
Rebirth in a Favorite RPG

The top player of Nexus, Earth's most acclaimed VR MMORPG, finds himself compelled to leave behind his beloved game due to the rising dominance of pay-to-win mechanics. Yearning for a touch of nostalgia, he dives back into his all-time favorite RPG, now enhanced with cutting-edge VR technology. However, he experiences nostalgic disillusionment as his dismay at the outdated graphics and gameplay prompts an overnight modding spree. Yet, as he immerses himself back into the virtual realm, he faces an unexpected hurdle: the inability to log out. -- [Passives:] -- -- [Elven Race:] -- Amplifies mana manipulation skills. -- [Human Race:] -- Grants a 50% boost in EXP gain due to inherent adaptability.

Bruno_oliveira · Fantaisie
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51 Chs

23 - Battle Royale 2

Battle Royale 2

The battlefield was enveloped in an almost supernatural silence, the kind of stillness that only occurs when the world seems to freeze to capture the gravity of a pivotal moment. The last golden rays of the setting sun kissed the earth, as if hesitating to bid farewell to a day that had been anything but ordinary.

Gwen, whose eyes had been glazed over in shock until now, snapped back to reality and ran to Jon. Her eyes sparkled, reflecting a blend of unbridled joy and admiration. "You did it, Jon! You won!"

Jon hugged her, but it was a brief embrace. His eyes were locked onto Carter, who was beginning to rise from the ground, dusting off his armor. "It's not over yet, Gwen," Jon murmured. His voice was low, but each word was saturated with a tension you could almost touch.

Gwen, sensing the seriousness in Jon's gaze, turned and saw Carter regaining his composure. A shiver of apprehension ran down her spine. "But you hit him so hard," she said, her voice tinged with confusion and a touch of fear.

Jon let out a bitter smile, his eyes still fixed on Carter. "He underestimated me, and that was a mistake. But make no mistake, he's very strong."

At that moment, subtle fluctuations of air began to form around Carter, as if the very atmosphere was reacting to the intensity of his focus. It was an almost ethereal sight, as if he were drawing energy from nature itself.

Carter, now standing, locked eyes with Jon. "It seems you still have some tricks up your sleeve," he said, a reluctant smile forming on his lips.

The tension in the air was palpable, almost like a physical entity, as Jon and Carter faced off. The battlefield seemed to have narrowed, reduced to an invisible circle containing only the two combatants. The crowd, Gwen included, became mere shadows in their peripheral awareness.

Carter raised his sword, the blade reflecting the setting sun as if ablaze. "So, boy, are you ready for your final act?"

Jon didn't respond. Instead, he assumed a defensive stance, his sword raised at a calculated angle. 'Focus,' he thought, 'I can't afford to be distracted.'

Carter lunged, his sword slicing through the air with astonishing speed. Jon barely dodged, the wind from the strike ruffling his hair. 'That was too close,' he thought, sensing the imminent danger.

"You have quick reflexes, I'll give you that," Carter taunted, spinning to launch another attack.

"What are you afraid of, boy? Fight like a man!" Carter jeered, gearing up for another strike.

Just then, an arrow flew toward Carter, diverting his attention for a moment. It was Gwen, positioned at a safe distance but clearly focused on the battle.

'Now!' thought Jon, seizing the momentary distraction. He attacked, but Carter was too quick, blocking the strike and pushing Jon back.

"You really thought an arrow would stop me?" Carter laughed, but there was a note of uncertainty in his voice. 'Why do I have to disqualify a kid with so much potential?' he wondered, a flicker of doubt crossing his mind.

The fight continued, a ballet of steel and skill. Each of Carter's strikes was deftly evaded by Jon, who seemed to be in a state of almost zen-like focus. The audience was on the edge of their seats, the suspense escalating with each exchange.

Jon stepped back, his breath quickening. He shot a quick glance at Gwen, who caught the signal. Another arrow flew, this time faster.

Carter dodged again, but that gave Jon the split second he needed. He lunged forward, his sword meeting air instead of flesh, but it was enough to make Carter retreat.

'I can't beat him in strength, but maybe we can beat him together,' Jon thought, casting a grateful look at Gwen.

Carter shifted his gaze from Jon to Gwen, realizing for the first time that he might be underestimating his opponents. He raised his sword for the next strike, but something in his eyes showed newfound hesitation.

Jon barely managed to raise his sword in time, the metallic impact reverberating through his bones. 'He's a storm in human form,' Jon thought, struggling to maintain his balance.

"You're doing well, but not well enough!" Carter taunted, his sword sweeping elegantly through the air before striking again.

Dodging by a hair's breadth, Jon felt the cold whoosh of the blade pass by. And once again, he looked at Gwen, who understood immediately. She released an arrow, but Carter intercepted it with an almost lazy flick of his sword, never taking his eyes off Jon.

"It's a shame, kid. In a world ruled by strength, you're at a disadvantage," Carter murmured, a flicker of regret crossing his eyes.

With an almost inaudible sigh, he unleashed a crushing blow.

Jon tried to parry the attack, but the force was overwhelming. His sword was knocked away, and he fell, defeated but not destroyed.

"It really is a shame," Carter whispered, turning to Gwen.

In a blink, he was upon her. Gwen tried to dodge, but wasn't quick enough. With a precise strike, Carter disarmed her, her weapon falling lifelessly to the ground.

Silence fell over the crowd, the outcome undeniable. Gwen would place first in the second trial, and Jon second. Carter sheathed his sword, his face a complex mix of relief and a subtle form of sadness.

"It's the natural order of things," he murmured, more to himself than to anyone else, as he walked away, leaving Jon and Gwen to face the harsh reality of their standings.

The anticlimactic ending hit the audience like a punch to the gut. Initially skeptical that the young competitors stood any chance of winning, the spectators found themselves surprised and even dared to believe they were about to witness a miracle. But in the end, it was only their collective desire to see something extraordinary that deceived them.

While most had already forgotten Carter's machinations, a voice erupted from the crowd. "How can this be considered a fair test? My son was clearly the only target throughout the competition!" The voice belonged to Helena, Jon's mother, and carried a mix of irritation and sorrow.

"Dear, let it go. There's nothing we can do about it," replied Eric, veins pulsing on his face, a clear indication of his urge to jump into the arena and confront Carter personally. However, aware of the brutal reality of a world where power dictates the rules, he held back and tried to calm his wife. After all, their son had still secured one of the spots for the Imperial Academy, he thought...

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