
Rebirth in KurokoNoBasket [DROPPED]

[OFFICIALY DROPPED] A basketball and sports anime fan died due to malfunction/bug in the system made by GOD which managed the life and death of the people in the multiverse. GOD apologetic about his death gave him a chance to be reborn in a world of his choice with a few wishes. See the journey of the guy who chooses to be reborn in the world of Kuroko No Basket/Basuke. Your usual reincarnation with wishes trope but I will try to make it as enjoyable as my measly creativity can make it to be. The name of many OCs will be taken from different sports anime and there personalities and appearance too might match so be at a lookout for them. --------------------------------------------------------------- DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/FmEUWu4Ty7 --------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: I don't own any character other than my OC. The cover pic is also not mine. Cover edited by Lasagna_God.

FictionOnlyReader · Anime et bandes dessinées
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202 Chs

Teiko's Thoughts

[A/N: Ok, As I was watching the anime for some references, I thought about if Kuroko joined the Teiko team in his first-year or second-year. It turns out that there is a plot hole in the story (or at least in the anime).

After Seirin lost to Too (Aomine Daiki's School), in the champions league, Kuroko told Kagami that he joined the team in his second year, but during the Teiko flashback arc, during Kuroko's first match (Season 3, Episode 63), the coach rebuked Nijimura for playing too hard as the match was to review an all "first-year" lineup.

But either way, I have screwed up Kuroko's entry to the team in this fic because even if Kuroko joined the team in his first year, he did it after the Nationals (Season 3, Episode 63, same episode; two girls asked Satsuki if Aomine is single, they were impressed by his performance in the Nationals).

So sorry for the mess up, but I will not be changing the setting.]


Like Tokiwadai, Teiko also won their first match in round two, and same as Tokiwadai, they too achieved victory with a double score.

Teiko's coach had called a meeting after dinner.

Sanada Naoto (Teiko's Coach): "Today's performance was great, we won by a double score."

Everybody on the team smiled at the compliment.

Sanada, who too was smiling, now donned a serious face, everybody felt a little puzzled after seeing the drastic change in expression.

Sanada: "We were not the only team who won by a double score today. Tokiwadai middle school also won by a double score. Momoi-san, if you would."

Satsuki booted the video of Tokiwadai vs. Kyosen and handed the coach a sheet of paper.

Sanada: "The target of interest is Tokiwadai's first-year member, Kageyama Shun. Let's look at the first half of the game before I explain anything."

As the members watched the game, their faces became more serious by each succeeding minute, by the time the first half ended, all the present members had one thought, that Kageyama Shun was strong.

Sanada: "Like you, all saw Kageyama Shun's scoring ability in the first half was equal to Nijimura-kun on our team."

Haizaki Shogo who also present said,

Haizaki: "Coach, why are you wasting our time by showing us this video, even if this Kageyama guy is as strong as the captain, the rest of his team aren't that good. We will easily win if we played against them."

Most of the reserve players had similar thoughts as Haizaki, they didn't think that Teiko would win easily, but they did think that they would win.

The only who didn't come to any conclusions were the captain and the first years.

Sanada sighed at Haizaki's statement and the look on the members of the bench.

Sanada: "If things were that simple, I wouldn't have called this meeting. Kageyama Shun scored sixteen points, one rebound, and two steals in the first half of the game, but his stats at the end of the game were; forty points, fifteen steals, two blocks, and three rebounds. The games' final score was 84-39."

All members without exception took in a deep breath after listening to Shun's final stat.

Satsuki could sympathize with the looks the players were expressing on their faces; she too had a similar expression on her face when she first looked at Shun's performance.

Sanada nodded as he was successful in conveying how serious was the topic of this meeting.

Sanada: "Now that you know how serious this matter is, please watch the second half of the game."

In the second half of the game, Teiko's team saw how Kageyama Shun destroyed Kyosen Middle School.

They hadn't so many turnovers in a single game. Kageyama had cut down Kyosen's ability to attack and turned it into his power with the help of steals.

Sanada: "Would any like to say something."

Akashi raised his hand,

Sanada: "Go ahead, Akashi-kun."

Akashi: "From what I saw in the video, I can conclude that Kageyama Shun has a frightening ability to predict the plays with high accuracy. We also know that he started stealing in the second half, but what we don't know is if he could do it from the start. Some questions can't be answered now because we don't have enough information.

Tokiwadai and Teiko would meet at the finals, given that both of us win all our games, which means that we still have three games worth of data we can analyze."

Akashi had a few ideas on how to stop Shun from stealing, but he didn't say anything because he was not completely sure of his ideas yet, he wanted to watch more of Shun's game, before coming to any conclusion.

The meeting ended with Teiko deciding to watch more of Tokiwadai's future games, before coming to any conclusion.


The first-year's were given the same room to bunk in, the current topic was, of course, Kageyama Shun.

Midorima: "What do you all think after watching Tokiwadai and Kageyama Shun."

Kuroko: "He is extremely skilled and has a great basketball IQ."

Aomine: "That guy is really strong, did you see how easily he passed those defenders."

Murasakibara: "It doesn't matter, he can do whatever he wants, but if he comes to the paint, I will stop him."

Haizaki: "You sure say some nice things Murasakibara, he looks like a guy who would hate to have things taken away from him."

Midorima: "What about you, Akashi. What do you think?"

Akashi who had not said anything since he arrived in the room, finally opened his mouth,

Akashi: "The skill he showed in the second half was amazing. To be able to predict play is a great asset, but I think we can stop him from reading our plays."

Everybody stopped talking and carefully listened to Akashi,

Akashi: "I don't know for certain, but I think Kageyama Shun needs some time before he can read the plays, I think he analyzes the opposition for the first half and then read the plays in the second half. But we have somebody who he cannot read."

Everybody looked at Kuroko, they all had seen what Kuroko could do on a court when he was effective Teiko became a monster in terms of team play.

Akashi: "Kuroko-kun adds a factor that he cannot read, and if I make sure to hold back some of our plays in the time he analyzes, we would be able to reduce his ability to read us."

If there was one thing everybody in the room would agree upon was that Akashi was extremely smart, and most of the time he would be correct. So no one doubted that Akashi would come up with a plan to Kageyama Shun.

Teiko's day ended with them thinking about one player that had shown them something amazing, and they were already preparing on how to stop him.

How are you guys,

I didn't think I would be upload this chapter for another 12 hours but I somehow managed to do it, so here you go.

The release date might slow down a little for the next few chapters(One chapter/day) as I have to write a very long report.

Longer than the current length of this fic, but don't worry I won't stop updating, there will always be a new chapter every day.

Oh yeah, my exams got canceled because of COVID-19 and the quarantine. So, hurray!

Tell me what you think about this chapter,

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