

Alex a person living in modern earth has died and reincarnated into the world of shinobi he never wanted this all he wanted is to lazy around and enjoy life but the fate is cruel as the selected world for him became world of shinobi where the strong survive and weak perish as he exactly knows that let's see what he do

Killerarrow007 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs


Pakura and alex are training in the forest and pakura soon tired and stoped but Alex still continued he never stop training not one bit he continues his training only rests and again train in his mindscape there are 1000 clones train with different styles each time he train outside for his physique so he can be agile

pakura saw this and asks Alex what is your goal why are you training so hard .Alex was surprised by the question and told her to bring war as soon as possible

pakura was horrified by the thought and asks why?

to unite the whole world as one nation no kage no nonsense only one ruler can stop this madness

pakura calmed down and she did not understand what he is saying

Alex looks at her confusion and laughed and asks pakura right now if you are in your village and found me right in front of you what will you do

pakura was surprised by the question but thinked what will she do she think she will either kill him or capture him

kill or capture isint it right laughed Alex

pakura nodded as she doesn't want to lie

now after spending time with me what do you think

pakura thought she never want to leave him now she grown to like Alex that's what she thought

Alex smiled and asked pakura if we settled in a village and make home sure in my generation we will be fine but what about next what about after that

pakura also thought they will definitely go to war sooner or later

you see pakura basic mentality of the people in this world is stupid beyond idiotic god they believe what the strong people say they just follow blindly without rhyme or reason only the strong were supposed to be living that's the mentality of the world but the current situation is anything but normal believe me this war will change lot of things

but to resist that I need people with exceptional abilities so we are going to search for them let's see where fate take us even if it death

...in konaha....

after Alex left Naruto trains himself all day there is no news of him it's like he disappeared no one can tell information about Alex but he clearly remembers it" only the strong and smart people gets a say in anything so become strong until you become strong you will never see me only when you become a kage level shinobi you will meet me" I have to be strong is what only in his mind he gave up on being idiotic personality like fooling around with everything, he still meets his friends but he gave most of his playfulness his mind only has one thing "I have to find my brother" nearby him his team mates and kakashi were there they can only sigh

Sakura:sensei will he be alright

Sasuke having another thought how did he disappeared he is not a ninja the same thing is on everyone mind

kakashi also wondering how his sensei child has left and he already knows about everything as he left Naruto key to his sensei house

meanwhile danzo was furious as one part of his weapon has escaped and has no traces and he cannot be marked as missing ninja as he was not a ninja of konaha he is only a civilian if he mark him consequences will be unimaginable so his hands are tied on open but in secretly he can do anything so he was doing his search in secret

meanwhile jiraya was back as he was summoned to konaha

in meeting

the elders of the counsil says

jiraya we want you to become next hokage so what do you say

no we will make Tsunade as the hokage said jiraya as the talk continued and making Tsunade as hokage was accepted and jiraya has decided to take Naruto on the mission

danzo adds his mission find Alex uzumaki jiraya nodded as he to was worried about his students son he owe him that much to take care of his student son so he accepted and gone


meanwhile Alex thought let's go find my cousin Karin thought Alex as they made their journey towards village hidden in grass