
Rebirth; Lost In Oblivion

It's already known that the world is headed for two ends; an evolution or an extinction. Well, for this fantasy world, there is a little bit of both and a third one included in the equation; this is none other than REBIRTH. Read as the humans of that world-changing era, with a group of individuals as the center of the story navigate the whole era as they try to grasp the new changes being dumped on them while also trying to survive through the perils of the world-changing era. On top of these, there's also an otherworldly being who narrates the whole ordeal and gets their life influenced by the lives of the group of individuals from a first point of view and not the usual third point of view.

K1ngRox1E · Fantaisie
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39 Chs

Visitors from the depths.

Very few people chose this scenario and they found themselves scattered across a mysterious planet, far from each other.

Each person had entered through a door from different locations on Earth, with no guidance or instructions on what to do next.

They were left to fend for themselves, alone and bewildered, in this strange new world.

At first, the planet seemed eerily empty, with only floating rocks hovering several kilometers above a burning core.

But, as one group of survivors trekked through the desolate landscape, they stumbled upon a remarkable discovery; a single, ancient structure that stood out like an oasis in the vast, barren expanse.

It took them a couple of hours to reach the building, their footsteps echoing in the stillness.

As they approached, they couldn't help but wonder what secrets this mysterious edifice held, and whether it might hold the key to their survival.

As they approached the ancient structure, they couldn't help but gaze in wonder.

The building's two tall spires reached up towards the sky like giant sentinels, flanking a massive curved arch that looked like a giant's doorway.

The large stone door at the entrance was adorned with strange markings; runes that seemed to hold secrets and stories of their own.

The door appeared to be locked, but it hummed with a quiet energy, like a gentle engine purring in the stillness.

The walls of the building were covered in symbols and pictures - hieroglyphics that glowed softly, casting an ethereal light on the ground.

The stone itself seemed to shine with a faint blue light, as if it were imbued with an otherworldly essence.

As they stood before the structure, they felt a sense of awe and trepidation.

What secrets lay hidden within these ancient walls? What mysteries would be revealed if they could only unlock the door and venture inside?

The building seemed to whisper secrets in the wind, beckoning them to come closer, to explore its depths , to stay in its cool embrace and uncover the truths that lay within.

But for us, that was the least of our problems.

Knowing about such a building wouldn't do us much good if we didn't live long enough to reach there.

As we were deciding whether to continue our journey to fall to our deaths out of extreme exhaustion from walking or stop and suffer the same fate, the floating rock beneath us shuddered.

As the rock shuddered, two towering, lumbering monstrosities emerged from the depths, their fiery eyes blazing like molten lava.

They moved with a slow, deliberate gait, their massive bodies unfolding like living furnaces, their skin a deep, smoldering red.

The air around them seemed to ripple and distort, as if the very heat emanating from their bodies was warping the already extremely hot atmosphere.

Their claws scraped against the rock with a deafening screech, sending sparks flying in all directions.

The ground trembled beneath their numerous feet as they moved.

In a sudden surge of adrenaline, my exhausted body found new energy, propelling me to seek safety behind Jackson Lee, the most capable member of our group.

Without hesitation, Jackson Lee charged forward, confronting the two monstrous creatures.

As the creatures came closer, I saw that each creature had two words hovering above them - "Lava Trolls" - projected in a rectangle of light, similar to the beam we had encountered before our journey to this strange planet.

But unlike before, the words were surrounded by a faint blue glow, subtle yet unmistakable.

Jackson Lee charged forward with a fierce battle cry, his bare fists clenched in determination.

The two lava trolls, their eyes fixed on him with a burning intensity, lurched forward to meet him, as if they sensed his battle strength surpassed the rest of us.

The air was electric with tension as the three clashed in a flurry of punches and flames.

Jackson Lee dodged, his agility and quick reflexes allowing him to avoid the trolls' slow but powerful swings.

He landed several good hits, but his fists barely made an impact on the trolls' molten hide.

The creatures retaliated with waves of intense heat, forcing Jackson Lee to stumble back, his skin scorched and blistering.

The rest of us except Dae-su Han moved further backwards , to prevent us from being swept up in the intense battle between two different species of varying power and might.

Undeterred, Jackson Lee launched himself at the trolls once more, using his speed and agility to evade their clumsy attacks.

He targeted their eyes, the only vulnerable spot on their bodies, but the trolls' sheer strength and endurance made them formidable opponents.

As the fight raged on, the ground beneath their feet began to crack and smolder, the heat emanating from the trolls' bodies causing the rock to melt and bubble.

Jackson Lee's movements grew slower and more labored, his breathing ragged and his muscles screaming in exhaustion.

Just when it seemed like all was lost, Jackson Lee spotted an opening and made a desperate lunge at the nearest troll's eyes.

His fingers slipped past the creature's defenses and dug deep into its sockets, causing a burst of molten lava to erupt from the wound.

The troll stumbled back, blinded, and Jackson Lee took advantage of the reprieve to strike at the second troll with all his might.

The battle was far from over, but Jackson Lee's determination and cunning had given him a glimmer of hope in the face of overwhelming odds.

His body battered and burned, his vision blurring, he refused to yield, fueled by a fierce will to survive and protect his companions.

Dae-su Han burst into the fray, his eyes blazing with determination.

He hadn't done that before but his intuition guided his actions.

With a swift motion, he raised his palms, and to the astonishment of all, flames erupted from his hands.

He directed the fiery blasts at the blind lava troll, striking it with precision and accuracy.

The creature howled in pain as the flames danced across its body.

Seizing the opportunity, Jackson Lee unleashed a flurry of punches at the second lava troll, taking advantage of its momentary confusion.

Dae-su Han continued to channel the flames, switching his target to the second troll.

The fire seemed to intensify, engulfing the creature's massive body and causing it to stumble.

The two combatants, emboldened by Dae-su Han's unexpected intervention, pressed their advantage.

Jackson Lee landed a series of decisive blows, while Dae-su Han's flames continued to scorch the trolls' bodies.

The creatures' molten hide began to crack and harden, their movements slowing as they succumbed to the relentless assault.

With a final, triumphant cry, Jackson Lee struck the finishing blow on one while Dae-su Han's flames finished the other, and so the two lava trolls collapsed, defeated.

As the last lava troll crumpled to the ground, Jackson Lee and Dae-su Han stood victorious, their chests heaving with exhaustion.

The air was heavy with the smell of smoke and molten rock, but a sense of triumph and camaraderie hung between them.

The hovering words appeared in front of each of them, unknown to anyone that wasn't the two, proclaiming,

"Congratulations, you have defeated a lava worm. You're a step closer to your next level."

The two fighters shared a nod of respect and gratitude, their bond deepened in the heat of battle.

As they caught their breath, a strange energy began to emanate from the defeated lava trolls.

The air seemed to vibrate with an otherworldly power, and Jackson Lee and Dae-su Han felt their bodies begin to feel lighter and as the exhaustion was slowly lifted from their bodies.

The ache in their joints and muscles and the rest of their bodies disappeared as if it wasn't there to begin with.

They felt a mysterious strength return to them and in matter of seconds they were back to how they were before they started the journey through the strange planet

Jackson Lee felt his reflexes quicken, his senses heighten, and his fists grow stronger.

Dae-su Han felt more energetic and cool.

Even his insides were cooled down with his organs back to normal and not looking like a molten mess.

Only what mirrored the strange planet's core was the expanse of his soul, somewhere deep in his consciousness.

As their strength returned, the two fighters gazed at each other, awestruck by the transformation they had undergone.

Their eyes gleamed with a newfound sense of purpose and power.

"Did you feel that? "

Dae-su Han exclaimed , excited totally forgetting the horrifying and mysterious nature of the whole situation and how he was freaking out just moments ago.

"Yes. I ... energy"

His words were broken but he didn't fail to convey what he meant.

Dae-su Han smiled looking at his arm and then back at his friend's battered knuckles , an effect of the battle that had just happened.

"This is crazy "

He said.