
Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

In a modern world, a devoted cultivator sacrificed himself to save his beloved. Fate granted him a second chance as a shinigami in the "Against the Gods" universe. Equipped with the Ultimate System, he became Yun Che, a pivotal character. He now seeks not only personal power but also a way back to his love, defying the rules of the universe itself. Join him as he pushes the limits of power, challenges gods, and reshapes his destiny to reunite with his beloved.

Nora_Danish · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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190 Chs

Chapter 34: Fire Spirit Evil Body

After receiving a scolding from Jasmine for something he had contemplated, Yun Che retraced his steps back to the cave. He invited Jasmine to join him in his inner world for a little surprise, to which she silently consented with a nod. As Jasmine reentered his inner world, Yun Che decided to spend some time practicing with Tensa Zangetsu. After cultivating the Great Way of the Buddha, the sword felt unbelievably light, as if it weighed no more than a feather.

With his arm strength now increased by ten tons, he found the massive sword incredibly easy to wield. Yun Che reminisced about a training session with Hoyuu where the latter had showcased a unique fighting style. Hoyuu had swung Zangetsu by using its white strap, effectively converting short-range combat into long-range attacks. Inspired by this, Yun Che was eager to experiment with his own swordsmanship, attempting to emulate Hoyuu's unpredictable style.

Undoing his Bankai, Yun Che began to swing Khyber Zangetsu in the most bizarre and unconventional ways possible. It took some time to get the hang of it, but thanks to the sword's newfound lightness, he was able to swing and control it with remarkable precision, much like Hoyuu. He made a mental note to incorporate this new fighting style into his combat repertoire when facing opponents in the future. He couldn't help but wonder if that bastard Hoyuu would be willing to teach him to swung Zangetsu using only its straps.

After ten minutes of practice, he felt the healing effects of the Great Way of the Buddha kick in, restoring 10% of his HP, Spirit Force, and Stamina. While this was undoubtedly useful, Yun Che recognized that reaching higher stages of the technique would be necessary to significantly enhance his healing capabilities.

"Alright, enough fooling around," Yun Che mumbled to himself as he took a seat and prepared to inspect the rewards bestowed upon him by the system. He initiated the Jinzen, entering his inner world.

Upon entering, Yun Che couldn't help but notice the remarkable changes that had taken place within his inner world. The central tree, symbolizing his spirit force, had grown significantly larger and now bore leaves. He recalled the system's explanation that the tree's size was directly linked to his spirit force. His island had also expanded, now resembling a vast stadium. Nearby, he spotted a smaller island featuring a silver pagoda. His Zanpakuto orbs continued to orbit around the main island.

With Jasmine now present in his inner world, Yun Che was eager to explore the rewards granted to him by the system.

"Miii Lordd!!!!! Onii-Chan!!" Yun Che recognized those voices, but he wasn't particularly thrilled to hear them as it meant.....

"Arrrghhh!" Immediately, he found himself tackled to the ground by Shirayuki and Sogyo No Kotowari. The force of Shirayuki's tackle felt like being hit by a speeding truck. However, being dogpiled by three girls did have a certain appeal.

"Shirayuki? What are you doing here?" Yun Che asked as he lifted his head to see the culprits responsible for his sudden ambush.

"Eheee, everyone's here after the changes in this world. They said this world's air was fresher and filled with power. And... I missed you so much," Shirayuki replied, her voice filled with affection, hugging him tightly.

"Onii-chan, did you bring snacks for us?" Sogyo No Kotowari, on the other hand, had different priorities. After being fed pills from the Xiao Clan, these girls treated them like candy, despite their value to cultivators.

"Alright, alright. I'll give you girls some later," Yun Che reassured them with a pat on their heads.

"Yeay… candy, candy!" Sogyo No Kotowari's twin girls jumped around him excitedly like happy children.

Shirayuki was right; since his body was upgraded by the Great Way of the Buddha, the air around them was even fresher, and it was teeming with Heaven and Earth energy. This kind of environment attracted spirits to gather here.

Not only Shirayuki and the twin girls, but Zabimaru's twin spirits, Hebi and Saru, were also present.

Hebi possesses a captivating allure, her silky black hair cascading like a sable waterfall, gracefully extending down to her waist. Her bewitching beauty is nothing short of mesmerizing, leaving anyone who gazes upon her utterly entranced. Accentuating her enigmatic charm, a delicate lotus ornament adorns the right side of her head, adding an air of elegance to her already irresistible presence.

Her attire, a half-worn red and white kimono, further enhances her captivating image. The kimono, with its vibrant colors and intricate patterns, exposes her shoulders and cleavage, lending an alluring yet mysterious quality to her appearance. However, what truly distinguishes Hebi is her unique blend of human and serpent features. Below her waist, her smooth, platinum silver-white scales glisten in the light, a testament to her extraordinary nature. These scales merge seamlessly with her serpentine lower half, completing the beguiling portrait of a creature both alluring and exotic.

Saru stands tall, her imposing figure exuding an air of confident allure. Her body is adorned in a lush coat of vibrant green fur, which blankets most of her form, leaving her chest and abdomen enticingly exposed. Cascading down to her ankles, her light mallow hair adds a touch of elegance to her otherwise wild appearance, featuring striking black markings on her bangs that accentuate her distinctive beauty. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of light green, hold an enigmatic charm, drawing others into her captivating gaze. A solitary beauty mark adorns the left side of her chest, a subtle yet alluring detail that adds to her unique allure. Wrapped around her waist, a chain completes her mysterious and enticing ensemble, hinting at a concealed power that lies within her.

These two had given him nothing but trouble during his training in their inner world, relentlessly pursuing him. They were determined to make him theirs, even though Yun Che's strong willpower resisted their seductions easily. However, those girls weren't planning to give up anytime soon.

Old Man Zangetsu was sitting on one of the branches at the top of his spirit force tree, enjoying the fresh air and admiring the serene scenery. As for Hoyuu, he was once again infuriating Jasmine, as usual. Those two seemed to be getting along quite well.

As Yun Che approached, Saru and Hebi noticed him and started running toward him. "Yuuki-sama, take me right now," Hebi whispered seductively while slithering toward him. "No, take me instead," Saru chimed in, running toward him as well.

"These girls…" Yun Che sighed, knowing all too well what this meant. It was the age-old struggle of snakes and monkeys, and they were incredibly persistent. Yun Che sidestepped their tackles, causing them to tumble into each other.

Hebi, with her captivating beauty and serpentine grace, caught her master off guard with her tail. It was a sudden and playful gesture. As Yun Che found himself ensnared, he couldn't help but struggle for a moment against the unexpected predicament.

However, it wasn't long before Yun Che reached out and seized the end of Hebi's tail, eliciting an involuntary moan from the black-haired, snake-like beauty. As Hebi, with her scales glistening in the ethereal light, eventually released Yun Che from her playful grip, it was Saru's turn to seize the moment.

The curvaceous and green-furred spirit lunged at him, but Yun Che was ready. He grabbed Saru's tail while side-stepping from her way, rendering her momentarily weak with surprise. Then, he simply walked away like it was nothing.

"Yuuki-sama, you're so mean," both of them pouted, looking up at him with puppy eyes. Yun Che, however, was not easily swayed by temptation and simply replied, "Alright, you two, with your shenanigans. We have work to do, and I don't have time for this." He helped them to their feet before moving toward Hoyuu and Jasmine.

"Haaaiiii!" the two girls chorused before following closely behind him. That didn't mean they were giving up on their pursuit, though.

Yun Che approached Jasmine, who was still chasing Hoyuu in an attempt to exact her revenge. "I see you're having fun," he remarked.

"Hmph, what kind of fun can this princess have with this idiot here??!!?? I'll have his head if my strength wasn't sealed by the system," Jasmine continued to chase Hoyuu, demanding that he surrender himself so she could exact her vengeance.

Yun Che sighed once more. This place was getting livelier day by day. Regaining his composure, he sat down under the tree while the others minded their own business. He accessed the system notifications to review the stored notifications.


[Ding… Congratulations on completing the main mission and obtaining the 'Evil God Seed of Fire.' Rewards: One Wisdom Cube]


"Wisdom Cube? Holy hell, I have four now. I can initiate an Ultra Rare summon from the world of Bleach. I'll do it after I receive the other rewards. What kind of rewards might the system have in store for me?" Yun Che stored the cube into his system to initiate a summon later.


[Ding… You have obtained the Spirit Profound Realm Reward Box. Open?]




[Ding… Host has obtained the 12th Division Captain Haori and Two Wisdom Cubes. Sky Poison Pearl's poison capabilities have been upgraded with Miasma. Benihime's concepts have been uploaded to the host's future Zanpakuto, Hyourinmaru.]


"What… That's it? No Zanpakutos?" Yun Che demanded an explanation from the system. He had been promised a Zanpakuto for every Grand Realm he achieved, but this time, he hadn't received any Zanpakutos at all.


[Ding… Host will not be given Azogi Jizou because it is a poison-type Zanpakuto. Since the host already possesses the Sky Poison Pearl, Azogi Jizou's miasma capabilities will be transferred to the Sky Poison Pearl instead. There's no need for the host to possess a Zanpakuto with similar capabilities as the Sky Poison Pearl.]He wondered for a while. Turns out the system was right. He had already possessed the Sky Poison Pearl. He didn't need Azogi Jizou anymore.

[Ding… As for Benihime, its capabilities are the same as Zangetsu's. Its Bankai, however, is deemed useless because you've cultivated the Great Way of the Buddha. However, the system has compensated by uploading Benihime's Shikai fighting techniques to Hyourinmaru. You will be able to use Benihime's Shikai abilities using Hyourinmaru once you achieve the Sky Profound Realm. The system has provided you with two Wisdom Cubes as compensation.]


After hearing the system's explanation, Yun Che let out a sigh. It appeared that Benihime's fighting abilities were similar to those of Zangetsu. From what he understood, he could use Benihime's skills through Hyourinmaru in the future, once he reached the Sky Profound Realm. He had been planning to achieve that realm before the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament began. Well, at least he now had six Wisdom Cubes; just two more, and he'd be able to initiate another summon.

Regaining his composure, Yun Che took out the Evil God Seed of Fire. The seed immediately drew the attention of his spirits and Jasmine. They gathered around, curious about the treasure he was holding. For humans, the bright red seed appeared to be an ordinary bead with no apparent powers, but for them, its capabilities were fascinating, like moths drawn to a flame.

"So much power in one single bead. What kind of heavenly item is this?" Old man Zangetsu inquired after seeing its radiance.

The other spirits echoed similar thoughts, but the twin little girls saw it as potential snacks. Yun Che explained to them the function of the Evil God Seed of Fire and the existence of other seeds as well.

"So, what do I do now, Jasmine?" Yun Che asked.

"Eat it, of course. That's the only way to absorb its powers. You'll feel its effects once you digest it," she replied with a shrug.

"Hmm, here goes nothing," Yun Che nodded before tossing the seed into his mouth. It didn't take long before...


[Ding… Discovered the 'Heretic God Seed of Fire.' This seed enables the host to be immune to all kinds of fire, even those cast by higher cultivation cultivators. The seed also increases all fire-based Arts and Zanpakuto's offensive powers by 100%.]

[Initiating Fusion]

[Fusion Successful]


Suddenly, his world underwent a profound transformation. Below the system, a medium-sized sun formed, radiating warmth and causing the air to become even fresher. The spirits were delighted because this was their ideal world now. The sun began to revolve around the system's core. For Yun Che, it was a majestic sight to behold. What had once been an empty void had transformed into a magnificent world.


[Ding… Fire Spirit Evil Body obtained. The host is now permanently immune to all kinds of fires. All fire-based offensive powers are increased by 100%. The spirits are also immune to all fires.]

[Ding… As a bonus for obtaining the seed, the host's cultivation level has automatically increased by 5.]

[Ding… The host is now Level 50, Grand Perfection of the Spirit Profound Realm.]


"Holy shit, immune to all kinds of fire? This means I can cast Amaterasu (Hell's fire) on myself and not get hurt? It also means those firebending bastards can't harm me at all. This is awesome. Too awesome. This is how the original Yun Che must have felt after becoming immune to fire," Yun Che thought, contemplating the wonders he could achieve with this newfound immunity. Additionally, he was only two levels away from regaining his original cultivation level.

Jasmine was genuinely pleased for him. The Fire Spirit Evil Body would forever protect him from fire cultivators. However, he still needed to be cautious of their overall strength. The changes occurring in his world were indeed bizarre. What would happen if he collected all of the Evil God's seeds?

Satisfied with his current progress, Yun Che displayed his newly cultivated techniques.


[Body Techniques]

The Great Way of the Buddha (First Realm)

Regenerate and restore 10% of the host's HP, Stamina, and Spirit Force every 10 minutes. Increase the host's arm strength by 10 tons.


[Fire Spirit Evil Body]

Permanently immune to all kinds of fires. All fire-based offensive powers are increased by 100%.


With his preparations complete, Yun Che muttered, "Alright, now that that's done, it's time to summon an ally."

Seed done..Now the Summon

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts