Drudge was on the verge of losing his temper. He thought, now that he has come to release Zhou Ming, why don't you just go, but instead you ask all these useless questions? What the hell do you want?

Draghi was was very annoyed, but still politely said, 'Mr. Zhou Ming, I don't think this question is important. What's important is that we have discovered and corrected the mistake in time. We can also assure Mr. Zhou Ming that we will never make this kind of mistake again in the future.'

Zhou Ming shook his head and said, 'I'm sorry, Sheriff Drudge, I don't believe your assurances, or they are worthless. What I'm waiting for is an apology and an assurance from your president.'

Hearing that Zhou Ming said that, Draghi's face immediately turned very ugly. He said coldly, 'Mr. Zhou Ming, I hope you will stop being unreasonable here. Letting you leave now is I'm giving you a chance to leave. If you don't cherish this opportunity, it will be a great pity, because I'm not sure if there will be such an opportunity in the future.'

Draghi's words made the Binhai people very worried. He came up to Zhou Ming and said, 'What are you waiting for? Why don't you just say yes him? You don't want to go out? I want to go out!'

Even the Jingchu people advised, 'Yes, Brother Zhou Ming, although I can't fully understand what he means with my English level, since he wants to release us, we should cherish this opportunity.'

Zhou Ming looked up at them: 'Do you want to leave? If you want to leave, you can do so at any time, but I still want an apology from the French president. So for me, it's a pity, but I don't care.'

After Zhou Ming finished speaking Ye Ning immediately sat down and said aloud, 'Since the teacher is not leaving, then I, Ye Ning, will not leave either!'

Ye Ning was followed by Chen Shu and Li Yang also followed suit and sat down, saying that they would not leave either. Subsequently, the other students in the finance class also followed suit, one after the other, sitting down and saying that if Zhou Ming did not leave, they would not leave either.

This situation left Raj and several other Huaxia natives were stunned. They could never have imagined that their classmates from the finance class would be so loyal to Zhou Ming. This is too exaggerated! You should know that you are just teachers and students, not any kind of master and servant!

'Are you crazy? are you all crazy? Why would you give up a bright future outside and insist on doing such stupid things with your idiot teacher?' Binhai people asked in surprise.

'To say something is stupid, should be you yourself!' Ye Ning retorted without any hesitation. 'Do you think that without our teacher's arrangement outside, this police chief would have come to let us out and apologise to us? Although I know that we are certainly not as important as the teachers, so we can only support the teachers' actions here with our practical actions!'

'Crazy people, you are all a bunch of unreasonable psychopaths! If you're not leaving, I'm not staying with you!'

Binhai said, ready to leave, but was stopped by Sheriff Drudge, who yelled at him angrily, 'If Mr. Zhou Ming is not leaving, you are not allowed to leave either!'

After yelling at Binhai to go back . After sending Binhai back, Chief Drudge sighed and came to Ming Zhou. He smiled wryly and said to him, 'Mr. Zhou Ming, you are really a bit too arrogant.'

Zhou Ming also laughed, 'Of course. To me, people should be a bit arrogant.'

This made Drudge even even more helpless: 'You are right, it is indeed my superior who called to inquire about the situation and asked me to release the person immediately. However, I can assure you here that I really did not know about this situation. If I had known, I definitely would not have allowed them to do this!'

Zhou Ming was unmoved . Sergeant Drudge gritted his teeth and continued, 'Mr. Zhou Ming, I know that what we did this time has made you very angry. Then you can name some conditions. As long as they are within our power, I can promise you. Is that okay?'

'Of course it is. 'Zhou Ming replied with a smile.

These words made Sergeant Drago suddenly as happy as a person who has fallen into the water and finally received their own life preserver, but then Zhou Ming's next words made him feel warm and confident, only to suddenly feel as cold as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

'Sheriff Drudge, you can now go outside the police station to greet your president. I believe he is already on his way,' said Zhou Ming.