
Rebirth; Lost In Oblivion

It's already known that the world is headed for two ends; an evolution or an extinction. Well, for this fantasy world, there is a little bit of both and a third one included in the equation; this is none other than REBIRTH. Read as the humans of that world-changing era, with a group of individuals as the center of the story navigate the whole era as they try to grasp the new changes being dumped on them while also trying to survive through the perils of the world-changing era. On top of these, there's also an otherworldly being who narrates the whole ordeal and gets their life influenced by the lives of the group of individuals from a first point of view and not the usual third point of view.

K1ngRox1E · Fantaisie
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39 Chs

The beginning of the end

Dae-su Han was looking even paler than usual as he pressed on the sides of his head as if that could prevent the feeling that his brain could explode at any moment.

It wasn't just his head but his whole body felt like it was going through a sudden evolution as opposed to the gradual one that had been happening to every species on Earth over time.

Every cell, molecule, and atom in his body felt like they were being disassembled and assembled back again.

It was as if the creator of humans felt like they needed to go through a sudden change or something.

His body seemed to be changing, shifting, almost like it was being transformed from the inside out.

His limbs looked as though it was longer, his torso almost seemed more slender, and his skin took on a glossy pale sheen. Or were the eyes of the body I became also affected by whatever was happening?

It was as if he was being reborn, reborn into something new, something different.

This was happening to all the humans. They were all transforming, becoming something else entirely, but the process of transformation felt different for each of them.

My abilities only allowed me to glean into the stories of everyone on Earth making it seem like I am an almost omniscient being but in reality, I am far from that.

I couldn't really tell what exactly it was that was being transformed in their bodies. I would only know that when they knew, so in reality I was as blind as everyone to what was happening.

The scene unfolded before me as the two writhed in agony, their bodies contorting under the overwhelming sensation of transformation.

It was as if every nerve in their bodies was on fire, overwhelmed by an intense surge of stimulation. With each passing moment, it became apparent that their very essence was undergoing a profound and forceful metamorphosis.

If their thoughts weren't affected they'd all be cursing the one who was responsible for that. If their thoughts weren't affected there'd be a thousand curses rising into the sky and that would surely cause the one who was responsible for what was happening to rethink what (they) was doing.

But instead, there were loud and incomprehensible screams coming from everywhere humans could be found. The cacophony of screams echoed through the air, a chorus of agony that seemed to emanate from the very core of the earth itself.

It was as though the planet itself was writhing in pain, every corner echoing with the collective anguish of humanity.

Their once coherent thoughts now fragmented into chaos, torn apart and reshaped into something unfamiliar.

It was as though their minds were undergoing a profound transformation, leaving behind the remnants of their former selves as they were thrust into an uncertain new reality.

As their physical bodies convulsed in agony, it seemed that even the deepest recesses of their being, where their souls were said to reside, were undergoing a harrowing metamorphosis. It was a transformation beyond the reach of their conscious minds, an upheaval that shook the very core of their existence.

As I observed the chaos unfolding before me, questions flooded my consciousness.

What was the purpose behind this drastic transformation?

Was it the herald of an apocalypse, signaling the end of humanity as we knew it?

Or was it the apocalypse itself, happening just as I decided to exist amongst the humans?

And if so, what would become of me, a being whose existence was intricately tied to the lives of humans?

Something akin to agony filled the body that I had become and this sensation coursing through my being was unsettling, as if the very fabric of my existence was unraveling. It was a stark reminder of my vulnerability, of the possibility that I too could cease to exist if the purpose of my existence was suddenly taken away.

But who was to say this was an apocalypse and not an evolution like I had initially thought?

If this were truly an apocalypse, why did it not bring swift destruction?

Could it be that what is happening is not a cataclysmic end, but rather the tumultuous birth pains of a transformative evolution?

From the looks of it, the cause of what was happening to everyone was from the same source and if I were to guess what the cause was I would say that it was from the one who created the humans.

If it stemmed from the creator of humanity, what could be the intent behind such turmoil?

But what do I even know?

When I didn't know anything about my existence or the source of my existence who am I to tell the existence of the humans or to figure out the reasoning of fate or happenings like this?

If one looked at the little scenery without knowing what was happening everywhere else it was easy to think that I was somehow telepathically causing harm to the two.

Somehow it felt as though the scream coming out of the lips of Jackson Lee was filled with more pain and more torture. Whatever it was that they were going through, he was feeling it multiple times over.

Every human on earth was going through the same experience but at various degrees.

As seconds stretched into agonizing minutes, bodies fell at disparate locations across the globe, and simultaneously stories in the great library were turning gray, marking their inevitable conclusion.

Even though the knowledge of what they were experiencing was so limited that I basically knew nothing, I could surmise that those who had succumbed to death either bore a more heightened weight of their ordeal or lacked the stuff to endure.

"What is that stuff? " You might ask. I have no idea.

The stark contrast in the depth of suffering among individuals was unmistakable, with some enduring far greater burdens than others.

Strangely, it became apparent that the more resilience one exhibited, the more the overall situation seemed to spiral into worsening chaos.

For individuals like Dae-su Han, teetering on the brink of being torn asunder and obliterated, the relentless force acting upon them seemed to reach a plateau, neither escalating nor diminishing.

Yet, it was precisely these individuals who continued to succumb, their bodies falling lifeless to the ground with each passing moment.

I didn't know these other people, except for their stories in the past week and part of their past that I was exposed to within the last week.

But I did meet Dae-su Han and even though our encounter was really short it still left an indelible mark, fostering a genuine fondness for him and being helpless to do anything to help him was really frustrating, more than my own struggle to grasp the enigmatic events unfolding around us.

Jackson Lee and Chimsy found themselves in the same level of torment. With each fleeting moment, the relentless force sculpted their very essence, molding their body, mind, and soul through cycles of creation, destruction, and reconstruction. As the force intensified, so did their agonized cries, echoing louder and louder, yet they tenaciously clung to life amidst the tumultuous onslaught.

Despite their minds fracturing and reconstructing with each passing minute, and their consciousness teetering on the precipice of oblivion, they all tenaciously clung to life, fighting against the relentless tide threatening to engulf them forever.

Indeed, it's striking that while some persevered due to their resilience, individuals like Nurse Victoria, exemplars of endurance, succumbed in the initial throes of the apocalyptic event or hopefully a forceful evolution, suggesting a complex interplay of factors at play.

But would it be called an evolution if more than half of humanity lost their lives in the process?