

In her last life, as a cold-blooded assassin, she died without leaving her body behind and was reborn to the time when she was 15 years old with a supernatural ability. Teaching a lesson to the parents whom are jerks, playing around with the selfish younger sister, slapping the faces of weirdo relatives. Outstanding and high combat ability, who said that both looks and intelligence can’t be applied to the same person? With that said, she got the attention of a military officer. “You’re suspected for the crime of murder, hacking into the general server system…… There’s too many crimes to be listed, you need to be apprehended immediately.” Song Ye raised her eyebrow and got onto the military officer, “According to Young Master Qin, if I want to be cleared off of those crimes, is there any good suggestion for it?” A certain someone’s eyes darkened and said, “Marry me.”

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26 Chs


After Song Ye said that, the whole class went quiet and silently looked at the expressionless girl as she crossed her legs. They thought that they might have imagined that.

The homeroom teacher also couldn't help but to observe the girl in front of her whose personality completely changed. With the hair cut short, not only her face went up more than a tier, but even her personality also got a make-over, daring to speak up in front of the class.

But as a teacher, she had to protect her pride and source of income as a teacher, and so, she also had to give a proper explanation of what happened. Without thinking much, she then frowned and looked at Song Ye,

"No matter the reason, the strong glue being applied on your table is an unchangeable fact. Go and stand outside the class now; I will come back to hand you your punishment after Tang Mei Ling's hand is dealt with."

From the standpoint of an adult, she knew how to avoid conflicts.

But they were only children. The worst case scenario is them calling their parents over, it's not that much of a problem at all.

Normally, these sort of thoughts would not be seen through by others, but the one she was facing against was Song Ye.

"Teacher, aren't you afraid that your reputation as a teacher might be tarnished if you were to randomly punish a student without proper evidence?"


The homeroom teacher was stupefied. Randomly? Tarnishing her reputation as a teacher?

Looking at the volcano that was about to erupt, Song Ye still remained unfazed.

"I had yet to touch my table from the moment I entered the class and everyone in this class can be the witness for it as well. And so, this also can prove that the strong glue was not applied by me."

Her voice was loud and clear and everyone was able to listen to it properly.

But then, when the homeroom teacher glanced over to question, all the students then lowered their head silently.

"Looks like no one is going to be Song Ye's witness."

The homeroom teacher slightly raised her brow, her voice indicating the feeling of regret, but her eyes were filled with scorn.

"Song Ye, you should properly reflect over your own behavior. It's one thing being uncooperative, but if you go on bullying your classmates and lying, what will be of you in the future?"

Song Ye scoffed coldly in her heart, being indifferent to the pretentious lecture. She then glanced around the students in the classroom; even though nothing can be felt from her glance, it somehow still made them feel ashamed.


Amidst the silence, a silhouette suddenly stood up. Following the voice, the sounds of a chair and table crashing into each other could be heard.

Song Ye directed her eyes over. It was Wang Tie Chuan that was reprimanded by Tang Mei Ling earlier.

Although Wang Tie Chuan was not doing well academically, he was actually quite tall and excelled at sports, making him the sports representative of the class. Even though he was only standing there, his face was actually red,

"I can be the witness for Song Ye. The strong glue was not applied by Song Ye but it was Zheng Feng that applied it to prank Song Ye."

After the sentence ended, another silhouette hurriedly stood up. The short and chubby girl pointed at Wang Tie Chuan and shouted,

"Stop speaking nonsense, you hooligan! I did none of that! You're pinning the blame against me!"

Hearing her calling him 'hooligan', Wang Tie Chuan began to feel angry and walked towards Zheng Feng's seat, in an angered tone,

"You fucking say that one more time!"

Wang Tie Chuan's father was a rogue and so he was discriminated against and called a hooligan since he was a kid.

Zheng Feng was scared by his reactions and walked back one step, knocking into a table,

"Ah! Teacher, he wants to hit me!"


The homeroom teacher was so angry it almost seems as if her eyes were on fire. She really wanted to chase out all these students out of the class as they caused such a ruckus during the first day of school.

Wang Tie Chuan who had raised his hands up, was suddenly grabbed by someone. The soft and cold sensation had caused him to stiffened and when he turned his head over, he saw that Song Ye had stood behind him since who-knows-when,

"Let me settle this."

The cold, four words that had no intonations was able to calm him down for reasons unknown. Wang Tie Chuan chewed his lips before subconsciously stepped back.

The jealousy of Zheng Feng who was by her table had grown wildly like grass, had her subconsciously scoffed,

"What, are you saying that you dare to do anything to me in front of the teacher- Ahh!"

Before she could finish her sentence, Song Ye had grabbed onto her arm and pressured her ulnar nerve. The pain from that caused her to squirm and jumped while screaming.

At the moment she had jumped away, Song Ye stretched her hand into her desk and grabbed a bottle of strong glue out of it.

"Teacher, with this, am I still guilty?"

Song Ye raised her hand and swung the item in her hand to the table in front of the homeroom teacher.

As a normal student, something like strong glue was not a necessity in class. With the evidence shown in front of her, no matter how much she was unhappy with Song Ye, she had to point the gun towards Zheng Feng. With a dark face,

"Zheng Feng, head to the staff room immediately and call your parents over. You don't need to attend this class period today."

"Teacher, I…"

Zheng Feng still wanted to say something but didn't dare to say any more after being glared at by Tang Mei Ling.

The homeroom teacher then called a few boys to move the table away.

Seeing the mock in Song Ye's smile, Tang Mei Ling was very sure that she did that on purpose to aggravate her and embarrass her. As the belle of the school that had became the joke of the day, with her hand stuck on the table and being brought out, she was so embarrassed that she was unable to raise her head. Thinking back on how things did not go the way she wanted it to, she had began to hate Song Ye even more.

With that, the first class period ended up being a self study period; but the class became busy as the students whispered to each other while glancing at Song Ye in between their whispering.

No matter her appearance or cold aura, Song Ye's performance today was way too shocking and left a deep impression in the boys' and girls' heart.

Losing her table, Song Ye crossed her arms and quietly looked out of the window. The sunlight during a winter's day hit her face, like a thin layer of sheet; her skin that was so fair that it almost appeared to be pale looked as if it was glowing. Her long eyelashes, amber colored eyes, and even the angle of her chin was attractive. In the classroom of such a small town, her very existence seemed almost as if it was glittering as well.

Suddenly, she felt a presence approaching her. Song Ye then looked over and saw Wang Tie Chuan carrying his table on one hand and a chair on the other and placed it beside her.

Facing Song Ye's calm glance, Wang Tie Chuan awkwardly scratched the back of his head for who-knows-why and laughed sheepishly,

"Thanks for stopping me earlier. And now with me sitting next to you, no one will dare to bully you anymore."

I doubt anyone will dare to bully me.

Song Ye thought that but she did not reject him.

"Mmn, thanks."

This boy for sure knew about Song Ye's circumstances in the class; and with him standing up to be a witness for her, there must be a disagreement among him and his peers. And so, she's acknowledging his boldness.

Flipping over the textbook in her hand and looking at the familiar words, ever so rarely, Song Ye's heart felt peaceful and warm.


The squable between Song Ye and Tang Mei Ling in the third year first class was known to the whole school. As the entrance exam was drawing near, as if seasoning was added into the nerve wrecking atmosphere in the school, a slight disturbance can be felt in the air. After the classes were done, there was even some people that came all the way over just to take a look at the good looking student from the gossips.

As for Song Ye, she had packed her things and hurriedly went out of the classroom the moment the bell rang.

She actually only went back to the hotel and prepared herself to have a jog and exercise. After cutting herself off from the Song family, she was going according to her own life's rhythm. Under the situation where she was not worried about her food and water, she must hurry and increase her strength and ability.

She jogged by the riverside from late afternoon till evening; with the light from the evening sun reflected from the river to her face, her face seemed to be covered by a layer of golden light.

When she stopped at her final destination, which was nearby the school, she wiped the sweat off her forehead and was about to head to the stalls located at the back of the street to eat the dumplings.

As she was walking down the slope, she saw a fight happening nearby- No, it was a one-sided fight where one side outnumbered the other. The tall student that was hit curled his body on the floor and he did not plead or begged even with all those punches and kicks directed to him.

The opponents were slightly older than him and was clearly not one of the students from her school. Now that they felt satisfied from beating him up, they then began to insult him,

"Hah! Are you scared now? We'll let you go if you were to call us 'My Lords' and crawl under our crotch, hahaha…"

Men should never be humiliated by crawling under other's crotches; but these men did that in order to humiliate and insult him.

Even under the dark lighting and the face of the boy hugging his head cannot be seen, Song Ye was still able to recognize the boy as Wang Tie Chuan due to her photogenic memory.

Without any hesitation, she walked over and when the man was about to spit on Wang Tie Chuan, she landed a punch onto that man's arrogant face.


That man shouted in pain and was sent flying a few meters away and rolled on the floor even after he landed.

*"You son of a bitch, dare to fucking beat my brother up, you're gonna regret it!"

After declaring war, they then began to fight without further ado and Song Ye had only took all of it as a warm up. She dodged left and right to train her agility and used unique technique to strike their body's weak points. Even though it did not seem as if she had exerted any strength, all the hits were in fact, fatal.

The opponents felt more and more scared as they fought. They originally thought that Song Ye, who seemed short and thin was a more easy target to bully than Wang Tie Chuan, but as they began to fight, they felt that something was more and more off. The spots where they were hit was so painful that is was unbearable. Would it be that this boy had used some dark magic?

A fight with five against one, Song Ye had only trained for five minutes and all of them was scared senseless and ran away.

On the other hand, Wang Tie Chuan that was beaten one-sided had froze up as he watch all of this unfold before him. They didn't know about it, but he knew clearly that the one standing in front was Song Ye who was a she, and was someone that would begin to cry after a classmate slightly scolded her in the past; but now she had beaten away five men at the same time.

"Can you stand up?"

Song Ye, with a cold looking face, turned towards Wang Tie Chuan who was staring blankly on the ground.

But Wang Tie Chuan was unable to come back to his senses and was only able to swallow his saliva and stammer,

"S-Song Ye?"

Don't tell me this person was possessed by something weird?!


Song Ye replied shortly and stretched out her palm, indicating that she was going to help him up.

Wang Tie Chuan then was able to regain his senses and got up from the ground by himself. With his body at 175cm slightly bowing, he then sheepishly thanked Song Ye,

"Thanks for your help earlier. your skills were very, very splendid."

Yes, it was splendid as every punch was neat, and with her handsome face, there was an indescribable beauty.

In regards to compliments such as these, Song Ye did not react to it, but she remembered what he had told her this morning in class,

"No one will be able to bully you as long as you are my desk mate."

Wang Tie Chuan blanked out and smiled brightly soon after. When he was about to say something, he then looked behind Song Ye and happily waved his hand, shouting

**"Xu Ge!"

From behind her, footsteps can be heard coming near her but she did not turn her head back. This is because when she had began to fight, she felt these few people were nearby watching everything.

Following the presence that got nearer and nearer, a deep and attractive voice can be heard,

"Chuan Zi, it seems like I'm not needed to save you. Where did you know this cool dude?"

While talking, the guy had raised his hand and was about to place it on her shoulder as if they were brothers. When Wang Tie Chuan saw that, his facial expression changed and before he can say anything, Song Ye had grabbed onto the guy's arm and using the momentum, she twisted his arm behind his back, the force that she had exerted was enough to cause the guy to groan in pain.

Due to their current position, Song Ye was able to see the face of this Xu Ge and was slightly shocked as it was a face she knew.

Xu Zi Hang was also stupefied and subconsciously wanted to free his arm but soon found that he was unable to exert any force at all. The fingers that was grabbing his wrist felt cold, making people shivered from how cold it was.

Wang Tie Chuan had also became anxious and hurriedly explained,

"Song Ye, you're misunderstanding. This is my leader, Xu Zi Hang from first class. He was not doing that out of ill intent."

Song Ye also did not plan to cause any trouble to the other party and let the arm lock go. She still appeared to be unperturbed under the unhappy face of the other party.

The few people behind Xu Zi Hang were angered by that,

"Chuan Zi, what's up with this? Xu Ge was only greeting, did he even need to be so harsh?"

"No, all of you had misunderstood."

Wang Tie Chuan scratched his head and only began to do introductions.

"This is Song Ye, my deskmate. And is a she."


The surroundings then went quiet and Xu Zi Hang was also dumbfounded. As they had watched Song Ye's movement from the back, leaving the stature that seem quite short, with the short hair and cool movement, they had find her to be quite the charming young man and subconsciously thought that is a he.

Xu Zi Hang then turned his head over to observe Song Ye and had find her to be quite the good looking one. When he moved his glance downwards and reached….. Hmm, there was still a slight bump there.

And so, the famous Boss Xu of San Zhong became awkward. Mistakenly taking a girl as a bro and causing such a scene to happen.

Finally, the few boys, saying that it was fate that they met each other, would like to treat the warrior Song Ye to something; and the stall that they went to was the dumpling stall.

"Ahem, if you're not used to eating this, we can change to another place to eat."

When all of them sat down and began to shout and order for food, only Xu Zi Hang had noticed Song Ye sitting there quietly and thought that she did not like it here and asked her.

"No, it's good."

Song Ye still had her usual expression on her face where her emotions can't be noticed easily, causing the people around to be confused.

Xu Zi Hang then curled his lips to a smile and sat down, while Wang Tie Chuan was more attentive,

"Eh, Xue Ge. Song Ye is always like that but she's not a bad person at all. You will know after you know her long enough."

Xu Zi Hang did not mind much about it afterwards. After the few of them were done with the preparations, they then began eating.

The eating speed of boys were considerably faster and their motions were rough as well. The only one that was of the same speed as Song Ye was Xu Zi Hang. Song Ye was able to deduct from his behavior and eating etiquette that he had came from either a rich or noble family.

But with him leading a bunch of delinquents was what was confusing.

After finishing their food, they were originally going to go separate ways but the boys were curious about Song Ye and invited her to play basketball.

After thinking for a moment, Song Ye then nodded her head,

"There's bound to be a winner and a loser in a match; and with winners and losers, there will be rewards and punishment. So why don't we make a bet?"