
Rebirth; Lost In Oblivion

It's already known that the world is headed for two ends; an evolution or an extinction. Well, for this fantasy world, there is a little bit of both and a third one included in the equation; this is none other than REBIRTH. Read as the humans of that world-changing era, with a group of individuals as the center of the story navigate the whole era as they try to grasp the new changes being dumped on them while also trying to survive through the perils of the world-changing era. On top of these, there's also an otherworldly being who narrates the whole ordeal and gets their life influenced by the lives of the group of individuals from a first point of view and not the usual third point of view.

K1ngRox1E · Fantaisie
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39 Chs

First I have to leave, but how?

The girl's house was probably on the wish list of every human on earth. It's indeed surprising that despite having all the material things within her grasp, they failed to ignite her dwindling will to live.

But guess what? Out of everyone in a horrible or even worse predicament, she ended up being graced by the presence of an almost omniscient being who somehow doesn't know how to apply the knowledge about driving a car into practice.

Carrying the unconscious girl in my arms with my nostrils being assaulted by the vile stench emanating from her, I walked to the door. Finding the door wasn't difficult because of the simplicity of the way the house was built.

Upon reaching the door, I cautiously loosened the bolt securing it, stepping out without concern for leaving it improperly locked behind me. The state of the house became inconsequential in the face of the owner's peril.

The urgency to ensure the owner's safety overshadowed the meticulous details of securing the property.

My omniscience is inherently flawed as the information about any human I possess is limited to what flowed through my consciousness in the past week.

To glean more details about any human, I have to visit the library and peruse through the unfolding stories of their lives.

Indeed, my shock was palpable upon encountering the girl's compound. The information I held about her was limited to the past week, and realizing she had endured her dire situation for a duration surpassing my own existence left me genuinely shocked.

"Phew" a new wave of fresh air filled my lungs as I stepped outside the house and for a moment I felt relieved of the putrid stench of the unconscious girl.

The compound was spacious, adorned with a once beautiful array of tiny flowers and plants. However, their current wilted and dying state transformed the scene into a macabre display—an undeniable testament to weeks of neglect from their owner.

"Wait," I said as a thought came across my mind.

Oddly, even with my almost omniscient awareness, it didn't dawn on me that we'd need a transport system to get her the necessary help.

The realization struck as I noticed an old, black, rickety car parked at the far end of the compound. That was the only part of the compound that wasn't overgrown with crazy plants and weeds.

"Does that even work?" I bore an expressionless face, already used to the myriad of surprises the girl always seemed to have. Even if the car somehow could work how the heck would I drive it without a key?

"Damn!" I exclaimed as I almost let go of the girl to make a facepalm.

So, what I did was carry her back to the house in search of her car keys.

"I need to be paid for all of this. " I thought as I tried to look for the key that I had no idea what it looked like.

You might be thinking " Why don't you just check from the information that you know about her? " but no, it doesn't work like that.

During the past week, her actions were minimal, confined to drowning repeatedly in a single daydream, with little thought given to anything else. Unfortunately, the car or anything outside her room didn't make the cut into her thoughts.

"Such a pain"

And to assess any information I had to go back to the great library and browse through her story to find whatever I was looking for.

"Finally," I said as I spotted a single key on the table in one of the rooms. "I'll be damned if this isn't the actual key to the car. I'll just give up and leave you "

Stepping outside once more and experiencing the shift in the air's nature that filled my nostrils, I approached the car.

Trying the key, as if sensing the urgency, the vehicle emitted a click sound. I recognized the significance of that sound. It was basically a showcase of the opening of the car door.

In fact having observed countless human stories, ranging from the most average driver to the sports racer I was very sure that I knew everything about actually driving cars.

I placed the unconscious girl at the back of the car which was painted with dust. "You'll have to manage my dear," I said as I didn't bother cleaning off the dust. Not like any rag could clean off the dust the car accumulated in weeks. What the car needed was several rounds in a car wash.

As I settled in the car I looked at the car parts in front of me and my side; the car wheel, the hand brake, the accelerator, and the brake pad.

For the past one week of my existence I've seen so many humans handle so many different cars both manual and automatic kinds but actually being in one felt different.

For the umpteenth time since I came physically to earth, I was proven that living life through the countless stories of countless people wasn't the same as actually living through a story on your own. There are a lot of mistakes bound to happen. It was a whole new level of experience.

I put the car key in the ignition and started the car only to...

"Argh" I let out a yelp as I nearly crashed the car into the wall of the unconscious girl's house, stopping just a few inches away.

That force was enough to push the unconscious girl forward making her land in the footrest space at the back of the car.

"Hopefully I don't end up killing you before getting you help " I muttered as I looked at the car again with my leg pressed on the brake pad like someone's life depended on it because it did.

I was basically immortal since no matter what happened to the mundane body I inhabited that wouldn't put an end to my existence.(Although on the grand scheme of events I wasn't entirely immortal since I had a lifespan of 10,000 years which was a lot when compared to the lifespan of humans but still wasn't limitless ) But that wasn't the same with the unconscious girl, who for some reason continued to feel distant and distant with each passing moment.

"Don't tell me you finally gave in to death when you finally see something that's real and not conjured up by your insane imagination." I wondered as I shifted the hand brake to the reverse sign. An unconscious person still gave away a certain signal even if their story was paused but a dead person's story would just end up losing their connection with me. And for the unconscious girl, this signal was slowly fading away constantly.

I got out of the car and stepped towards the gate when I realized that of course, I had to open the gate in order to leave the compound.

The ride outside the compound wasn't the smoothest I've ever seen. It was full of abrupt stops and abrupt acceleration... If not for the seat belt I could've flown into the windshield so many times. I was so sure that driving wasn't my favorite thing.

As for Chimsy, there was nothing I could do. She lay at the back of the car being pushed around by the irregular and horrible driving.